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Turkish FM Çavuşoğlu expose Turkey's expanionism.


Feb 1, 2022
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.Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu expressed the bigotry of Turkish foreign policy during a speech to members of the ruling party in Malatya.
Çavuşoğlu stated that "we have a responsibility towards our history, as well as for our future. Because there is a Turkey that is bigger than Turkey. Let us not forget that there is a bigger Turkey than our country. That is the reason why we cannot be trapped in our borders. "

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Turkey seeks to…..expand in old Ottomans borders, according to its neo-ottoman doctrine, which doctrine is proven…
  • institutionally ("Mavi Vatan-type dogma" and "Mîsâk-ı Millî national borders"),
  • verbally (eg Cavousglou's statements, threats of war, etc) and
  • in the field (invasions, air and sea violations, casus belli)


There you are,they openly say it now.

Some years ago,we had Erdogan talk about the "borders of their heart",then they started talking about "Blue Homeland",now they can't be "caged inside their borders".

And then you have Akar going like "hey Greece,don't buy weapons,hey Greece don't have garrisons on the islands,hey Greece don't why do your politicians visit the islands?"
There you are,they openly say it now.

Some years ago,we had Erdogan talk about the "borders of their heart",then they started talking about "Blue Homeland",now they can't be "caged inside their borders".

And then you have Akar going like "hey Greece,don't buy weapons,hey Greece don't have garrisons on the islands,hey Greece don't why do your politicians visit the islands?"
Since 2016, Erdogan has been saying this openly, at least domestic with "Mavi Vatan-type dogma" and "Mîsâk-ı Millî national borders of his heart.
Νow if some(specially EU) want to ostrich in terms of clear turkish foreign policy, then the surprises they will face will be bigger than those of Putin.
Turkey has every right to protect their beautiful history, culture and way of life. Why don't the west stay in the west and not meddle in the Muslim lands by promoting extremists, separatism, secularism, just about anything to destroy others.
this is a twisting of words by Greek Right wingers. The Foreign Minister is speaking with regards to Turkey as a geopolitical actor and as a significant middle power, not a matter of claiming territory. Turkey is living up to its treaty obligations, ironically its the greeks who are militarizing islands, which they signed treaties saying they would not militarize. Right Wing Greeks are creating a boogeyman, b/c Mitsotakis needs average greeks to be paranoid, so he can stop the slide in the polls.

Turkey has every right to protect their beautiful history, culture and way of life.
But here we are not talking about culture, but about changing borders. Unless of course you consider border change and military invasions as part of Turkish culture?

Why don't the west stay in the west and not meddle in the Muslim lands by promoting extremists, separatism, secularism, just about anything to destroy others.
Here we agree, Western interventions in countries with different cultures, values and cultures, has brought disastrous results, not only in these countries, but also in the Western countries themselves, with the entrance of political immigrants and refugees, who do not want to adapt to Western ideals. .
And the West is starting to pay for that. Not only politically and culturally but also militarily.
We Greeks, as a bridge between East and West, knew and are aware of the differences that exist. We warned them many times, but unfortunately they did not listen to us.
You can not impose e.g. democratic and liberal values to someone who does not want them.
this is a twisting of words by Greek Right wingers.
Being right-wing or conservative or republican (since you are American) I do not think is a point of crisis. If you go beyond the limits, then we go elsewhere, something that Turkey does many times.

The Foreign Minister is speaking with regards to Turkey as a geopolitical actor and as a significant middle power, not a matter of claiming territory.
In good faith, to accept what you say. The maps, the dogmas, the government statements, the interventions abroad, all this as an American do not bother you? Because your country, the USA, clearly states that they do not want border changes when they talk about Turkey. Which means that what Cavousoglou said the day before yesterday is a continuation of his previous statements.
After all, the fact that Turkey is making long-term annexation moves (eg the use of Turkish currency) in the "security zone" it has occupied in northern Syria says a lot

Turkey is living up to its treaty obligations, ironically its the greeks who are militarizing islands, which they signed treaties saying they would not militarize.
Your country went to nuclear war when Cuba tried to deploy nuclear missiles.
What do you want my country to do, when Turkey has built and deploy an army of 100 thousand troops, 120 helicopters, 100 UAV's, 2 naval bases, with a clear amphibious order?
USA, what would your country do?
The Turkish military threat is real, what is threatened is not demilitarized.

Right Wing Greeks are creating a boogeyman, b/c Mitsotakis needs average greeks to be paranoid, so he can stop the slide in the polls.
I see as an American you are close to Greek political things. Only the slippage has nothing to do with the foreign policy, in which Mitsotakis goes wonderfully, but with the domestic policy, the economic situation as well as the confrontation of the illigal immigration, who has a problem there.
Mitsotakis does not need every Cavousglou to create boogeyman, Turkey itself produces revisionist nationalism politics, is a hotbed of problems, the troublemaker of the Eastern Mediterranean.
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After all, the fact that Turkey is making long-term annexation moves (eg the use of Turkish currency) in the "security zone" it has occupied in northern Syria says a lot

Thats not an annexation move, the buffer zone used turkish currency is b/c the syrian currency is controlled by assad, and is hard for them to have have stability with that currency, particularly when they need supplies from Turkey for the refugee camps and other things, and they sell produce in Turkey, thats a matter of convenience, not territorial intent. Turkey has maintained that it does not want syrian territorial integrity to collapse, in its fight with the PKK, and the peace process with the regime explicitly mentions that Syria should be territorially intact.

