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Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
General Ziya Cemal Kadioğlu, Commander Turkish Air Force 🇹🇷 being introduced to the cockpit of JF-17C Block-III during his visit to Exercise Indus Shield 2023.

Block-III was pitched against TurAF F-16C is AESA vs Doppler DACT Air Combat.

The fighter jet that the Azerbaijani air force can reach by the shortest route is the Pakistani JF-17. However, this agreement could not be formalized. There has been a lot of speculation about reasons, as most of you know...

Anyway, Azerbaijan is now semi-officially part of the KAAN program. And they will also acquire the Hurjet as advanced trainer for KAAN. As far as I can understand, in order for the JF-17 to find a place for itself in the 'non-Russian' new air force structuring , they want it to serve smoothly in the same infrastructure with these near future platforms. For this reason, it has been speculated in the past that there may be some evaluations on the possibility of partial privatization and create an variant of the JF-17. Many air forces can operate east and west jets at the same time, but with completely different logistics lines, with vastly different training-documentation and maintenance lines... The Azerbaijani air force, on the other hand, is modeled on the Turkish air force school, and its structuring, infrastructure investments and training processes are shaped accordingly.

The modernization model created by TAI for the Georgian and later Azerbaijani Su-25s is a small-scale effort that has not received much attention, but I think is indirectly related to this issue. TAI may soon be able to make some contributions to the JF-17 that will enable it to be more robustly offered to air forces that are compatible with NATO infrastructure.
One such project is underway in Kamra.
Many such projects are underway. But we're they completed ?
Even if completed, were they actually manufactured and deployed?
Pakistan sucks at completion and manufacturing of projects.

One shining example is ground surveillance radar. All research and development done by NUST with a meagre amount of 3.9 caror rupees.
Then sent to NRTC for mass production. No news after that.
Except one unconfirmed report of the radar being exported to Jordan. But no news of deployment on own borders .

Likewise this radar and RF research and development facility, built but no results shown as of yet.

Anyway, Azerbaijan is now semi-officially part of the KAAN program.

There will be issues with getting the F110 engine to Azerbaijan for the KAAN, the Armenian lobby in Washington will block it. I don't see them acquiring it until the Turkish engine is ready or some other solution is found. and there may be potential issues with the british ejection seat, less so.
There will be issues with getting the F110 engine to Azerbaijan for the KAAN, the Armenian lobby in Washington will block it. I don't see them acquiring it until the Turkish engine is ready or some other solution is found. and there may be potential issues with the british ejection seat, less so.
The F-110 engines will be used for flight and structural tests, and for the production of prototypes and block-0/ part of B-1 after the prototype. Apart from that, there is no other F110 agreement or procurement. The engines to be used within the scope of Phase-1 should be seen as an interim solution that will probably giving a couple years of advantage to the project. Neither the Turkish Air Force nor other potential operator countries are planning to produce the final configuration with these engines. Azerbaijan will probably be the second operator country of KAAN, and I did not write this as a prediction. This is information. Could there be engine supply problems in the future, yes. Are engine indigenization efforts lagging behind, yes. However, this is the general strategy, and the risk management of this is of course a subject worth discussing.
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