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Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

Altay is not finished other whise they would made a decision, the other great news is. Our smart bombs guidiance kit will go in serial production, so the reason why we buy from americans is clear.Ther is no serial production line, this year maybe,
i have been eagerly waiting for 9 March. Did they even mention TFX ? :D
TÜBİTAK MAM ile ARMERKOM arasında İşbirliği Protokolü imzalandı


TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi (MAM) Malzeme Enstitüsü’nün milimetre dalga ve Terahertz çalışmaları kapsamında 94 GHz Radar Kesit Alanı Ölçüm Sistemi Prototipi’nin geliştirilmesine yönelik Ar-Ge tasarım faaliyetlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla, Deniz Kuvvetleri Araştırma Merkez Komutanlığı (ARMERKOM) ile İşbirliği Protokolü imzalandı.

Araştırma Merkezi Komutanı Albay Recep Erdinç Yetkin ve Elektronik Harp Grup Başkanlığı personeli, 8 Mart 2016 tarihinde TÜBİTAK MAM Malzeme Enstitüsü’ne bağlı Milimetre Dalga ve Terahertz Teknolojileri Araştırma Laboratuvarı’nı (MİLTAL) ziyaret etti. MİLTAL Sorumlusu Dr. İlhami Ünal tarafından, laboratuvarda yürütülen çalışmalar hakkında detaylı bilgiler aktarıldı. Ziyaret sonrasında gerçekleşen törende, ARMERKOM Komutanı Albay Recep Erdinç Yetkin ve TÜBİTAK MAM Başkanı Doç. Dr. Bahadır Tunaboylu tarafından İşbirliği Protokolü’ne imza atıldı.

TÜBİTAK MAM ile ARMERKOM arasında İşbirliği Protokolü imzalandı | MARMARA ARAŞTIRMA MERKEZİ

Co-operation deal signed between TUBITAK MAM and AMERKOM to develop 94 GHz RCS Measurement system for Naval requirements..
SSIK meeting

1. 8 F35A
2. Production of smart strike munitions
3. Indigenus T-129 Atak helicopter engine development
4. Electronic Warfare Systems
5-Long Altitude SAM

SSIK Approves 6 Billion Dollar Projects

Whats the news regarding the Long Altitude SAM? Is the overal budget and development finalized?
Turkey Panel OKs $5.9 Billion in Defense Programs

ANKARA — Turkey’s top procurement panel, the Defense Industry Executive Committee, approved nearly $6 billion in defense programs, much of it going toward indigenous development efforts, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said March 9.

“Today we approved $5.9 billion worth of new defense projects. Around $4.5 billion worth of these projects will consist of local production,” Davutoglu said after the meeting of the committee.

The Defense Industry Executive Committee is chaired by Davutoglu. Its other members are Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz, chief of the military general staff, Army Gen. Hulusi Akar, and chief procurement official, Ismail Demir.

Davutoglu said that Turkey’s defense industry exports rose by 35 percent in the first two months of the year. He praised efforts for indigenous programs and said that the serial production of locally developed infantry rifles will take off this year.

He said Turkey no longer needs foreign know-how in drone production. The Anka, a medium-altitude, long-endurance drone developed by Tusas Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), made its debut flight in February. The Anka flew on Feb. 5 in the eastern province of Elazig and reached an altitude of 19,000 feet while successfully carrying out a four-hour exploration and observation flight.


Turkish Drone Anka Makes Debut Flight

Davutoglu also said that a total of 10 attack helicopters (T-129s) co-produced by TAI and the Italian-British AgustaWestland, were delivered to the Turkish Army last year and 17 others would follow suit this year.

The prime minister also said that efforts to indigenously build engines to power the T-129s would gain speed this year.

Procurement sources said that the Defense Industry Executive Committee meeting also saw discussions on the ambitious Turkish program for the indigenous production of a fighter jet.

The Committee also discussed plans to design, develop and produce a dual-purpose regional jet for both civilian and military use, under license from the U.S. Sierra Nevada Corp. Production for that program is scheduled to take off in 2019.
Turkey Panel OKs $5.9 Billion in Defense Programs
SSIK meeting

1. 8 F35A
2. Production of smart strike munitions
3. Indigenus T-129 Atak helicopter engine development
4. Electronic Warfare Systems
5-Long Altitude SAM

SSIK Approves 6 Billion Dollar Projects

He is talking about $ 12 billion. What does this amount for? Do we have a chance to find out the details?
Aselsan depth measurement system which name is KULAC has been exported to Indonesia.