What do you want my country to do

Follow the treaties it signed. Those islands are supposed to be demilitarized. Frankly speaking its an unnecessary provocation. It would seem to me, that the Mitsotakis perspective is to take the most hawkish position possible, and then somehow expect France/EU or the US to come to its rescue to back up that position. Its very destabilizing. If they have issues with whatever buildup they are referencing, they should negotiate with Turkey to get some sort of mutual agreement for deconflicting things and get assurances on whatever element that is bothering them, perhaps a bilateral agreement to demilitarize certain places.. Instead Mitsotakis seems to want to violate treaty agreements, which is destabalizing b/c then Turkey will start violating treaty obligations, and it will quickly start unraveling stability. Mitsotakis is doing this b/c he thinks others(Macron/EU, Greek lobby in Washington) will come fight whatever conflict he starts.
Thats not an annexation move, the buffer zone used turkish currency is b/c the syrian currency is controlled by assad, and is hard for them to have have stability with that currency, particularly when they need supplies from Turkey for the refugee camps and other things, and they sell produce in Turkey, thats a matter of convenience, not territorial intent. Turkey has maintained that it does not want syrian territorial integrity to collapse, in its fight with the PKK, and the peace process with the regime explicitly mentions that Syria should be territorially intact.
Nope, we are not talking for buffer zone, but for annexation move...there are many facts and reports that confirm it, , and first of all the Syrians themselves via the UN.
The report is here....

Even your country recognizes this ..... or is your country lying?
The report here .....

Follow the treaties it signed. Those islands are supposed to be demilitarized. Frankly speaking its an unnecessary provocation. It would seem to me, that the Mitsotakis perspective is to take the most hawkish position possible, and then somehow expect France/EU or the US to come to its rescue to back up that position. Its very destabilizing. If they have issues with whatever buildup they are referencing, they should negotiate with Turkey to get some sort of mutual agreement for deconflicting things and get assurances on whatever element that is bothering them, perhaps a bilateral agreement to demilitarize certain places.. Instead Mitsotakis seems to want to violate treaty agreements, which is destabalizing b/c then Turkey will start violating treaty obligations, and it will quickly start unraveling stability. Mitsotakis is doing this b/c he thinks others(Macron/EU, Greek lobby in Washington) will come fight whatever conflict he starts.
You told me that again, but you overcame the Cuban argument, really why?
That is, is it normal for the other to equip himself for an aggressive purpose, and for the other to just ... see him?
Can you tell me what is the hawkish position by Mitsotakis?
No such thing as "Neo-Ottomanism". Turkey is merely awakening from a self-imposed slumber to focus in its internal affairs as a newly founded republic, which means that those decades were an exception in an otherwise history of passive and pro-active foreign policies around the region. Some people falsely designate it as just "Neo-Ottomanism" or "Pan-Turkism" and etc, but this is just Turkey naturally putting self-interests as a primary focus. Anybody or anyone that tries to spin this as revisionism or irredentism or anything in a nationalist oriented agenda is bluntly lying, probably to force their own narrative that benefit them or their country. No surprise its only Greeks who are bitching about it, it benefits them.

Mitsotakis is just trying to rally support by antagonizing Turkey, this includes spinning everything and anything that Turkey does in an extremist narrative. Going as far as to openly speak out against Turkey in the US congress and militarizing Aegean Islands which is clearly forbidden by treaties. Let me help our neighbors to understand the situation better: Nobody is going to help you, so sit down and stop being a nuisance.
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No such thing as "Neo-Ottomanism".
Of course there is......

"Neo-Ottomanism"... How AKP takes advantage of region's conditions to implement it?
The continuous movements of the Turkish state in the region in general, and Syria and Iraq in particular, confirm that this states leaders are serious about returning the region to the Ottoman era.
What is the reality of the "neo-Ottoman" project, and how did the Justice and Development Party take advantage of the region's conditions to start implementing it?

Turkish Neo-Ottomanism focuses on a revival of a “greater Turkey” that renews a classical, civilizational model of the Ottoman Empire’s legacy anchored by economic, military, and political power

Playing on nationalist predilections, Erdoğan implies that Mustafa Kemal made undue territorial concessions in the Lausanne Treaty that undermined Turkey’s legitimate claims. As such, Turkey has the “right” to demand a return to the national borders envisioned by the “Misak-i Millî” plan. Misak-i Millî (or the National Pact) was a strategy of six key decisions adopted by the Ottoman Parliament in 1920.

Let me help our neighbors to understand the situation better: Nobody is going to help you,
Why do you Turks keep saying this?
We have been saying this for years.

So do not repeat it, unless you want to believe it first.

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