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Turkish Aviation Programs

So they finalized the design?? Can you provide any link with more details?

Well at this time it's "finalized" at it's current form but we're not even close to starting to create a prototype yet. Even after the initial prototype the design will change (there are 7 prototypes planned and each will have design iterations).

All in all, this is the decided model and form as well as engine structure and power output. It will probably change but the feel of it will be more or less this.
TAI has nothing to do with Altay Tank, that part is wrong.

Also, it is in critical design process yet, waiting for engine selection. They want to have first prototype to fly by 2023 and accept to air force in 2028-2030..
Temel Kotil said 2025 for first flight in a conference. So I think they revised maiden flight date from 2023 to 2025.
"by initiative of Turkey" and "two years ago"
Thats good. There may be more projets not revealed yet.
Guys Greece officially are going to modernize 85 F16s to Block 70 Viper level and the first jet will be sent for modernization in the coming month of August. Don't you think that we also have to modernize some number of F16 with domestic systems? The F35s are good but I don't think they will be in a significant number compared to the Greek F16s. I think that number of F16 Block 70 Viper can be a threat for the Turkish security.

We also know that ASELSAN is working on domestic modernization package that can bring our F16s to Block 70 Viper equivalent state.

@Combat-Master Master can you post the pics from that thread and also if possible to make some review of the modernization package that we are working over?
Where does Greece find the money to upgrade its jets when it's virtually bankrupt state?
Not only jets. I am to lazy to go and search but you can see for yourself that they are trying to build the entire army as much as they can. Like Mete Yarar said what is the meaning of all that weaponizing? Also the provocations raised.
I have a bad feeling about the gas exploration around Cyprus. They are simply getting ready to claim what they want to be their but hopefully we are also getting ready.
Guys Greece officially are going to modernize 85 F16s to Block 70 Viper level and the first jet will be sent for modernization in the coming month of August. Don't you think that we also have to modernize some number of F16 with domestic systems? The F35s are good but I don't think they will be in a significant number compared to the Greek F16s. I think that number of F16 Block 70 Viper can be a threat for the Turkish security.

We also know that ASELSAN is working on domestic modernization package that can bring our F16s to Block 70 Viper equivalent state.

@Combat-Master Master can you post the pics from that thread and also if possible to make some review of the modernization package that we are working over?

The modernization for Greek F-16s cost ~$1.45 billion.
For a country that is bankrupt they really invest in the Armed Forces.

How long will it take them to finish it?

To counter that we should invest more in the HISAR Systems especially HISAR U.

Also the provocations raised.
I have a bad feeling about the gas exploration around Cyprus. They are simply getting ready to claim what they want to be their but hopefully we are also getting ready.

Yeah then let's show them the Ballistic Missiles they fear so much... remeber the day we present the Bora Tactical Ballistic Missile, even the Greek News reported about it.
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The modernization for Greek F-16s cost ~$1.45 billion.
For a country that is bankrupt they really invest in the Armed Forces.

How long will it take them to finish it?

To counter that we should invest more in the HISAR Systems especially HISAR U.

Yeah then let's show them the Ballistic Missiles they fear so much... remeber the day we present the Bora Tactical Ballistic Missile, even the Greek News reported about it.

Can we reach their landing strips for their airforce with our bora's? Then i dont se any problem they cant keep their planes flying forever.
Can we reach their landing strips for their airforce with our bora's? Then i dont se any problem they cant keep their planes flying forever.

Yeah BORA can hit every Greek Military Airport in the Agean, in Thrace and Athens.
Greece has been arming against a possible Turkish military invasion since the 90's when we no real motif in invading any of our neighbours... It's illogical.
Again interesting claim. In this source it is stated that AN-188 will be able to carry up to 50t payload compared to the 40t that the graphic below shows
Iran, Turkey sign 5 MoUs on sale of aviation industry products
TEHRAN, Apr. 28 (MNA) – Iran and Turkey have signed 5 Memorandums of Understanding on the sale of various types of aviation products on the sidelines of 2018 Eurasia Airshow in Antalya, Turkey.

Jaffar Zedwar, an official from Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO) said that the five pacts are on the sale of aviation products, including nuts and bolts as well as other various parts relating to aviation industry, and the Toloe 4 and Serat 2 UAV engines.

He also announced an agreement on the export of the Iranian 'Sairan' company products to Turkey including various types of radios and aerobatic flying displays

I hope Iran and Turkey can further cooperate with each other, maybe Iran can also buy defense products from Turkey in the future:


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