Kritik teknolojileri kullanarak özgün ürün ve sistemler geliştiren ASELSAN, yüksek teknoloji ürünlerinin ihracatında yeni bir başarıya imza attı.

Milli olarak geliştirilen ve Türk denizaltılarında kullanılan KULAÇ İskandil Sistemi (derinlik ölçme sonarı), Endonezya Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda kullanılacak. Böylece ASELSAN, su altı akustik sistemlerine yönelik ilk ihracatını gerçekleştirmiş olacak.

KULAÇ İskandil Sistemi’nin Endonezya Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı envanterinde bulunan “KRI Nanggala 402” denizaltısına montaj ve entegrasyon faaliyetleri ASELSAN tarafından önümüzdeki dönemde yürütülecek.

Sistem 1000 metre derinliğe kadar ölçüm yapabiliyor

Askeri standartlara göre tasarlanan ve doğrulanan KULAÇ Sistemi, Gönderme Alma ve İşlemci Birimi, Uzak Gösterge Birimleri ile Düşük-Yüksek Frekans akustik transdüserlerden oluşuyor. Yüksek hassasiyetle çalışan sistem, 1000 metre derinliğe kadar ölçüm yapabiliyor. Yüksek kapasiteli kayıt imkanına sahip olan sistem, tek platformda birden fazla akustik sistemin eş zamanlı kullanımına da imkan veriyor.

Sistem, 2013 yılından itibaren görevine sorunsuz şekilde devam ediyor.
Turkey's ASELSAN exports first bathometer system

Turkey's military electronics company ASELSAN has for the first time exported depth-measuring sonar systems to Indonesia.

The latest addition to Turkey's booming defense exports of recent years, ASELSAN will export its KULAÇ Bathometer System, as used in Turkish submarines, to Indonesia's Naval Forces Command.

In February, Turkey's leading defense system producer ASELSAN handed over the newlydeveloped and locally produced, land-based radar electronic attack system called KORAL to the Turkish Air Force.

A ceremony was held at the defense company's Golbasi facility in the capital city of Ankara, attended by Abidin Ünal, commander of the Turkish Air Force.

The transportable attack system has the capability to jam, deceive and paralyze hostile radars.

It also "analyzes multi-target signals and automatically or manually generates an appropriate response," according to ASELSAN.

Defense Industry Undersecretary İsmail Demir highlighted the importance of electronic systems given the numerous crises in the world.

"We've seen how important electronic warfare is in recent wars," he said, adding, "We have full determination to continue existing efforts to equip our security forces with the most modern weapons."

Turkey has increased efforts in recent years to eliminate dependency on external suppliers for its defense industry.

Ankara has spent over $1 billion on defense, research and development in 2014, making defense the sector with the largest research and development investment in the country.

The top defense export items include aircraft, helicopter parts, engines, armored-land vehicles, speed boats, missiles, rockets, launching platforms, light weapons and electronic systems including transmitters, simulators, sensors and software.

Rumour has it we will buy the Firtina.

Romania issued a RFI for 40 systems,22 to be delivered in 2017 and 18 in 2018,so,pretty soon.According to the parameters issued by the RFI only the Firtina and the K9 would make the cut,many here think that the Turkish system is as good as qualified.

Any ideea on the costs?
Rumour has it we will buy the Firtina.

Romania issued a RFI for 40 systems,22 to be delivered in 2017 and 18 in 2018,so,pretty soon.According to the parameters issued by the RFI only the Firtina and the K9 would make the cut,many here think that the Turkish system is as good as qualified.

Any ideea on the costs?

What a surprise. Firstly accusing Turks with empty chest-thumping, than calling Turkish system as good as qualified When It is related with Romanian purchase.

Enjoy !

What a surprise. Firstly accusing Turks with empty chest-thumping, than calling Turkish system as good as qualified When It is related with Romanian purchase.

Enjoy !

lol seriously ? Can't you read ? what are we ,in kindergarden ? I've said that the Turkish systems listed by me are done with German tech assistance and I stand by that.Secondly,i don't make decisions ,our MoD does and by the looks of the RFI people agree that only the Firtina or the K9 would qualify.
Rumour has it we will buy the Firtina.

Romania issued a RFI for 40 systems,22 to be delivered in 2017 and 18 in 2018,so,pretty soon.According to the parameters issued by the RFI only the Firtina and the K9 would make the cut,many here think that the Turkish system is as good as qualified.

Any ideea on the costs?


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