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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

naked... upgrades looong overdue but they slept again

The life of a Soldier is nothing worth for them, what did you expect.

Our Leos could look like that. (Aselsan's NG Upgrade)
We have $8 Billions USD for humanitarian help, we have $30+ Billions USD for Syrian parasites but nothing for the safety of our soldiers.
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yeah the acv´s and m113´s are crap and as far as i know their are not surplus vehicles.... there is not alternative to them in the turkish land forces as of now

They will be used by TFSA, not Turkish soldiers. Same as Olive Branch.
nope, these are the vehicles of the tsk. They will unfortunatly be used by our land forces.
I doubt they'll allow the tanks to be sitting ducks. There are probably some ACV and other stuff like UAV to scout from above before deploying the tanks. If they're sending in the tanks now, that means the deployment area is secured. Preparations for the operation are underway. Of course the best scenario would be that we don't need to deploy, but if we have more good stuff we need to field test (such as MT kaplan) that would be fucking nice. successful test would result in many potential buyers of the MT. IMO.
It looks good . He said they have 70 % indigeneous rate . I think engine is from mercedes .
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