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Turkish Aviation Programs

I disagree, Germany is already “on our side on this issue” Europe doesn’t like Trump.
"Being against Trump" has nothing to do with F35 contracts. If we cancel contracts, it will take 1-2 months for Northrop Grumman to fill the gap, and we will face with lots of lawsuits that we will lose for guarantee. Not even mentioning that we won't be able to gain from current contracts if we cancel them.

There is no Turkish benefit on cancelling F35 contracts, but the opposite.

This might pull Europe closer to us.
Cancelling F35 contracts will make EU to closer to us? o_O What kind of logic is that? They will sue us as well since they are also contractors of the project :lol:

Hav hav hav. I am seriously starting to think you are an American agent. Woof woof.
Well who cares what a çomar thinks amk? Get a bone and eat in the corner Ak-İt.
"Being against Trump" has nothing to do with F35 contracts. If we cancel contracts, it will take 1-2 months for Northrop Grumman to fill the gap, and we will face with lots of lawsuits that we will lose for guarantee. Not even mentioning that we won't be able to gain from current contracts if we cancel them.

There is no Turkish benefit on cancelling F35 contracts, but the opposite.

Cancelling F35 contracts will make EU to closer to us? o_O What kind of logic is that? They will sue us as well since they are also contractors of the project :lol:

Well who cares what a çomar thinks amk? Get a bone and eat in the corner Ak-İt.
The secretary of defence Mattis already said kicking us out of the program would delay around 200 F35’s for up to 18 months. What planet are you living on Lockheed is the manufacture for F35, not Northrop. I don’t know if Europe will come closer to Turkey, but I doubt they’ll sue us.
The secretary of defence Mattis already said kicking us out of the program would delay around 200 F35’s for up to 18 months.
Yeah, he just doesn't want to lose Turkish airspace and İncirlik Airbase. In 12.07.2017, TAI sent 21th F35 part to US, meanwhile more than 200 F35s were built. It's like 1/10 o_O And you think that it will give a huge effect to F35 production? lol i won't even comment on 12 months bs :lol:

but I doubt they’ll sue us.
What kind of world you are living in? We will be sued in the a$$ and will pay hundreds of millions, if not billions, for nothing. Okay not for nothing but for ego masturbation. There is not a single Turkish benefit here, but this is a nice economical tactic if we want to suicide :lol:
I am seriously starting to think you are an American agent. "Release the pastor", "Escalate the tensions", "Don't suspend F35 supplies even if we don't get the plane" etc etc... There is absolutely 0 logic in this if you are loyal to Turkey, but a lot if you are loyal to the US.

I don't think he realises. When the US wants regime change it uses the media to turn citizens against their own country. Because most Turks are patriotic, the propaganda is in the form of "the best thing for Turkey is to do X", when in reality that's the best thing for the US. It's funny because they're so busy sinking all these resources into anti-Turkey propaganda that the Russians have been able to successfully use the same tricks against them, even getting their stooge elected president. Anyway I don't wanna go too far off topic.
Yeah, he just doesn't want to lose Turkish airspace and İncirlik Airbase. In 12.07.2017, TAI sent 21th F35 part to US, meanwhile more than 200 F35s were built. It's like 1/10 o_O And you think that it will give a huge effect to F35 production? lol i won't even comment on 12 months bs :lol:

What kind of world you are living in? We will be sued in the a$$ and will pay hundreds of millions, if not billions, for nothing. Okay not for nothing but for ego masturbation. There is not a single Turkish benefit here, but this is a nice economical tactic if we want to suicide :lol:
We will see then.
I am seriously starting to think you are an American agent. "Release the pastor", "Escalate the tensions", "Don't suspend F35 supplies even if we don't get the plane" etc etc... There is absolutely 0 logic in this if you are loyal to Turkey, but a lot if you are loyal to the US.

We already have international court when they stop delivering planes. But if we stop delivering our components cost is massive and We won't have much chance of getting compensation or anything.

