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Turkish Army orders new Chinook helicopters


Dec 27, 2009
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Turkish Army orders new Chinook helicopters | TRDEFENCE

Turkey’s Undersecreteriat for Defence Industries (SSM) has signed agreement with the U.S. government to purchase an initial batch of 6 CH-47F Chinook helicopters as part of a larger $1.2 billion deal that includes a number of other equipment and inter-government military assistance, TRDEFENCE sources reported Sunday.

A Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) statement to the U.S. Congress mentiones a possible sale of 8 more Chinook helicopters for the Turkish Armed Forces as an added option, which Turkey is expected to exercise.

In addition to the helicopters, the deal also includes 32 T55-GA-714A turbine engines (that power heavy-lift helicopters like the Chinook), 28 AN/ARC-201E single channel ground and airborne radio systems, 14 AN/APR-39A(V)1 radar signal detecting sets, support and test equipment, special tools, spare parts, publications and documentation, training and other services.

“Turkey is a partner of the United States in ensuring peace and stability in the region. It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist our North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability that will contribute to an acceptable military balance in the area. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives,” the DSCA statement said.

There are no known off set agreements for the Turkish defence industry, however the off-the-shelf sale will improve Turkey’s capability to meet current and future requirements for troop movement, medical evacuation, aircraft recovery, parachute drop, search and rescue, disaster relief, fire-fighting, and heavy construction. Turkey will use these helicopters to strengthen its homeland defense, deter regional threats, and improve humanitarian and disaster mobilization and response.

Helicopters are expected to be delivered in 36 months.
Mr. Jigs is there a possibility to build these choppers at TAI? I think we are going to buy from US and they will produce these choppers in USA right?
Mr. Jigs is there a possibility to build these choppers at TAI? I think we are going to buy from US and they will produce these choppers in USA right?

Yes these are off the shelf. No production at TAI will take place. Boeing will produce them in the U.S. then ship them over to Turkey along with the other equipment. This is also much faster then trying to get them produced under license. I am sure TAI will be doing all the maintenance and such so there shouldn't be any problems.
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