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Turkish minorities caught up in the Ukraine whirlwind

Why does this ALWAYS happen to us?
Only a strong Turkic world can help us. If you are weak, you will always be prey to others. It is really sad what is happening because we can't do anything at the moment :/

Turkey serves as a safe heaven for Turkic peoples all around the world. They could come to Turkey until things calm down but I hope in the future Turkic world will be strong and can follow and protect her interests.
Help us. Bring Iranian gas into international market. Break Russian gas export dominance.
Nabucco Pipeline Agreement
Help us. Bring Iranian gas into international market. Break Russian gas export dominance.

That would be in everyone's interest:

1- Iran could increase its share in Natural Gas Market;
2- Turkey could make a lot of money by allowing tranist of contributing countries Natural Gas;
3- EU energy dependency on Russia's Natural Gas would be greatly reduced.
And many more benefits...

However, its all up to EU, Iran and Turkey both are up for it, now we'll have to see whether EU is willing to sacrifice its long-term energy security by making wrong decisions or not. They already made that wrong decision once and the result was increased dependency on Russia as EU's main Natural Gas provider.

I expected EU to be more rational, for example had they agreed with Iran's role in Nabucco, Western companies could invest in Iran, make money and at the same time guarantee EU long-term energy security, they would have more leverage on Iran by turning it into their Energy suppliers and having Russia as an alternative (and vice versa) in case of any radical shit in EU policy than just to simply put all their eggs in Russia's basket!
Turkish govt should always take an exceptional approach to fellow Turkics. Sure, law and legal procedures should be followed in order to avoid discrimination, but if the situation is really dire, the govt should not hesitate to accept these people into Turkey. It hurts Turkey's prestige among Turkic people. If Turkey's door is not open to them, we could lose these people to other countries with all its consequences. Really saddening how ignorant some of our politicians are.
There is something which people need to know Ahiska dont hate Russians.
We like them and most Ahiskas can speak Russian and even in Ukraine most Ahiska side with Russia
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Caught between a rock and a hard place. It's tough to remain neutral, as you are often viewed by suspicion by both sides.

I pray for the betterment of our brothers and sisters. I'm in contact with quite a few Tartars in Ukraine and they tell me it's fine in inner Ukraine but tough on the border. Mainly due to a sense of not knowing what will happen.
Solution does exist. Time for strategic thinking. As EU & Russia remains pre-occupied and at loggerhead with each other, time is ripe for Turkey to expand it's territory. Non EU region of the Balkan is up for grabs !

Turkey could take part of Greek Thrace, Macedonia & then take Serbia and march all the way to Danube. Neither EU nor Russia would lift a finger as neither wants another enemy in their border. Prior to WW2 both the Soviets & The British had agreement with Germany to ensure Germany remains on their side. Neither side lifted a finger as Hitler started the land grab ! With good economy neither Russia nor EU could afford to antagonize Turkey. Minority Turkic communities can then be settled in the newly captured region in the Balkans along with others. Question is, is there anyone in Turkey willing to take a chance to play a bigger role in chessboard of Europe.
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