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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

No its not. Its a fight time not Antalya time.
So you are ok linking "Extremism" with "Syrian refugees in Turkey"
So you are ok to put all Turkey problem on refugees or Arabs?

Sorry... Every sane mind will say no...

But if it's easier for many of you to do it... so be it...
My country has turned into geo political crap fast I hope Turkey does not become like that keep your country united kick those Arabs out who leeching your state and are cannon fodder
Your country turned into a pile of shit because of one man-Zia Ul Haq. Actually since the day of partition Pakistan was a failed state.
As for Arabs-you are very ungrateful. Arabs, Saudis in particular, sponsored your nuclear weapons program and keep your economy running along with Chinese. Without them Pakistan is a big fat ZERO
So you are ok linking "Extremism" with "Syrian refugees in Turkey"
So you are ok to put all Turkey problem on refugees or Arabs?

Sorry... Every sane mind will say no...

But if it's easier for many of you to do it... so be it...
@CAN_TR said it very well. Not all of Turkey's problems but some of the major ones. Did you see the refugees in Turkey? I like you had some hope that they are really with a right in Turkey but it didn't turn that way. I say it openly that the ones I saw in Izmir are some of the most disgusting young males I have seen in my life. They pass my personal index even for the Bulgarian gypsies. I can not forgive that youth which is in Turkey. As I said before while there are Turkish soldiers on their age in Syria and also real patriots and people which are fighting in the name of Allah for the prosperity of the Syrian nation and Muslims at all those traitors are walking and not like guests... They were as I said before with better clothes than me, cleaner, with bad manners and majority doesn't speak Turkish because mostly they are living in closed communities and differ themselves from other Arabs.

I have a friend from Algeria which was dreaming for a couple of years to migrate to Turkey and he is now in Istanbul. He said to me that the Syrians there are the worst of Arabs you could meat. They are notorious with their lies and deceiving new incomers with false promises while only use you. He himself intervened when group of Syrians while waiting at some government institution tried to mock with Turks talking in Arabic and making fun of Turks because they can't understand.

Do you know what I saw in the ghetto of Izmir? Young Syrian males as I said before cleaner, better looking with bad manners with children and women which were looking like they just crossed the border from Idlib. Dirty and really seemed like people who needs help. Do you know what are Syrian children doing in our city (not Izmir)? They are being sent to the streets by their elders in order to ask for money so their fathers could be good. While their fathers are living their lives in luxury the children and their wives are like gypsies. That is what I saw with my eyes.

While their cousins are thinking about the similarities of the battle in Latakia and the battle in Hama the ones i witnessed were talking about the similarities about Istanbul and Izmir and which is better. Are they really the ones that are not suited for military service? Are they really weak ones with a reason to back off? Because the ones in Izmir had the power to talk with bad manner to the bus driver just because he said to them to put their branded backpacks off the baggage department. Those scums don't have right to be in Turkey. In Al Bab at most but first I would make them visit Hama, Aleppo or Latakia. They are a problem. They are not the people who needs help which you watch on Twitter. The only business I saw of theirs was running a business with stolen goods and unlocking I phones. If I had that opportunity I would invite you to Turkey to see what kind of people we are talking about with your eyes. I don't know how it is in Lebanon but in Turkey they are not people who needs help.
@CAN_TR said it very well. Not all of Turkey's problems but some of the major ones. Did you see the refugees in Turkey? I like you had some hope that they are really with a right in Turkey but it didn't turn that way. I say it openly that the ones I saw in Izmir are some of the most disgusting young males I have seen in my life. They pass my personal index even for the Bulgarian gypsies. I can not forgive that youth which is in Turkey. As I said before while there are Turkish soldiers on their age in Syria and also real patriots and people which are fighting in the name of Allah for the prosperity of the Syrian nation and Muslims at all those traitors are walking and not like guests... They were as I said before with better clothes than me, cleaner, with bad manners and majority doesn't speak Turkish because mostly they are living in closed communities and differ themselves from other Arabs.

I have a friend from Algeria which was dreaming for a couple of years to migrate to Turkey and he is now in Istanbul. He said to me that the Syrians there are the worst of Arabs you could meat. They are notorious with their lies and deceiving new incomers with false promises while only use you. He himself intervened when group of Syrians while waiting at some government institution tried to mock with Turks talking in Arabic and making fun of Turks because they can't understand.

