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Turkish Engine Programs

TEI wanted 14 years for development of engine. TR-Motor claims how many years?
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TEI wanted 14 years for development of engine. TR-Motor claims how many years?

If TEI the most capable engine manufacturer in Turkey says 14 years, how long would it take TR-Motor (a company founded 2017) to build a good engine?
min 10 years for prototype
and there are likely to take part in the project of foreign companies operating in Turkey if there is no limitation on the use, export and various savings on this engine
Tr- Motor will orchestrate engine development efforts where TEI , Kale group, universities' etc. knowledge and know how will be gathered under this new entity. Its a good idea but now sure if its gonna work .

This is the correct answer. From what I've read (on various online sources that I don't remember) it looks like TRMOTOR is the "central hub" for the engine effort. Now how this "consortium" is going to distribute workload or even determine it with precise efficiency is unknown at this moment.

If I was at TRMOTOR the first thing I'd do is ask RR to recommend me some project managers so I can quantify or at least learn how to quantify this gigantic mega project.

We'll all see how it goes, but it's going to take a loooong time - well longer then the TF-X project. Don't be disappointed with a batch of 50 to 100 TF-X's with the F110 when the time comes (2035'ish).

Even so, I'm very excited that we're pushing the pinnacle of technology, we'll learn so much from this endeavor. We'll gain critical project management skills along with capable engineers. Schools will graduate engineers specifically for this field and these people won't need to work overseas.

This is fantastic all around.
What happend to the RR? where will they contribute in this project?

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