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Turkish FM Çavuşoğlu expose Turkey's expanionism.

How close or similar are turks and greeks culturally and traditionally???
The only common elements they have are in the diet and in some language borrowed words.
In the rest, not only do they not exist closed, but also common ones.
We are two different worlds, after all in Greece we say openly that 400 years of Turkish slavery took us back many centuries and left us with bad habits that adopted from the Turks.
I bring you a typical example of the concept of peaceful coexistence.
The Turk believes that in order to have a peaceful coexistence with someone, the latter must follow what Turk wants.
The Greek believes that in order to have a peaceful coexistence with someone, there must be mutual concessions from both sides.
Of course there is......

"Neo-Ottomanism"... How AKP takes advantage of region's conditions to implement it?
The continuous movements of the Turkish state in the region in general, and Syria and Iraq in particular, confirm that this states leaders are serious about returning the region to the Ottoman era.
What is the reality of the "neo-Ottoman" project, and how did the Justice and Development Party take advantage of the region's conditions to start implementing it?

Turkish Neo-Ottomanism focuses on a revival of a “greater Turkey” that renews a classical, civilizational model of the Ottoman Empire’s legacy anchored by economic, military, and political power

Playing on nationalist predilections, Erdoğan implies that Mustafa Kemal made undue territorial concessions in the Lausanne Treaty that undermined Turkey’s legitimate claims. As such, Turkey has the “right” to demand a return to the national borders envisioned by the “Misak-i Millî” plan. Misak-i Millî (or the National Pact) was a strategy of six key decisions adopted by the Ottoman Parliament in 1920.

Its just a designation to a phenomenon that people try to comprehend by attaching labels to it. If Neo-Ottomanism was a thing then why is the Ottoman-family not reinstated as the Monarchs of Turkey like Franco did in Spain? Why is there no effort being made to revive the caliphate under their rule? People don't even know what Neo-Ottomanism is, its just a boogyman label to scare people into allowing their narrative to gain traction. More often then not it comes in the form of scared neighbors such as Greece. In what way is allying and cooperating with Azerbaijan Neo-Ottomanism exactly? In what way is having pragmatic relations with Russia Neo-Ottomanism when they have been our mortal rivals? In what way is having military bases in Somalia Neo-Ottomanism? Its a stupid non-existent label so that people with short attention spans can wrap their minds around something without putting in the slightest effort into doing their research.

Turkey is merely acting on its self-interests, wether this comes in the form of calling up on past historical legitimacy of Ottoman Empire, or that of their Turkic heritage in Central Asia and Azerbaijan, or religious sects when talking to highly conservative Islamist countries, or their geography when applying and interacting with Europe. In some cases its a mix of several of these such as with Pakistan. These are all tools that are used to further our own agenda and self-interest, to sum it all up to "Neo-Ottomanism" is the most narrow-minded stupid take that someone can take. And just to proof my point the sources you mentioned is a highly biased Kurdish outlet that absolutely has interest in portraying Turkish policies as "Pan-Turkist" or "Neo-Ottomanism". Like I said earlier, its usually parties and people that can gain a lot from forcing this "Neo-Ottomanism" narrative that are the most vocal and pushy with it since they can gain a lot of political/Social sympathies from it.
People don't even know what Neo-Ottomanism is,..........

I explained to you what Erdogan's neo-Ottomanism is, I brought you sources, they all converge on one definition: an embrace of the Ottoman past that accepts it as a reference point for the present and future, encourages engagement with former Ottoman territories to increase Turkey’s political and economic influence in the region.

....... in portraying Turkish policies as "Pan-Turkist" or "Neo-Ottomanism".,.....

Pan-Turkism, on the other hand, is another doctrine, but it has a common goal with neo-Ottomanism: to increase Turkey’s political and economic influence in the region.
this is a twisting of words by Greek Right wingers. The Foreign Minister is speaking with regards to Turkey as a geopolitical actor and as a significant middle power, not a matter of claiming territory. Turkey is living up to its treaty obligations, ironically its the greeks who are militarizing islands, which they signed treaties saying they would not militarize.
I'm sorry,but you're wrong. The Turkish government talks about militarisation of Islands as if we are planning an invasion or something. The thing is,that we keep small garrisons and the Turkish government itself had accepted this more than half a century ago.
No such thing as "Neo-Ottomanism".
What is your understanding of this?