Do you know what I saw in the ghetto of Izmir? Young Syrian males as I said before cleaner, better looking with bad manners with children and women which were looking like they just crossed the border from Idlib. Dirty and really seemed like people who needs help. Do you know what are Syrian children doing in our city (not Izmir)? They are being sent to the streets by their elders in order to ask for money so their fathers could be good. While their fathers are living their lives in luxury the children and their wives are like gypsies. That is what I saw with my eyes.

While their cousins are thinking about the similarities of the battle in Latakia and the battle in Hama the ones i witnessed were talking about the similarities about Istanbul and Izmir and which is better. Are they really the ones that are not suited for military service? Are they really weak ones with a reason to back off? Because the ones in Izmir had the power to talk with bad manner to the bus driver just because he said to them to put their branded backpacks off the baggage department. Those scums don't have right to be in Turkey. In Al Bab at most but first I would make them visit Hama, Aleppo or Latakia. They are a problem. They are not the people who needs help which you watch on Twitter. The only business I saw of theirs was running a business with stolen goods and unlocking I phones. If I had that opportunity I would invite you to Turkey to see what kind of people we are talking about with your eyes. I don't know how it is in Lebanon but in Turkey they are not people who needs help.

And? So since when you take a "minority" perception as a general truth?
Yes their is scum among anyone... But let's be honest shall we... If those 4+Mil Refugees were like that... We would know it...

The reality is... that the OVERWHELMING majority of Refugees are good people... who are trying as best as they can to survive...

And No... An almost 1Trillion GDP Country and 80Mil pop... isn't falling because of "Refugees"... Countries with more refugees or as much as Turkey BUT with 1/20th of her wealth sin't making that mistake of "Refugees are sinking our country"...
I don't even want to think about it...it's actually SHAMEFUL for anyone to think such country is in anyway sinking or having Difficulties because of a small retarded minorities of refugees...

Can't you see... that every time a non-Turk read some Turks ranting on Refugees they laugh? as they are laughing to European countries and their Trillions and Trillions of GDP and their level of Life quality when they are scapegoating the few thousands of migrants... Even the FEW GREEKS on this Forum didn't make that ranting...

TURKEY problems IS NOT BECAUSE OF A minuscule minority... NEVER was... The problem are KNOWN to everyone... But sometimes people don't want to see the reality face to face.. and prefer the easy hate road...
My country has turned into geo political crap fast I hope Turkey does not become like that keep your country united kick those Arabs out who leeching your state and are cannon fodder

You're surviving on Arab money, the irony in your comment.

Also it was Pakistan's own decision to sponsor Jihadists in Afghanistan during the cold war, you did the work for the US just like Erdogan did the work for the US in Syria. Both Pakistan and Turkey are now suffering the results.

Conclusion is, don't do the work for America to **** your neighbors and you will not be fucked. Jordan, Gulf States, Turkey these have all been in the US camp for decades and have helped with their regional wars.

Also let me add to that another example of fucking your neighbor, Assad (Syria) sponsored ISIS groups before they formed into ISIS in Iraq after 2003. These groups afterwards came and burnt Syria.
You're surviving on Arab money, the irony in your comment.

Also it was Pakistan's own decision to sponsor Jihadists in Afghanistan during the cold war, you did the work for the US just like Erdogan did the work for the US in Syria. Both Pakistan and Turkey are now suffering the results.

Conclusion is, don't do the work for America to **** your neighbors and you will not be fucked. Jordan, Gulf States, Turkey these have all been in the US camp for decades and have helped with their regional wars.
Turkey had not done anything for USA in Syria. If they involved in 2014 they would be running the show from Idlib to Abukamal. Not sdf but Turks and their proxies.
Pakistan could not sit and watch Soviets roll around Afghanistan. With or without American help they had to something. Besides us, Chinese were also involved in sending weapons to muj. Everyone became situational allies.
And you,unless you are Sunni, another example of ungrateful Iraqi. Shias of Iraq were dreg of the country had no rights whatsoever. I spent 15 month in Iraq so don’t get me started
Syrians are economic parasites with social benefits our people don't have.

I can't stand these gooders and SJW, if you like refugees so much rent an apartment and feed them.
Turkey had not done anything for USA in Syria. If they involved in 2014 they would be running the show from Idlib to Abukamal. Not sdf but Turks and their proxies.
Pakistan could not sit and watch Soviets roll around Afghanistan. With or without American help they had to something. Besides us, Chinese were also involved in sending weapons to muj. Everyone became situational allies.
And you,unless you are Sunni, another example of ungrateful Iraqi. Shias of Iraq were dreg of the country had no rights whatsoever. I spent 15 month in Iraq so don’t get me started

Turkey and Jordan were the enablers of the intervention in Syria, that is organizing, funding and pouring in arms. Without these 2 states it wouldn't be possible through land corridors. The only reason Turkey lost influence over most of the north of Syria is due to their inactivity in 2013 an 2014, they were silently watching IS build up on their border and did nothing against them, the US took lead with the Kurds as ground troops.

