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Turkish General: "Even burning a mosque was an option”

Conspiracy-prone Pakistanis should be careful when attempting to invoke reality, don't you think? (Which doesn't mean I'm not wrong, of course.)

Are you stereotyping the entire Pakistani nation again just to hide your lack of knowledge about the event in question? Your predictability and barb-throwing is just absolutely hilarious :-)

Lots of protest when Shakespeare stereotypes a nation. But Solomon2 gets away with it when he clumsily paints Pakistanis with a single, broad brush :-) What are we if not magnanimous!
I wonder how if he knows what we mean when we call him "Suleymaan Sahib"

Hey solomon, do you know why we distort 'solomon'? Sulaimaan bhai! aap kidar ho?
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Solomon2, first of all, you found one piece of anti-Turkish article and you posted here. Is that what you do all day googling crap on "how to make the Turks look bad on PDF?"

And second, I do not believe anything that general is saying. Why? Because why now? Why put your beloved country in a difficult situation and take the trust away from the army? He's a traitor who has got nothing left in his hands, so he figures to lie about **** like this to save his own ***.

So please take a hike somewhere else and find an article about your bed buddies Israel who does stuff like this everyday. It would be a lot easier for you. Sleep tight. bye now.
Solomon2, first of all, you found one piece of anti-Turkish article and you posted here. Is that what you do all day googling crap on "how to make the Turks look bad on PDF?"
That's actually what Zionist extremists like Solomon2 do all day. You see such people spamming the internet whenever Zionist extremism and terror is exposed.
By the many Turkish comments, the subject is not only taboo but also closed for further discussion? Pity.
Wow its amazing how its ok for Muslims to burn down a mosque but god forbid someone else does it, all hell breaks loose!
Wow its amazing how its ok for Muslims to burn down a mosque but god forbid someone else does it, all hell breaks loose!

You need to understand though this is not how Turkish armed forces operate. Religion has no say in army doctrine which is why you always see sharpshooters take position on mosques during political rallies and such.
In peace time all temples are holy places no matter if its a mosque or a church but in wartime they are nothing more than buildings...

You just cannot sacrifice your mens lifes for a piece of stone...
Genocide isn't propaganda it is mass killing of humans. The only purpose of it is to wipe out certain groups of people for obscene reasons.

Whether the general is telling the truth or not. The point he is trying to make is war isn't black/white.

In contrast Genocide is used for propaganda purpose look at the Jewish Holocaust and see how Israel use this to justify ill treatment on Palestine.

I don't how you could say that burning a Mosque is OK . Even if it is to cause falsehood- its simply wrong full stop.
Unless the enemy has barricade to teeth and it has absolutely no way stopping in time of crises that will endanger the imidiate population then there it might be ok.
Not for created propaganda - this attitude is very athesitic behavior.
THats the kind of behavior that STalin, Mao and Hitler had against a particular or a groups of religions.
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^^ if kemal stone was standing next to the mosque, secretly hiding, then that turkish general must be pi$$ing his pants all life long:lol::lol:
Genocide isn't propaganda it is mass killing of humans. The only purpose of it is to wipe out certain groups of people for obscene reasons.

Genocide is not mass killing of humans..........that is called massacre. Genocide is state sponsored extermination of there own citizens of certain ethnic group. It is well planned and carried out in certain steps. The actual killing is just one small part/step in the whole process. There are eight stages to Genocide.

Classification, symbolization, dehumanization, polarization, preparation, extermination, and denial. I can post details of each step but I wouldn't want to bore you. You can google it (eight stages of Genocide) for further explanation if you want.

amalakas said:
I trust every self respecting turk will now look upon things with different eyes ..

Good luck with that one my greek friend
^^ if kemal stone was standing next to the mosque, secretly hiding, then that turkish general must be pi$$ing his pants all life long:lol::lol:
Still making the same childish sentences, i wish more thinking and less flaming for you people...

With this idiotic arguements you make, this place is getting tiresome day by day...

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