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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

When it comes lobbying through money the Turks are way behind.

Buying influence with money is just another way of getting influence nothing new as such a thing happpened in history numerous times.

Turks are also active in the US, but not as successfully as Israelis and Arabs (and perhaps the Japanese), I guess. Turkey seems to be in the second league, along with Armenia.

China does not spend money on lobbyists in the US. I know Turkey works with professional lobbying companies in Washington D.C.
China does not spend money on lobbyists in the US.
I’d be very suprised if that was accurate.

The Saudis and UAE in particular have a sense of entitlement given to them by their Kingmakers the British and championed now by the US. With the way they throw their oil money around, it’s never a surprise (very much so this last decade) to see them under every rock like the slugs that they are.
The inability of the Ottomans to deal with the British in the ME will always be stain in Turkish history.

Before the year of 2002, there was a few countries that recognized so called Armenian g-word; now it has become 30 countries.

With the new resolutions, it will become a crime to act otherwise.

Some example from the article above.


Tanıma Tarihi

Ticaret Hacmindeki Artış


26 Mart 1998

+% 174


21 Nisan 2004

+ % 148


29 Ocak 2001

+ % 257


25 Nisan 1996

+ % 399


17 Kasım 2000

+ % 126


11 Mayıs 2000

+ % 126


21 Aralık 2004

+ % 66


14 Nisan 1995

+ % 912


30 Kasım 2004

+ % 298


29 Mart 2000

+ % 33


16 Aralık 2003

+ % 6


16 Aralık 2004

+ % 85
The source: https://21yyte.org/tr/merkezler/bol...merkezi/ermeni-iddialarini-kabul-eden-ulkeler
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Thought it would be a good idea to share this here. It's a little known fact that the Byzantine empire had worked along with the Arabs when they realized how much of a threat the Turks were. We can see how they haven't changed one bit.

I will never stop saying this.. There is no such thing as "Muslim brother countries". There are nations who respect us and then there are nations who will do whatever they can to destroy us. Saudi Arabia spent billions Islamizing and Arabizing Turkey. This is a fact. And as I have stated before this is due to Western concerns that a secular Kemalist Turkey would be to powerful to contain. I hope with new leadership we can stop bowing down to Arabs. It's time to go on our own path, whether they like it or not.
Thought it would be a good idea to share this here. It's a little known fact that the Byzantine empire had worked along with the Arabs when they realized how much of a threat the Turks were. We can see how they haven't changed one bit.

I will never stop saying this.. There is no such thing as "Muslim brother countries". There are nations who respect us and then there are nations who will do whatever they can to destroy us. Saudi Arabia spent billions Islamizing and Arabizing Turkey. This is a fact. And as I have stated before this is due to Western concerns that a secular Kemalist Turkey would be to powerful to contain. I hope with new leadership we can stop bowing down to Arabs. It's time to go on our own path, whether they like it or not.

If you say the West has benefited from the Arabizaion & Saudi interference why are they now openly supporting CHP? All the Western media and mouthpieces in Europe recently were promoting CHP candidates and celebrating losses for AKP.
If you say the West has benefited from the Arabizaion & Saudi interference why are they now openly supporting CHP? All the Western media and mouthpieces in Europe recently were promoting CHP candidates and celebrating losses for AKP.

You do realize that the west both funded and openly supported AKP?

Most western media outlets have simply made observational articles about the elections. However they are not celebrating the victory. When Erdogan won Istanbul 25 years ago they were celebrating. Stating that a western ally has won and that "democracy will be restored".

Meanwhile, the west has nothing to celebrate with an CHP victory. Do you want to know why? Despite efforts to liberalize the party, such attempts have failed. The party is staunchly secular, yet highly nationalistic. They have already started de-Arabizing the nation.

In fact, Western media has already started to cry about it:
You do realize that the west both funded and openly supported AKP?

Most western media outlets have simply made observational articles about the elections. However they are not celebrating the victory. When Erdogan won Istanbul 25 years ago they were celebrating. Stating that a western ally has won and that "democracy will be restored".

Meanwhile, the west has nothing to celebrate with an CHP victory. Do you want to know why? Despite efforts to liberalize the party, such attempts have failed. The party is staunchly secular, yet highly nationalistic. They have already started de-Arabizing the nation.

In fact, Western media has already started to cry about it:

I live in the UK and have lived in recent years in Netherland & Germany. The media is always portraying Erdogan quite negatively, especially since around 2012. Here is just two article I have seen praising Imamoglu etc.


I live in the UK and have lived in recent years in Netherland & Germany. The media is always portraying Erdogan quite negatively, especially since around 2012. Here is just two article I have seen praising Imamoglu etc.



Of course there will be journalists that are against Erdogan... we all know that. Most journalists are free to criticize whoever they want in the west. As long as they don't reveal dirty state secrets they are free.
Of course there will be journalists that are against Erdogan... we all know that. Most journalists are free to criticize whoever they want in the west. As long as they don't reveal dirty state secrets they are free.

Free from what?
They do not want to go back to their own countries, or any 'Muslim' countries; but only want to go Turkey that they also declare ''non-Muslim'' and lethally attack.

What do these tell about the values and future of Turkey and them backed by oil rich sectarian Arabs/Mullahs along with their 5+ million ''Ummah'' Syrians in Turkey?

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Thought it would be a good idea to share this here. It's a little known fact that the Byzantine empire had worked along with the Arabs when they realized how much of a threat the Turks were. We can see how they haven't changed one bit.

I will never stop saying this.. There is no such thing as "Muslim brother countries". There are nations who respect us and then there are nations who will do whatever they can to destroy us. Saudi Arabia spent billions Islamizing and Arabizing Turkey. This is a fact. And as I have stated before this is due to Western concerns that a secular Kemalist Turkey would be to powerful to contain. I hope with new leadership we can stop bowing down to Arabs. It's time to go on our own path, whether they like it or not.

I studied Islamic History there is no such thing as Muslim brother countries.

Most Islamic Empires and Kingdoms regardless if it is Arab, Persian, Turkic, Berber and many others spent a lot of time fighting each other also among themselves. Seljuk vs Ghaznavid wars were bloody and brutal. Abassids once they destroyed the Ummayads actually clubbed most of the royal family to death there are reports it may not happened but judging how history is it could have happened. Fatimids even allied with the Byzantines and Crusaders to hit the Turks. Seljuk Turks in the Fifth Crusade allied with the crusaders. Politics is all about this one can hit each other when the opportunity comes.

Its all about politics and self interests. Arabs have theres and the Turks have their own.

Arabs and Turks share a natural rivalry just like the Turks shared a rivalry with Persians. This is all to do with being the king of the hill in the control of the Islamic World.

Arab and Turkic rivalry mainly about the control of influence in the Islamic World.

This is not the first time Egypt is going against us remember how Muhammed Ali the former Ottoman commander who turned against the Ottoman Empire by taking control of Egypt and marched against the Empire.
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