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Why ? Renovation in aviation sector.

Mate, i hate when our engineers achieve these kind of successes in/for foreign companies... We should employ our successful engineers in our companies...
SSM made a correction about this tender... I don't know what is the correction...


TSK vurmak için uçak alıyor!

So they wanna buy UAV's for shooting them down if i understood correctly, why dont they use the old F-4 for this purpose, US is doing the same with remote controlled old F-4's, it would also be more realistic than shooting down some UAV's.
So they wanna buy UAV's for shooting them down if i understood correctly, why dont they use the old F-4 for this purpose, US is doing the same with remote controlled old F-4's, it would also be more realistic than shooting down some UAV's.

I think it's not a good idea...

1- It will cost too much to adapt remote control system
2- Also F-4's operational cost will be much higher... Fuel, spare parts, maintenance etc...
3- You will need to use an airbase for F-4 and you will have to wait it's preparation and flight so much however you can use ŞİMŞEK like air drones can take off just near training and test bases... So time is the issue here...
4- Another thing is however F-4 needs airbase ŞİMŞEK can even take off from ships...
5- ŞİMŞEK not only be able to behave like a jet also it can behave like a missile or they can be moved anyway by operator... It can behave like an F-4... It is so flexible...
6- ŞİMŞEK can easily transported

Maybe we can count more reasons...
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I think it's not a good idea...

1- It will cost too much to adapt remote control system
2- Also F-4's operational cost will be much higher... Fuel, spare parts, maintenance etc...
3- You will need to use an airbase for F-4 and you will have to wait it's preparation and flight so much however you can use ŞİMŞEK like air drones can take off just near training and test bases... So time is the issue here...
4- Another thing is however F-4 needs airbase ŞİMŞEK can take off from ships...
5- ŞİMŞEK not only be able to behave like a jet also it can behave like a missile or they can be moved anyway by operator... It can behave like an F-4... It is so flexible...
6- ŞİMŞEK can easily transported

Maybe we can count more reasons...
So Simsek is basically a flying target?
Mate, i hate when our engineers achieve these kind of successes in/for foreign companies... We should employ our successful engineers in our companies...

It's a Turkish company, owned by a Turkish man which operates in Germany. This our our success. ;)
It's a Turkish company, owned by a Turkish man which operates in Germany. This our our success. ;)

Really ?.. wow... That's great... So, i love these kind of news... :enjoy:

So Simsek is basically a flying target?

Yes, they are being produced to be fake targets for trainings & tests... Our pilots & our air defence systems will try to hit this target... BTW when they hit this air drone, that air drone doesn't explode... They can use it again and again.... As Sinan mentioned They carry a ball like thing with them and pilot or Air Defence Systems hits that and after that when mission is completed that air drone falls down with a parachute...

Here specs and abilities of TAI ŞİMŞEK...

ŞİMŞEK - TUSAŞ-Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş.


Also it tells about this tender in this news...

TSK vurmak için uçak alıyor!
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Yes, they are being produced to be fake targets for trainings & tests... Our pilots & our air defence systems will try to hit this target... BTW when they hit this air drone, that air drone doesn't explode... They can use it again and again.... As Sinan mentioned They carry a ball like thing with them and pilot or Air Defence Systems hits that and after that when mission is completed that air drone falls down with a parachute...

Here specs and abilities of TAI ŞİMŞEK...

ŞİMŞEK - TUSAŞ-Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş.


Also it tells about this tender in this news...

TSK vurmak için uçak alıyor!

Mate that was Turna, i have no idea, how Şimşek operates.

Let me elaborate.. When I was in TAI, they made me to translate manuel book of Turna, Turkish to English. I learned and still remember some the features of it. Also I asked some questions to the Engineers there. But i know nothing about Şimşek.
Mate that was Turna, i have no idea, how Şimşek operates.

Let me elaborate.. When I was in TAI, they made me to translate manuel book of Turna, Turkish to English. I learned and still remember some the features of it. Also I asked some questions to the Engineers there. But i know nothing about Şimşek.

I think they work in the same way... Difference is ŞİMŞEK is a higher level air drone... It has a jet engine... Also for sure specs of ŞİMŞEK are much better then TURNA... It's much improved...
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I think they work in the same way... Difference is ŞİMŞEK is a higher level air drone... It has a jet engine... Also for sure specs of ŞİMŞEK are much better then TURNA... It's much improved...

As an addition TEI's 100% indigenous turbojet engine will be used on ŞİMŞEK...

TEI TJ90 TurboJet Engine First Flight
Joint marketing deal signed by AgustaWestland, Havelsan - UPI.com

Anglo-Italian aircraft company AgustaWestland and Havelsan of Turkey have announced a joint-marketing agreement for training products.
The collaboration comes under a memorandum of understanding signed by AgustaWestland Head of Region Ross Kelly and Havelsan Chief Executive Officer Sadik Yamac.

In addition to joint marketing, the accord provides for the companies to also collaborate and enhance their businesses through the joint development of training solutions, including training systems and training centers.

"Havelsan wishes to provide simulation and synthetic training systems, including information management solutions, in support of the various rotorcraft platforms purchased by the Turkish government and international defense and government customers," Yamac said. "This MOU is an important step towards achieving our aims in the rotorcraft training systems market."

Havelsan is a supplier of simulation and synthetic training systems and information management solutions.

Neither AgustaWestland nor Havelsan provided additional details of the envisaged collaboration.

AgustaWestland in April announced it has signed a distributorship agreement with Heliconia Aero Solutions of Morocco for its aircraft.
ASELSAN will produce encrypted phone also for Turkish Police... Also there are more and different news in the link about ASELSAN... Things like ASELSAN aims to start serial production of chips... And more news from Hasan CANPOLAT statements...

Emniyet için de kriptolu telsiz üretecek

First 5 months' defence & aviation exports is $600 mln... Last year first 5 months' exports was $510 mln...

İnshaAllah when export news like T-129 start to come these numbers will be much higher...

Savunmada 5 aylık ihracat rakamı

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