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Turkish Marine Corps

Its not like Greece is gonna invade Turkey anytime soon.
it's not about Greece or Iraq or Iran, it's about our capacity to fight in multiple fronts.

Right now we don't seem to have that capacity. Otherwise we wouldn't be dragging the police SF into Afrin.

BTW Police SF displayed shameful behavior during the Taksim shooting today. Two of my motorcyclist friends saw them running away like little b*tches.

I've seen these fvckers walk around like they own Istanbul, armed with mine protected vehicles and T40 underbarrell grenade launchers a couple of hours before the incident.

We seriously need to re-consider how we train the PÖH.
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it's not about Greece or Iraq or Iran, it's about our capacity to fight in multiple fronts.

Right now we don't seem to have that capacity. Otherwise we wouldn't be dragging the police SF into Afrin.

BTW Police SF displayed shameful behavior during the Taksim shooting today. Two of my motorcyclist friends saw them running away like little b*tches.

I've seen these fvckers walk around like they own Istanbul, armed with mine protected vehicles and T40 underbarrell grenade launchers a couple of hours before the incident.

We seriously need to re-consider how we train the PÖH.
I have doubts about the capabilities and the quality of training of POH to but its not right to talk in a such disrespectful way. After all they are putting their lives there in order you to be able to sleep relaxed at night.
I have doubts about the capabilities and the quality of training of POH to but its not right to talk in a such disrespectful way. After all they are putting their lives there in order you to be able to sleep relaxed at night.
some people join to protect the people, some people join for the power and authority and the fat paycheck

If you really want to protect your country you join the army.

We're giving them this courage. They know our western borders are lightly defended right now with even SAT units in Afrin.
some people join to protect the people, some people join for the power and authority and the fat paycheck

If you really want to protect your country you join the army.

We're giving them this courage. They know our western borders are lightly defended right now with even SAT units in Afrin.
Even with the power and the fat paycheck it isnt like they are not deserving this. It is not their fault that the training system and the internal mentality of the units is in this state. It is a fault of the commanders and their fail of implementing discipline, proper values and encouraging the younger to be maniac at the matters of self improving and in that part discovering methods and procedures and actually implementing them. When I see those guys with the 35cm knives and boxes posing like they are some town gangsters the last things coming to my mind are
discipline,common values-warrior principles and professionalism that would lead the way of the improvement I am talking about. There are a lot of ways to contribute to the security of the people and the army is not the only way. The police and also the firefighting or public safety forces are another ways. The poor behavior of some members of the Police Special Operations doesnt change the fact that they are giving martyrs and wounded in the name of our security. The internal intentions are of importance sure but at the end we are the ones that are sleeping at our beds relaxed at night and they are the ones that are going to fight all of the scum around our streets and mountains. Where good where bad is theme of concern. Its working but it can be much better. About the SAT they are in small numbers in Afrin. Their overall number is not so big and its not going to be okay if I talk about it but there are still enough manpower to conclude operations in possible confrontation with Greece. In Afrin the actual actor is
Special Forces Command (OKK) that have more than enough manpower trained in different levels and they also have additional forces trained in the same branch of SAT and many more branches ready for action. We are not even talking about the really high level personnel and its for sure not going to be right even to mention them but I can assure you that in possible scenario of major war Turkey have its cards. SAT are there just to gain experience and have some practice on field. Its good for them.
it's not about Greece or Iraq or Iran, it's about our capacity to fight in multiple fronts.

Right now we don't seem to have that capacity. Otherwise we wouldn't be dragging the police SF into Afrin.

BTW Police SF displayed shameful behavior during the Taksim shooting today. Two of my motorcyclist friends saw them running away like little b*tches.

I've seen these fvckers walk around like they own Istanbul, armed with mine protected vehicles and T40 underbarrell grenade launchers a couple of hours before the incident.

We seriously need to re-consider how we train the PÖH.

I think there are some "Special Groups" in PÖH, saw many Videos about PÖH and many Officers there seems not very professional... the way they hold the gun, stand, position, movement... maybe normal Policeman with additional exercises.

But there are some really professionel Officers, maybe the ones who are responible for the difficult jobs... hostage rescue, storming buildings...
And i see them equal to SWAT and GSG9...

There are 20.000 PÖH Officers no chance that everyone of them has the same standart of training.

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