Btw, it is really hard to hide it.
. .
Even your country recognizes this ..... or is your country lying?
The report here .....

Where is the report does is say preparation for "formal annexation" or whatever your claim is.

Its a buffer zone for Syrians who are internally displaced, which the Alevite regime in Damascus backed by Iran and Russia is trying to depopulate. I don't even know why Greeks are raising this point its in your interests that these Buffer Zones where refugees and displaced people can live, otherwise there will be a greater influx of a refugee exodus, and not all will stay in Turkey, they will eventually go to Greece and the EU, To put this in a way greeks can understand Turkey will not be your Atlas(holding up the world, or in this case the heavy load of supporting refugees) while the Greeks and the EU rest easy and let Turkey carry the Burden, no Turkey will do what Samson did and bring down the columns along with the entire Temple, if a wave comes b/c of the Regime depopulating the areas, Turkey will "open the floodgates", and let the "storm" pass through, this duplicitous EU migrant deal be damned.

I know you Greeks look for every to stick the knife into Turkey, but for once try to understand that those Buffer Zones are in your interests, if they don't exist, more people will cross the aegean in a humanitarian disaster, and more will cross into Thrace.

That is, is it normal for the other to equip himself for an aggressive purpose, and for the other to just ... see him?

There is a difference between "equipping yourself", which the Greeks are already doing, and breaking treaties you signed. There is no way around that fact.
Can you tell me what is the hawkish position by Mitsotakis?

Sending the Greek Public into Hysteria to recover support in polls for the election, changing the status quo of the islands by militarizing them, against treaty obligations. Trying to bring Macron and France to become a party in the hawkish moves, hoping France will fight the Turks for them. Trying to do something similar
via the Greek lobby and lobbying for antagonistic action from Bob Menendez in the US Senate, creating a whisper campaign against Turkey in Washington. Essentially trying to get involved with anything Anti Turkish, from the Caucasus, to Egypt, Libya(Haftar and wagner support), UAE, Saudi, cooperating with the Syrian Regime, support for non state actors like the PKK. Trying to sabotage Turkish defense procurements via the Greek Lobby in Washington. Trying to discredit Turkey's contributions to Ukraine. Trying to block NATO support for Turkey against the PKK. There is much more, but you get the point.
Sending the Greek Public into Hysteria to recover support in polls for the election, changing the status quo of the islands by militarizing them, against treaty obligations.
Did you check my previous post above? Where both the Turkish VP and the leader of the opposition have been making provocative statements? It has nothing to do with "recover support in polls for election",the Turkish government has this aggressive approach and constantly talk like that.

Second,for the last time,you have to understand that the militarisation of the islands is perfectly legal:

Limnos and Samothrace

The demilitarization of the Greek islands of Limnos and Samothrace along with the demilitarization of the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus, and the Turkish Imbros (Gokceada), Tenedos (Bozcaada) and Rabbit Islands (Tavcan), was originally provided for in the 1923 Lausanne Treaty on the Straits. This was annulled by the 1936 Montreux Treaty, which, as it categorically stated in its preamble, replaced in its entirety the aforementioned Lausanne Treaty.

Greece’s right to militarise Limnos and Samothrace was recognized by Turkey, in accordance with the letter sent to the Greek Prime Minister on 6 May 1936 by the Turkish Ambassador in Athens at the time, Roussen Esref, upon instructions from his Government. The Turkish government reiterated this position when the then Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Rustu Aras, in his address to the Turkish National Assembly on the occasion of the ratification of the Montreux Treaty, unreservedly recognized Greece’s legal right to deploy troops on Limnos and Samothrace, with the following statement : “The provisions pertaining to the islands of Limnos and Samothrace, which belong to our neighbor and friendly country Greece and were demilitarized in application of the 1923 Lausanne Treaty, were also abolished by the new Montreux Treaty, which gives us great pleasure” (Gazette of the Minutes of the Turkish National Assembly, volume 12, July 31/1936, page 309). During the same period, Turkey gave similar assurances on this subject to the governments of interested third countries.

The status of Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Ikaria

The Lausanne Treaty makes no mention of these islands having been granted demilitarized status.

The Greek government simply commits to not establishing naval bases or fortifications there in accordance with Article 13 of the Treaty. More specifically, this article specifies that :

“With a view to ensuring the maintenance of peace, the Greek Government undertakes to observe the following restrictions in the islands of Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Nikaria:

• No naval base and no fortification will be established in the said islands.

