When you start so late you have to go through all the steps and the initial stages are the longest. Also we didnt start in 2000, your just seeing the fruits now. Most of those companies set up after 1974 American military sanctions. Its always better late than never.
1970s have been the period in which solid initiatives were put into force so as to establish a national defence industry. As a result of the national reaction to the arms embargo against Turkey, Armed Forces Foundation were established. Although these Foundations formed enterprises such as
Aselsan, Havelsan, Aspilsan thanks to the donations, it was soon realized that the actual need for a defence industry as required by the contemporary age could not be met through the Foundations.
In the 1980s, state initiative was undertaken to realize the
modernization of the
Turkish Armed Forces and the establishment of a national defence industry based on contemporary technology was set as the primary goal.
The first step in this direction was taken by the establishment of defence equipment Directorate as a state enterprise. However, the shortcomings stemming from its state-bound status prevented the success and all the properties of that enterprise were transferred to the
Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) which was established in 1985 under the Law No: 3238
Today's Turkish defense industry
One of the main tasks of the SSM is to re-organize and integrate the existing national industry so as to satisfy defence industry requirements, encourage new enterprises and channel them according to the integration and requirements, seek possibilities for foreign capital and technology contribution, guide enterprises and make plans for state participation in this respect.
Over the last 21 years since its establishment, and as a result of dedicated efforts, the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries has made real achievements in the creation of a modern national defence infrastructure in Turkey, with highly successful results in certain vital areas. Key defence industrial institutions have been established to meet the requirements of the Turkish Armed Forces through local sources, each of which fill an important gap in their scope of activity.
Additionally, some important capabilities have been obtained in the framework of the projects and industrialization activities. Briefly these are as follows:
- Technology infrastructure
- Export infrastructure
- Strengthening side sectors
- Restructuring industry and
- Expertise
Turkish defense industries are now able to manufacture authentic products and have a wide research and development programme in which main supporter is TÜBİTAK .
As a result of SSM projects now Turkey have existence of a defense industry. There are very sufficient sub-system producers, firms in Teknokent, small and medium-sized enterprises, research institutions and universities. This was further boosted by its growing exports of weaponry.
The latest U.N. figures show Turkey, China and the Czech Republic joining the list of the world's top exporters of small arms, which is led by the United States