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Turkish Aviation Programs

Indeed, look at Europe how they created a common ''European'' values. These people were killing each other barbarously 60 years ago. Now they are best friends. This made Europe the safest and most stabilized region in the world after 2 world wars. If they could do it, we can do too. We didn't fire single bullet at each others since Treaty of Zuhab/ Kasr-ı Şirin which was 380 years ago.
Why does Turkey need a 60hp engine?
aerobatic flying displays?

Here the Serat-2 (60hp):

Here Toloe-4 (copy of the French Microturbo TRI-60):
Why does Turkey need a 60hp engine?
aerobatic flying displays?

Here the Serat-2 (60hp):

Here Toloe-4 (copy of the French Microturbo TRI-60):
View attachment 472054
Probably no deal has been signed...There is nothing about that "Mou" in the Turkish or international media, more over not a photo or video of the Mou signing ceremony....most possibly made up news.
Probably no deal has been signed...There is nothing about that "Mou" in the Turkish or international media, more over not a photo or video of the Mou signing ceremony....most possibly made up news.
Not all MoU ceremonies are publicized per se, there has been a report from Ahval regarding the recent flare up in Turko-Iranian cooperation, as well as SkyNews Arabia:



In this Star article the Iranian company is also briefly highlighted:

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Why does Turkey need a 60hp engine?
aerobatic flying displays?

Here the Serat-2 (60hp):

Here Toloe-4 (copy of the French Microturbo TRI-60):
View attachment 472054
Microturbo engine is not for planes it is made for cruise missile.
Engines for missile have very short lifespan and disposable.

Though 2x 60hp durable aircraft engines could be useful for drones.
Not all MoU ceremonies are publicized per se, there has been a report from Ahval regarding the recent flare up in Turko-Iranian cooperation, as well as SkyNews Arabia:



In this Star article the Iranian company is also briefly highlighted:

Well, that'y my idea that this is a fabricated news. Time will tell.
Not all MoU ceremonies are publicized per se, there has been a report from Ahval regarding the recent flare up in Turko-Iranian cooperation, as well as SkyNews Arabia:



In this Star article the Iranian company is also briefly highlighted:

I went to eurasia airshow too. I saw the Iranian companies and just for fun I talked to one of them, known as "National Geographic Association" and they almost signed an MoU with me too. I am just an engineer and have nothing to do with inter-organizational relations, and none of their products were even useful in my field. But they were very pushy and kept forcing me to sign an MoU despite me telling them that I dont have that kind of an authority.
So all in all I would take this news with a grain of salt. I think Iranians have a different understanding of an MoU than do we.
They are using Wankel engine for ther uav, a good strong engine but unreliable and expensive with maintenance. Nobody will use that engine for ther uav, i doubt even the Iran companies will not use it.
Turkey to receive first F-35 fighter from US next month
Uğur Ergan - ANKARA

The United States will deliver the first F-35joint strike fighter to Turkey on June 21 as part of a longstanding partnership between the two allies, despite attempts by the U.S. Congress to block the procurement of such weaponry to the Turkish government.

According to defense industry authorities, the delivery of the first of the 30 F-35fighters will be made on June 21 in a ceremony that will be held in the U.S.

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), which are a part of the U.S. Department of Defense’s JSF program, along with a number of prominent NATO allies including the United Kingdom, Italy and the Netherlands, have been planning to upgrade their air force fleets with 100 F-35aircrafts to be jointly produced under this program. The first package, however, is about the delivery of 30 F-35 fighters.

Pilots from the TSK will receive intense training at the headquarters of the main producer of the F-35, Lockheed Martin, before the fighters will be transported to Turkey later this year, sources have said. Sources have also informed that arrangements are underway on military bases in Turkey where the F-35s will be deployed.

Turkey’s current air defense is based on strong F-16 fleets. The TSK is planning to change some of these fleets with the incoming F-35s.

The delivery of the first F-35 fighter will take place at a time when a number of U.S. congressmen have been urging the U.S. administration to suspend the procurement of these fighters to Turkeybecause of the latter’s decision to upgrade its air defense systems with Russian S-400 anti-ballistic missile systems.

Turkey has strongly criticized the U.S. Congress’ move and vowed to retaliate. “If they take such a step at a moment when we are trying to mend our bilateral ties, they will definitely get a response from Turkey. There is no longer the old Turkey,” Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu told private broadcaster CNN Türk in an interview on May 6.
Turkey’s current air defense is based on strong F-16 fleets. The TSK is planning to change some of these fleets with the incoming F-35s.

I still don't get how reporters get this simple fact wrong. We're looking to drop our F4 fleets and replace them with the F35. The F16 replacement will be the TFX. In fact the first squadron of F35s are actually on older F4 squadron that was dismissed because the planes were retired (IIRC).
What blows my mind is how a free-fall bomb glided by wings can have a 110km range... simply amazing.

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