• Greek military aircraft will be forbidden to fly over the territory of the Anatolian coast. Reciprocally, the Turkish Government will forbid their military aircraft to fly over the said islands.

• The Greek military forces in the said islands will be limited to the normal contingent called up for military service, which can be trained on the spot, as well as to a force of gendarmerie and police in proportion to the force of gendarmerie and police existing in the whole of the Greek territory”.

The Status of the Islands of the South-Eastern Aegean (the Dodecanese)

The Dodecanese islands were ceded to Greece in full sovereignty by the Paris Peace Treaty between Italy and the Allies in April 1947. The provisions of this Treaty provided for the demilitarization of these islands: “The above islands shall be demilitarized and shall remain so”. There is a National Guard presence on the Dodecanese islands, which has been declared in accordance with CFE provisions.

With regard to Turkish claims on the demilitarization of the Dodecanese islands, it should be noted that:

• Turkey is not a signatory state to this Treaty, which therefore constitutes a "res inter alios acta" for Turkey; i.e., an issue pertaining to others. According to Article 34 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, a treaty does not create obligations or rights for third countries.

• The demilitarized status of the Dodecanese islands was imposed after the decisive intervention of the Soviet Union and echoes Moscow’s political intentions at that point in time. It should, however, be noted that demilitarized status lost its raison d’être with the creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, as incompatible with countries’ participation in military alliances. Against this backdrop, demilitarized status ceased to apply to the Italian islands of Pantelaria, Lampedusa, Lampione and Linosa, as well as to West Germany on the one hand and Bulgaria, Romania, East Germany, Hungary and Finland on the other.
There's a peaceful solution to this conflict: stop occupying our lands, our islands and seas.
I know you Greeks look for every to stick the knife into Turkey, but for once try to understand that those Buffer Zones are in your interests, if they don't exist, more people will cross the aegean in a humanitarian disaster, and more will cross into Thrace.
Do you know that Turkey is doing little to prevent traffickers from sending thousands of people to our shores?

Did you see what happened in 2020 in Thrace when the Turkish authorities were organizing the immigrants to invade our borders?

There's a peaceful solution to this conflict: stop occupying our lands, our islands and seas.
Which lands,islands and seas of yours do we occupy? Are you joking?
. .
3nd edition of the.....Mavi Vatan.....
Crete is the new victim of the turkish expanionism.......

There is a difference between "equipping yourself", which the Greeks are already doing, and breaking treaties you signed. There is no way around that fact.

Sending the Greek Public into Hysteria to recover support in polls for the election, changing the status quo of the islands by militarizing them, against treaty obligations. Trying to bring Macron and France to become a party in the hawkish moves, hoping France will fight the Turks for them. Trying to do something similar
via the Greek lobby and lobbying for antagonistic action from Bob Menendez in the US Senate, creating a whisper campaign against Turkey in Washington. Essentially trying to get involved with anything Anti Turkish, from the Caucasus, to Egypt, Libya(Haftar and wagner support), UAE, Saudi, cooperating with the Syrian Regime, support for non state actors like the PKK. Trying to sabotage Turkish defense procurements via the Greek Lobby in Washington. Trying to discredit Turkey's contributions to Ukraine. Trying to block NATO support for Turkey against the PKK. There is much more, but you get the point.

Do you realize that you just described to me are the Turkish positions ?

I don't need to say anything more, after all, the executive and legislative branches of the United States are responding. Alas for Greece, to influence the policy of a superpower so much. Only a fanatic would believe that.

As the report, in this time I am unable to access.
I hope it's temporary, I'll get back to you as soon as I get in

Http Status Code: 404
Reason: File not found or unable to read file
Do you realize that you just described to me are the Turkish positions ?

I don't need to say anything more, after all, the executive and legislative branches of the United States are responding. Alas for Greece, to influence the policy of a superpower so much. Only a fanatic would believe that.

As the report, in this time I am unable to access.
I hope it's temporary, I'll get back to you as soon as I get in

Http Status Code: 404
Reason: File not found or unable to read file

US, NATO, EU, Russia, China and the entire world supports Turkish position. No body cares about Greek's opinion on this matter.
US, NATO, EU, Russia, China and the entire world supports Turkish position. No body cares about Greek's opinion on this matter.
Which Turkish invasion are you talking about, because Turkey has made at least three military invasions.
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