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Turkish Missile Programs

It is the BORA missile though, and apparantly it can be shot from a Yildirim missile launch vehicle (which should not be that shocking since BORA is developped from the Yildirim)

Can we say BORA is same as Yildirim II ?
No GPS for the SOM? All new generation cruisemissiles are like that?

True for SOM-B2 in according to table! Interesting.
May be a typo error. Also in SOM-J, 1000 lbs roughly approximates to 450 kg, not 500.
True for SOM-B2 in according to table! Interesting.
May be a typo error. Also in SOM-J, 1000 lbs roughly approximates to 450 kg, not 500.
Bro there are many errors in this table.I don't understand how they are making these errors while all information about Som avaailable on Roketsan and Sage's website.
Bro there are many errors in this table.I don't understand how they are making these errors while all information about Som avaailable on Roketsan and Sage's website.
Because there exists insane amount of misinformation about the defense industry, mixed with politics. Especially some news agencies close to the government do make usually nothing sort of garbage news; their job is informing people, but when it turns into spreading propaganda, you should pretty much ignore those news.
Because there exists insane amount of misinformation about the defense industry, mixed with politics. Especially some news agencies close to the government do make usually nothing sort of garbage news; their job is informing people, but when it turns into spreading propaganda, you should pretty much ignore those news.

what a stupid post, the list comes from hakankilic:-). we should ignore your post.
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