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Turkish minorities caught up in the Ukraine whirlwind

I can clearly see now that you are obviously some kind of an expert, concerning this topic. Now is totally clear that only way to stop Russia, is Turkey attacking Greece, Macedonia and Serbia.

Just for a second lets look at some stupid facts:

On one side we have Turkey, member of the NATO, and candidate for the EU membership.

On the other side we have Greece, which is also member of the NATO, and member of the EU. Then we have Macedonia, which will become member of the NATO as soon as they solve the name problem with the Greeks, and they are also candidate for the EU. Finally we have Serbia also EU candidate.

It is clear now that war between these countries would stop the Putin. War inside NATO, would clearly give him some worries. He would probably think, if they are stupid enough to wage war between themselves, who knows what else they are ready to do.
Nice thinking outside the box :cheers:.

Guy, what an idiotic analysis. Completely out of line. Read again what I wrote. Lets have a civilized debate.

Issue at hand - How to stop Russian advance in East Europe ?

- What is required is a 2nd Front. Read and educate. Throughout centuries Europe's policy had been to support Ottoman empire (how do you think it survived over six hundred years !), because that was the second front to check Russia, otherwise Tsar's would be dining in Vienna long time ago !
- Very unlikely Turkey will become a member of EU in near future. They are better off now then nose poking from Brussels.
- Turkish advance in the Balkans (non EU territory) or in the Caucasus (I suggested earlier) would create a 2nd front for Russia.
- Russia will be forced to deploy it's resources in the South to counter any Turkish threat(backed by NATO). This effectively will end Putin's dream of advancing in Eastern Europe.
- Two front's, Nato in the west & Nato backed Turks in the south will check further advance of Russia.

Just curious, why don't you lay down a plan unless you are happy what's going on Ukraine & Moldova.
Guy, what an idiotic analysis. Completely out of line. Read again what I wrote. Lets have a civilized debate.

Issue at hand - How to stop Russian advance in East Europe ?

- What is required is a 2nd Front. Read and educate. Throughout centuries Europe's policy had been to support Ottoman empire (how do you think it survived over six hundred years !), because that was the second front to check Russia, otherwise Tsar's would be dining in Vienna long time ago !
- Very unlikely Turkey will become a member of EU in near future. They are better off now then nose poking from Brussels.
- Turkish advance in the Balkans (non EU territory) or in the Caucasus (I suggested earlier) would create a 2nd front for Russia.
- Russia will be forced to deploy it's resources in the South to counter any Turkish threat(backed by NATO). This effectively will end Putin's dream of advancing in Eastern Europe.
- Two front's, Nato in the west & Nato backed Turks in the south will check further advance of Russia.

Just curious, why don't you lay down a plan unless you are happy what's going on Ukraine & Moldova.

Wow...look at a map of Europe and tell me how Russia will "advance in the Balkans" without going first through Ukraine and Romania? Ukraine isn't exactly an ally of Russia and Romania is in NATO and quite unfriendly towards Russia, to put it midely ..

What I find quite funny is how good relations have became between some E European (my country included) countries and Turkey, after half of a millennium of almost constant war....:)
What I find quite funny is how good relations have became between some E European (my country included) countries and Turkey, after half of a millennium of almost constant war....:)
Because we all have the same goal, living in peaceful countrys that can offer you a good life which can not be archieved throught wars.
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