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Turkish Military to train the Syrian Army

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Turkish Military to train the Syrian Army

Syria & Turkey have agreed on training of the Syrian army by the Turkish military.

Anonymous sources contacted the Anatolia news agency and revealed the information that Turkey’s Deputy Chief of General Staff Astan Guner had visited Damascus in December and debated on the training of Syrian army.

During this visit, Guner participated in a Turkey-Syria High-Level Military Meeting, where the rising question about the training of their armies was discussed. In this context, they also discussed the idea of co-operation between their armies and the training of Syrian soldiers by Turkish soldiers.

A lot of people are on the opinion that the Syrian army may assume a western style if trained by the Turkish soldiers. As you know the Syrian army was an inevitable ally of the former Soviet Union.

The Turkish and Syrian armies were at the brink of war during the 1998 as Syria sheltered the terrorist organization PKK. Thankfully, the conflict was dealt with and both countries launched a joint operation against the PKK.

The Adana Agreement was signed the same year and it significantly strengthened the bonds between the Turkish and Syrian armies.

Turkish Military to train the Syrian Army | Turkey Defence
It is good we can bring them up to modern standards. Maybe even secure weapons deals in the process.
it's no secret that "divide and conquor" is a famous british proverb, and if the muslim middle east countries are hating each other, and don't have friendly ties, then it benefits the "west" in the end. I think it's nice that Turkey is leading by example so of course we hope for peace in the middle east.

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