As for the last part, irrelevant. You will find some who like you, some who hate you, Kurds worship you and will curse you afterwards when you don't protect their Kurdustan project. I say save your money and your life and stay out of it instead.

There's only one group of people whom truly benefitted from all these wars in Iraq and Syria.
And? So since when you take a "minority" perception as a general truth?
Yes their is scum among anyone... But let's be honest shall we... If those 4+Mil Refugees were like that... We would know it...

The reality is... that the OVERWHELMING majority of Refugees are good people... who are trying as best as they can to survive...

And No... An almost 1Trillion Country and 80Mil pop... isn't falling because of "Refugees"... Countries with more refugees or as much as Turkey BUT with 1/20th of her wealth sin't making that mistake of "Refugees are sinking our country"...
I don't even want to think about it...it's actually SHAMEFUL for anyone to think such country is in anyway sinking or having Difficulties because of a small retarded minorities of refugees...

Can't you see... that every time a non-Turk read some Turks ranting on Refugees they laugh? as they are laughing to European countries and their Trillions and Trillions of GDP and their level of Life quality when they are scapegoating the few thousands of migrants... Even the FEW GREEKS on this Forum didn't make that ranting...

TURKEY problems IS NOT BECAUSE OF A minuscule minority... NEVER was... The problem are KNOWN to everyone... But sometimes people don't want to see the reality face to face.. and prefer the easy hate road...
You are talking like a person who saw a Syrian only on Twitter. Ask any Turk of his encounter with Syrians so he could answer you. I was in their hearth ghetto in Izmir and I am explaining to you what I saw. You may have a different view towards them but that is how I saw the situation. I was walking like one hour in their inhabited areas.

There are every day problems with Syrians but they are not out on the media because of the State policy towards them. They have formed some of the biggest organized crime networks in the bigger cities in Turkey including robberies and drug traffic towards the Syrian community. You can't say that they are not a burden over the Turkish economy and the social security. While Turkey is harboring and is paying for these like a week ago Turkish man have burned himself because of his poverty and uneployment for the last couple of years. Turkey have given more than 10 billion dollars for the Syrians but what would have happened if we gave 5 billion for the women, the children and the weak and the rest for Turks in bad condition and about opening of work places? I would harbor anyone but the majority of these people are not deserving it.

They don't want to socialize with other people, the majority don't speak Turkish, big part of them is part of Syrian organized crime, big parts of them are beggers while they don't need it. What should I think as a Turk while THE TURKISH SOLDIER IS THERE AND FIGHTING ON THEIR BEHALF?!?!? How could they call themselves men? How could they sleep normal while their motherland is being raped? Turkey is not an orphanage or some kind of hostel for scum and traitors. Turkey is a highly militaristic and patriotic country which have different views towards such kind of refugees including me. You can laugh as much as you can but you didn't see them. While you laugh and the scum is misbehaving to their wives and children in Turkey their cousins and Turkish soldiers are fighting there. We don't want Arabs in Turkey. We want a Syrian State for which these Arabs must fight. There is no other country in the world which is looking after lazy young men which are suited for military service. Your Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric is not liked by Turks. We don't want to be so multicultural like the Ottoman Empire. We don't want any aliens and especially like the Syrians which are bringing so many problems with them. If in your countries you are OK to see their culture and wild understanding and action then good. In Turkey there are other norms as in Germany for example. They are not suited for our way of living let alone for these countries with trillions of GDP you are talking about. The only reason that is preventing Syrians from becoming famous so "everybody knows them" is MIT and EGM Intelligence and especially the second which are not letting them cross some red lines. If they were given the same rights of the Turkish organized crime then you would for sure hear of them all around Europe not only Turkey.

There are scum in everybody you are right but in 3.5 million people there is a lot of scum per cent. And a lot of healthy males which are just good for Hama. I refuse to give my resources on them while their country is in so desperate need for their help. If they did this to their countries I could not imagine what they could do to Turkey. Traitor is traitor everywhere.