On the other hand, if Continue delivering our end of bargain We can get compensation and deliver 10b$ worth of equipment without buying single f35. That would help us finance TAI thus TFX. What more we can ask for?
We already have international court when they stop delivering planes. But if we stop delivering our components cost is massive and We won't have much chance of getting compensation or anything.

On the other hand, if Continue delivering our end of bargain We can get compensation and deliver 10b$ worth of equipment without buying single f35. That would help us finance TAI thus TFX. What more we can ask for?
Much exac. my opinion! If they block TR so what, keep delivering the parts, earn money and experience and invest all that money into TFX which must be absolutely independent from US tech and influence... a clear win win situation for TR industry and air force
We already have international court when they stop delivering planes. But if we stop delivering our components cost is massive and We won't have much chance of getting compensation or anything.

On the other hand, if Continue delivering our end of bargain We can get compensation and deliver 10b$ worth of equipment without buying single f35. That would help us finance TAI thus TFX. What more we can ask for?
If they dont even sell us the F-35 how much longer do you think they will give us free lucrative business? I am all for producing and selling aviation components worth $10b but you are very naive if you think they will not just use us as a stepping stone until they find alternatives. Also, cancelling our part of the deal after they cancel theirs will have no effect in a court. Because Turkey will have very valid arguments, such as "the US banning f-35 to Turkey made maintaining our facilities and capabilities pointless". I dont know the nature of the contracts in this case, but simply speaking, if the aircraft delivery to Turkey and component delivery by Turkey are in a single contract, Turkey has no obligations the moment the contract has been breached by the US. If, on the other hand, they are separate, they will be treated on a case by case basis in a court at most. Even then Turkey will have a valid excuse as I said before.
On the other hand cancelling the F-35 component delivery will have a significant and lasting effect that may even convince the US to reverse their decisions. It will not only delay US deliveries, but also goad other partners against the US since the cost will rise and delivery times be delayed. This will teach the US, as well as other countries, to take Turkey seriously next time.
F35 is over...

Another funny thing is TAI and others will have to continue the production because of huge contract termination costs. Now it is the time for "Milli and Yerli" bs...
F35 is over...

Another funny thing is TAI and others will have to continue the production because of huge contract termination costs. Now it is the time for "Milli and Yerli" bs...

Or looking for some partners.
F35 is over...

Another funny thing is TAI and others will have to continue the production because of huge contract termination costs. Now it is the time for "Milli and Yerli" bs...
Why would TAI stop delivering parts, they get cash for it, cancelling the contracts out of emotions would be stupid.
Why would TAI stop delivering parts, they get cash for it, cancelling the contracts out of emotions would be stupid.

Emotions. It is just like "İncirlik kapatılsın!!!"

Do you think we leave in a "professional" country?

F35 parts money will be dirty...
If they dont even sell us the F-35 how much longer do you think they will give us free lucrative business? I am all for producing and selling aviation components worth $10b but you are very naive if you think they will not just use us as a stepping stone until they find alternatives. Also, cancelling our part of the deal after they cancel theirs will have no effect in a court. Because Turkey will have very valid arguments, such as "the US banning f-35 to Turkey made maintaining our facilities and capabilities pointless". I dont know the nature of the contracts in this case, but simply speaking, if the aircraft delivery to Turkey and component delivery by Turkey are in a single contract, Turkey has no obligations the moment the contract has been breached by the US. If, on the other hand, they are separate, they will be treated on a case by case basis in a court at most. Even then Turkey will have a valid excuse as I said before.
On the other hand cancelling the F-35 component delivery will have a significant and lasting effect that may even convince the US to reverse their decisions. It will not only delay US deliveries, but also goad other partners against the US since the cost will rise and delivery times be delayed. This will teach the US, as well as other countries, to take Turkey seriously next time.

They will give us free lucrative business as long as We keep our end of the bargain and Not Broke the deals We signed which probably has quite a big termination fee. Or They could give us termination fee and We wouldn't have to deliver these components.

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