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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Dude, @Sinan is right. this project is not economically beneficial. for example, Gas power plants of 1,000 MW have roughly cost of 0.5-1.5 billion $ in different countries. Coal power plants have almost the same cost. Nuclear power plants are more expensive but they have more life time, which makes them economically comparable with Gas power plant. But, this Solar power plant is almost 5 times more expensive than what it should be, and that's why they are not economically reasonable in large scales.
The other point is that, countries like Turkey, have their own pick electricity usage around the sunset(1-2 hours before it up to 3-4 hours after it), while this solar plants have the less or zero power generation at this hours. So, as a summary, these solar plants are not economical yet.

Dude maybe you are right, i don't know but i'm sure experts of this subject worked & working on it... Let's see what will happen...
Yeap same thing applies to wind energy. Set up your Wind Turbine, you can sell the electricy directly to state. (The capacity of the wind turbine has to be over 500 kW if i'm not mistaken). Great energy strategy.

The 500 kw, became 1 mw this year. It was standing for the maximum capacity for your plant, to produce electricity license free.

However to the small investor it seems still not feasible.

If I open a GES of 1 mw, what am I going to do with it after those 10 years?
The plant is too small to be taken serious by the electricity distribution centres. State won't buy anymore.

We're on the good way but we still need many reforms.
For example here in the Netherlands the state doesn't buy the electricity. The state forces the enerji dağıtım şirketi to buy the electricity at market prices.
The state doesn't subsidise the produced electricity, they subsidise the purchase of equipment.
The 500 kw, became 1 mw this year. It was standing for the maximum capacity for your plant, to produce electricity license free.

However to the small investor it seems still not feasible.

If I open a GES of 1 mw, what am I going to do with it after those 10 years?
The plant is too small to be taken serious by the electricity distribution centres. State won't buy anymore.

We're on the good way but we still need many reforms.
For example here in the Netherlands the state doesn't buy the electricity. The state forces the enerji dağıtım şirketi to buy the electricity at market prices.
The state doesn't subsidise the produced electricity, they subsidise the purchase of equipment.

Why not feasable?
consider that you have a factory and you have your own small generator for your factory, in which many factories do have them. then you can sell extra power to government to achieve some money as well. It would cover expenses of your generator as well. BTW, this small power generation stations have been getting more interesting in the recent years ;)
From what i know the only non fossil fuel energy options that can be made in huge projects is hydroelectric and nuclear. Geothermal in some cases aswell. Solar panels, wind turbines etc belong on buildings not the middle of no where.
From what i know the only non fossil fuel energy options that can be made in huge projects is hydroelectric and nuclear. Geothermal in some cases aswell. Solar panels, wind turbines etc belong on buildings not the middle of no where.

Why not feasable?
consider that you have a factory and you have your own small generator for your factory, in which many factories do have them. then you can sell extra power to government to achieve some money as well. It would cover expenses of your generator as well. BTW, this small power generation stations have been getting more interesting in the recent years ;)

The state only stands guarantee for 10 years. A solar energy plant, has about a production life of 25 years.
To who are we gonna sell the remaining 15 years of production as a small investor?
State won't buy it anymore. The plant is too small for its owner to interact with big energy companies.
The state only stands guarantee for 10 years. A solar energy plant, has about a production life of 25 years.
To who are we gonna sell the remaining 15 years of production as a small investor?
State won't buy it anymore. The plant is too small for its owner to interact with big energy companies.
I was talking about the small electricity plants in general.
As far as solar cell is concerned, the initial capital(star up costs), and a good profit margin needs to be returned in the first 10 years, otherwise, it won't be an economical option. ;)
the news is writing in Persian i ill put it but why you are wonder ? turks are in every where i know it's true i see turkish trucks going to turkmenistan every day . Edit => how many school hosbital police deportment government building road you have build for us ?? you have helped us in tourism you build us a lot of hotels you make us ports and stadiums you are going to make metro in asgabat you helped us in oil gas and Petrochemical industry you made shipbuilding factory for us you are going to help us in sea farming , tv , mobile , food , cotton , textile industry , car, bus, Agriculture Industry , water , you have done a great job :enjoy:

وزیر اقتصاد ترکیه: توسعه روابط اقتصادی و تجاری با ترکمنستان از اولویت‌های آنکاراست+تصاویر

i was pleasantly surprised to see such huge Turkish involvement in Turkmenistan. I had expected the figure to be lower. But the more co-operation, the better of course. this is great news. the stronger economical ties we will have, the stronger our common unity in the future will be :mps:

i dont wanna take this to off topic , since @rmi5 know a lot about energy i just wanna ask 1 question
do you think the renewable energy is economical for turkmenistan ?

renewable energy
Partner Countries - Turkmenistan
No, the best option is to wait 1-2 more decades that solar cell prices falls and then it may get economical. Otherwise, gas power plants are the best option for Turkmenistan.
Why not feasable?
consider that you have a factory and you have your own small generator for your factory, in which many factories do have them. then you can sell extra power to government to achieve some money as well. It would cover expenses of your generator as well. BTW, this small power generation stations have been getting more interesting in the recent years

You can't establish Wind turbines everywhere. The place has to have constant wind speed. West of the Turkey is feaseble for this. Also there are some other factors.... like placing them on top of mountains, hills. In short you can't place a wind turbine near your factory.
You can't establish Wind turbines everywhere. The place has to have constant wind speed. West of the Turkey is feaseble for this. Also there are some other factors.... like placing them on top of mountains, hills. In short you can't place a wind turbine near your factory.
That's why factories mostly use gas or diesel generators.
You can fire up a gas generator anytime. Also it doesn't take much place.

For instance solar energy.... what happens if the weather is rainy for a week. All production halts for a week. :)

Actually, even big gas power plants can start generating electricity in less than 1 hour, and maybe even in 15 minutes, which is awesome. That's why they are the best option for countries with a big peak in their daily electricity load. As long as there is no good source to store electrical energy, these energies cannot be the solely source of power generating in a plant. That's why these solar power plants, also have a steam-electric power station as well to produce electricity in the times of having no sun light ;)
i was pleasantly surprised to see such huge Turkish involvement in Turkmenistan. I had expected the figure to be lower. But the more co-operation, the better of course. this is great news. the stronger economical ties we will have, the stronger our common unity in the future will be :mps:

:partay: :enjoy: one day we will see you are helping us in militry things :yahoo:

No, the best option is to wait 1-2 more decades that solar cell prices falls and then it may get economical. Otherwise, gas power plants are the best option for Turkmenistan.
what about Wind turbines ?

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