Ask any Turk and the answer will be the same. There is only small entity of MB lovers which would support them. I can guarantee you that if tomorrow there is a referendum on the issue something like 70-75% would vote for Syrians out of Turkey. They are to heavy for Turkey. I am not talking only about finances which is only the half of the problem. They are to far from the Turkish culture and behavior.
Turkey and Jordan were the enablers of the intervention in Syria, that is organizing, funding and pouring in arms. Without these 2 states it wouldn't be possible through land corridors. The only reason Turkey lost influence over most of the north of Syria is due to their inactivity in 2013 an 2014, they were silently watching IS build up on their border and did nothing against them, the US took lead with the Kurds as ground troops.

As for the last part, irrelevant. You will find some who like you, some who hate you, Kurds worship you and will curse you afterwards when you don't protect their Kurdustan project. I say save your money and your life and stay out of it instead.

There's only one group of people whom truly benefitted from all these wars in Iraq and Syria.
I am VERY WELL aware of Jordanian MOC and the on Turkish side i believe in Kilis.
And as you can see nothing happen to Jordan, American bases are there and expanding, we have land connection from Al Tanf to Jordanian side. South front rebels collapsed not surprisingly they were dormant entire war except Sheikh Miskin battle and at the early stages of rebellion.
Turkish fortunes reversed when Erdogan caved in to Putin after blowing russian jet. To normalize relationship with Kremlin Turks sold out Aleppo and that was beginning of the end. Anyway no reason to dwell it is what it is.
Yes Kurds are the biggest benefactor but that wasn’t the case in Iraq in 2003-2008, nor today. They certainly better off than under saddam but in Syria they came on top.
You are talking like a person who saw a Syrian only on Twitter. Ask any Turk of his encounter with Syrians so he could answer you. I was in their hearth ghetto in Izmir and I am explaining to you what I saw. You may have a different view towards them but that is how I saw the situation. I was walking like one hour in their inhabited areas.

There are every day problems with Syrians but they are not out on the media because of the State policy towards them. They have formed some of the biggest organized crime networks in the bigger cities in Turkey including robberies and drug traffic towards the Syrian community. You can't say that they are not a burden over the Turkish economy and the social security. While Turkey is harboring and is paying for these like a week ago Turkish man have burned himself because of his poverty and uneployment for the last couple of years. Turkey have given more than 10 billion dollars for the Syrians but what would have happened if we gave 5 billion for the women, the children and the weak and the rest for Turks in bad condition and about opening of work places? I would harbor anyone but the majority of these people are not deserving it.

They don't want to socialize with other people, the majority don't speak Turkish, big part of them is part of Syrian organized crime, big parts of them are beggers while they don't need it. What should I think as a Turk while THE TURKISH SOLDIER IS THERE AND FIGHTING ON THEIR BEHALF?!?!? How could they call themselves men? How could they sleep normal while their motherland is being raped? Turkey is not an orphanage or some kind of hostel for scum and traitors. Turkey is a highly militaristic and patriotic country which have different views towards such kind of refugees including me. You can laugh as much as you can but you didn't see them. While you laugh and the scum is misbehaving to their wives and children in Turkey their cousins and Turkish soldiers are fighting there. We don't want Arabs in Turkey. We want a Syrian State for which these Arabs must fight. There is no other country in the world which is looking after lazy young men which are suited for military service. Your Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric is not liked by Turks. We don't want to be so multicultural like the Ottoman Empire. We don't want any aliens and especially like the Syrians which are bringing so many problems with them. If in your countries you are OK to see their culture and wild understanding and action then good. In Turkey there are other norms as in Germany for example. They are not suited for our way of living let alone for these countries with trillions of GDP you are talking about. The only reason that is preventing Syrians from becoming famous so "everybody knows them" is MIT and EGM Intelligence and especially the second which are not letting them cross some red lines. If they were given the same rights of the Turkish organized crime then you would for sure hear of them all around Europe not only Turkey.

There are scum in everybody you are right but in 3.5 million people there is a lot of scum per cent. And a lot of healthy males which are just good for Hama. I refuse to give my resources on them while their country is in so desperate need for their help. If they did this to their countries I could not imagine what they could do to Turkey. Traitor is traitor everywhere.

Ask any Turk and the answer will be the same. There is only small entity of MB lovers which would support them. I can guarantee you that if tomorrow there is a referendum on the issue something like 70-75% would vote for Syrians out of Turkey. They are to heavy for Turkey. I am not talking only about finances which is only the half of the problem. They are to far from the Turkish culture and behavior.

It's like I'm reading a far right piece of mind in Europe...

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