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Turkish Missile Programs

Oh it is bad news:(
Hisar systems only against subsonic speed object? which crazy can fly with Su-27 or Mig29 or F-16 on the Turkey? Or is it possible fighter attack?
What is the different of Iron Dome? Spèed?

Anlatamamis olabilirim:
Hisar turu sistemler mig-su gibi savas ucaklarina karsi uretiliyor cunku boyle bir tehdit roket tehdidinden daha cok?
Veya Turkiye'nin en cok hangi unsurlardan hava korumasina ihtiyaci var?
Bence yakin gelecekte kimse ustumuze mig yollayamaz , ancak her an sinirlarimizdaki ISIScilardan grad yagmaya baslaysbilir? Yaniliyor muyum?
Ikisindende korunalim, oda olsun oda olsun.
Burada yine top atisinin ve topcu roketlerinin ne kadar vazgecilemez oldugunu bir kez daha goruyoruz.
may be Korkut can destroy those smerch or other rocket launcher systems with its AHAED bullets. Otherwise, it will not be financial to destroy those rockets with expensive missiles.. Also, Laser weapons will be able to destroy shels, as USA successfully tested it recently.. Turkey also mentioned that it tested its own Laser weapon and will be ready in 3-4 years..
Will see Korkut ammo which is developed with Germany and of course laser weapon. It will be also important for ALTAY. Hard kill makes 20% of the ALTAY unit price.
Will see Korkut ammo which is developed with Germany and of course laser weapon. It will be also important for ALTAY. Hard kill makes 20% of the ALTAY unit price.

"Will see Korkut ammo which is developed with Germany.."

source please
"Will see Korkut ammo which is developed with Germany.."

source please
Sure. I am on mobile in the sun.:cheers: Posted about it ago . Will send it later

A first info for you bro @Combat-Master

programmable Ahead ammo developing and coop coop with Germany . Will follow. You know MANTIS?

The weapon, which builds on the Skyshield air-defense system, was extensively tested in Turkey in 2009. The defense ministry awarded Rheinmetall a €110.8-million procurement contract for the first two systems, and a €13.8-million ammunition contract.

The NBS uses Rheinmetall’s 35 X 228-mm Millennium revolver gun, which fires a version of the Advanced High Efficiency and Destruction (Ahead) programmable round.
"Will see Korkut ammo which is developed with Germany.."

source please

@Combat-Master .......MORE will follow

I am always trying to POST serious INFOS, some you may trust me or not. It's your Thing.
For some Infos you will never get sources and links ! (Intelligence and other sensible Infos)

Rheinmetall plant Waffenherstellung in der Türkei - DIE WELT

Rheinmetall MKEK Technologies . MKEK will be responsible for production and Rheinmetall for production Management for middle calibre ammunition ! MOU signed on IDEF 2015 and will include future innovative ammunition Technologies and Protection Sytems !


Rheinmetall Defence - News archive 2015 Rheinmetall and MKEK sign memorandum of understanding for joint cooperation

Quote :

Quelle: http://www.bundeswehr.de vom 14.05.2009

Die deutsche Bundeswehr erhält nach einem Beschluss des Haushaltsausschusses des Bundestages zwei Systeme des sog. NBS C-RAM (Nächstbereichsschutz Counter Rocket/Artillery/Mortar (gegen Raketen/Artillerie/Möser)), einer Weiterentwicklung des Skyshield-Systems, im Wert von rund 136 Mio. Euro. Ein System besteht aus einer Kontrolleinheit, zwei Aufklärungseinheiten und sechs 35-mm-Kanonen. Das NBS C-RAM ist in der Lage, anfliegende Geschosse zu erfassen und mit den 35-mm-Kanonen zu zerstören. Die Feuergeschwindigkeit der Waffen liegt bei rund 1.000 Schuss/min, es wird eine spezielle Airburst-Munition mit 150 Einheiten Submunition verwendet. Bei Tests in der Türkei im Jahr 2008 erwies sich das System als äußerst zielgenau und effektiv. Eine Beschaffung weiterer Systeme ist vorgesehen. Das NBS C-RAM dient v.a. dem Schutz der afghanischen Feldlager in Kabul und Kundus, die zunehmend von irregulären Kräften unter Beschuss genommen werden.

And one last link @Combat-Master

Air and Missile Defense Systems | Capabilities | ASELSAN

Aselsan is not an ammo supplier. But MKEK and they Need a TECH Partner, thats Rheinmetall;
they Need cheap production facilities otherwise they will fail again and again;

as the DANISH Deal with MOWAG Switzerland ! Thats the win win chain !

Türkiye tries it from 2009 on as the System was tested in TÜRKIYE (MANTIS similar KORKUT)

And if I write that Armenia (your Country ;)) is a global Player in weapon smuggling to @Bismarck ,

then you can believe , also what I wrote him. No conspiracy - Facts or Knowledge .

ALLAH'in bildigini KUL dan saklayamazsin. "Es pfeiffen die Spatzen vom DACH" (German Proverb).

Here is an open and monitored platform and thats good so. Shall they know what the whole world know,

except Details which can risk People or operations .

Thank you for reading

TURKISH PRESS will follow soon with EVIDENCE
Its just his bogus he will tell u that its a secret only he knows of.

Yürü isine bak ! Go and ignore me and answer not my Posts ! Mr. ex PM DALLEMA

READ or be quite for ever, Analphabet or ?

Last sentence in your language : "Versteck Dich niemals, spuck alles aus . Alles andere ist Feigheit und mangelnde Zivilcourage"!
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Sure. I am on mobile in the sun.:cheers: Posted about it ago . Will send it later

A first info for you bro @Combat-Master

programmable Ahead ammo developing and coop coop with Germany . Will follow. You know MANTIS?

The weapon, which builds on the Skyshield air-defense system, was extensively tested in Turkey in 2009. The defense ministry awarded Rheinmetall a €110.8-million procurement contract for the first two systems, and a €13.8-million ammunition contract.

The NBS uses Rheinmetall’s 35 X 228-mm Millennium revolver gun, which fires a version of the Advanced High Efficiency and Destruction (Ahead) programmable round.

There is a Nato Firing Range in Turkey for Nato Members and Allies

Will see Korkut ammo which is developed with Germany

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Sile - eskiden (Bogazlardan gidilen bir mevkii ile beraber) SAT egitim alani idi, benim icin yeni bilgi - milli ? :tup:

Sinop , Milli ?

Cok Tesekkür ederim.
Yürü isine bak ! Go and ignore me and answer not my Posts ! Mr. ex PM DALLEMA

READ or be quite for ever, Analphabet or ?

Last sentence in your language : "Versteck Dich niemals, spuck alles aus . Alles andere ist Feigheit und mangelnde Zivilcourage"!
Du bist echt der größte Wichtigtuer, einfach nur peinlich.
@Combat-Master Dear friend.

Air and Missile Defense Systems | Capabilities | ASELSAN
You read the official MOU from Rheinmetall and Aselsan is developing programmable 35 mm ammo.
MKEK has not production plant for it yet. But will become Rheinmetall production Partner for modern future medium caliber ammo and protection Systems.

What is now your expert conclusion ? Will Korkut shoot with Stones ? Sorry, that I ask so simple at last ?

Du bist echt der größte Wichtigtuer, einfach nur peinlich.

Weißt Du was "Knigge" ist ? Gern schenke ich Dir die letzte Ausgabe
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