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Turkish Aviation Programs

Hurkuş reached 33500ft altitude in trials...

16 milyar dolarlık "müşterek taarruz uçağı" denilen F-35 uçağı projesinin, dünyanın en büyük ve en geniş kapsamlı projesi olduğunu vurgulayan Özlü, 9 ülkenin yer alacağı bu projede yaklaşık 3 bin uçak üretileceğini, Türkiye'nin de 116 uçak alacağına işaret etti. Özlü, bu projede Türkiye'nin payının yüzde 3,3 olduğunu belirtti.


So we will buy 116 F-35. 16 more than previously stated. Most probably F-35B STOVL variant for new LHD's.
16 milyar dolarlık "müşterek taarruz uçağı" denilen F-35 uçağı projesinin, dünyanın en büyük ve en geniş kapsamlı projesi olduğunu vurgulayan Özlü, 9 ülkenin yer alacağı bu projede yaklaşık 3 bin uçak üretileceğini, Türkiye'nin de 116 uçak alacağına işaret etti. Özlü, bu projede Türkiye'nin payının yüzde 3,3 olduğunu belirtti.


So we will buy 116 F-35. 16 more than previously stated. Most probably F-35B STOVL variant for new LHD's.

Which means you wI'll build minimum 2 LHD.
16 is less than one juan carlos can carry at maximum

The Harriers are also smaller than the F35B.
But 2 LHD's seems too premature now. They'll probably keep a couple on shore for training too?
The Turkish Flying Wings.
The first step of the stealth bomber was started in 1948, cancelled in 1953.
It was similar to Northop flying wing. What a pitty they gave up project.

Here it is
THK 13
edit: source of images doesnt allow to copy.
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Atatürk's death was a chance for foreing and domestic anti-Turks to exploit weak minded politicians and to stop Türkiye from its march to future.. They never let us be productive instead they wanted an assembly industry in Türkiye by making some families stick out. They used media very well to distract the attention of Turkish people, to cover their illegal acts..

Atatürk's legacy was under attack by even his closest friends. Even before his death but during his illness they put Atatürk aside and made decisions unbeknowst to him.

Misteriously, these projects and many more good things vanished into thin air. Still today some perverts gather in large groups and try to stop big projects just like the gezi events exemplify
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