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Turkish Missile Programs

I think 5 meters is not a problem for MK82 bombs. There is no difference between hetting hit by that on your head and 5 meters away. Nobody will find your pieces anyways. :)

From official TSK Instagram account.
Bora-Kaan [Khan] füzesi icin gecen sene (2018de) bu grafigi hazırladım

There might be several stages of course. Probably 3.
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İt is not pure parabolik why?
These ballistic missiles are bulky and already have passable maneuvering capabilities at sea levels. At those very high altitudes, the dynamic pressure is very low due to minimal velocity gain (possibly some loss, even though with thrust) while gaining altitude and very low atmospheric density. Therefore, it probably needs to lower its altitude in order to increase its dynamic pressure (by gaining linear velocity and atmospheric density), so that it can maneuver as required (probably that there exist some tactical requirements regarding high impact angles, might be related to decreasing reaction time, visibility and decreasing impact dispersion resulting from navigation errors). Of course there exists an engineering tradeoff in terms of range, trajectory shape regarding smaller energy losses at higher altitudes.
It is the BORA missile though, and apparantly it can be shot from a Yildirim missile launch vehicle (which should not be that shocking since BORA is developped from the Yildirim)
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