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Oğuzlar by Faruk Sümer, every single part of this book is a valuable information :)

Which one was your tribe ? I found a family tree for Turkmens of Turkmenistan :D

Indeed it's a very good book. Read it a long long time ago.
it's first time i hear this name yet even in my home town we dont have such tribe btw i forget mention the cavuldur tirbe they live in north

yomud also called demiroghlu (idk why :D)

May be they're later dissolved.

Yomud is divided into many smaller tribes, which one ? :D Family tree I'm talking about covers 5 pages :D in 1880 Yomut is recorded as 15 000 tents.
Sherif Cafer Bey
Nur Ali

Soon I will find out about the location of your house :ph34r:
WTF ! :D can u tell me more about jefer bay ?? i never heard nur ali before !:o: i must ask it from our elders cmon tell more about these tribe
WTF ! :D can u tell me more about jefer bay ?? i never heard nur ali before !:o: i must ask it from our elders cmon tell more about these tribe

Ups I forgot one step

Şerif Cafer Bey
Nur AliI

Total number of Cafer Bey is 3500 tent oturak, 4500 tent göçer.

F.cking its ruined wait.

Edit: Goddammit I wrote all Yomut but when I posted its all ruined.

Ogurchyk Alp's son Berdi has two sons, Kul Hacı and Kulmı, from Kul Hacı comes Ersarı and from Kulmı comes Yomut.

Although him being descendent from Salur Kazan might be made up.
ok whos is the serif cafar bey ?
ok whos is the serif cafar bey ?

I don't know, no spesific info :D but its seem like Yomut came to region you live now in 1800s and replaced the Oklu which was living there before, Yomut helped Qajars againts Afshars and Zand, its said Qajar founderr Agha Muhammed Shah's mother was the daughter of Yomut leader Begenc.

But man its seems like you were constantly persecuted, Kipchak tribes, Khwarezmshahs, Nogais, Kalmyks, later Ozbeks etc. Abu'l Ghazi Bahadır Khan which is one of the main sources for Turkic history tells during his travels he stopped and stayed among Turkmens, but he also considers them enemy, calls them stupid and openly says he butchered thousands of them, well similar things happened in the west too result of not being united.
Actually, not exactly the same, but I think I understand what you are talking about.
Anyway, Soviet Union was not that much bad for us. it helped us to progress very fast, although it had a bad collapse.

actually it was very bad
the soviet factories made Sumgait one of most polluted cities in the world
during Soviet era the land became so contaminated and lakes so polluted that it takes few years to just fully clear the land

government took care of Sumgait , demolishing all soviet factories and building new ones outside
clearing land and clean up of lakes and our sector of Caspian Sea is still going on

Projects like Baku White City and Olympic Stadium are being built on what once was the most polluted part of the city

Baku White City

Olympic Stadium



Boyuk Shor

I don't know, no spesific info :D
from what we know he was youngest brother of agha mohammad khan ( it may not be true ) and he was very honorable and noble and he was like a kratos in god of war he could do every thing by himself he rescued agha mohamad khan from captivity in shiraz he at the night opend the gate of kerman he killed 10000 enemy in single battle he :blah: :blah: he was our hero and we like to make him greater :D :lol:

Yomut helped Qajars againts Afshars and Zand, its said Qajar founderr Agha Muhammed Shah's mother was the daughter of Yomut leader Begenc.
actually yomud help the nadir shah before he come to power i mean all of us helped them at that time we were united nader himself grow up among the goklan turkmen one of his most trusted cavalier men was jan ali sultan e goklan the leader of goklan turkmen but or allahyar beg gerayli who killed ottoman pasha in iraq
can u give me info about the gerayli ?? as far as i know their are come from geray (keray) son of erlik one out our evil gods

Topal Osman Paşa - Vikipedi

btw idk why some people remove his name from english page of topal osman pasha ! like @Azeri440 says wikipedia is full of racism

but later nader begin to change when hasan khan come to us Begenc was on the hunting and his wife was rule in his stead and she give the yomud protection over qajars she let them enter yomud lands in the night nadir killed was the night our unity dies a lot of turkmen leader killed in that night and civil war begin among turkmen and turks , non turks wait for the last moment when we get weak they start their assault our my tribe 2 last battle happen in boguzi (neck ) and astarabad in neck which was a swamp land and that lands belongs to doz tirbe of atabay hasan khan killed in that battle and agha mohamad khan taken prison they lay siege to astarabad only to ambushed from behind by turkmen cavalierly when defender see the cavalierly they open the gate and charge from front karim khan barely flee with his life with the hostage he take he force us to attack to other turkmen tribe and killed our unity

But man its seems like you were constantly persecuted, Kipchak tribes, Khwarezmshahs, Nogais, Kalmyks, later Ozbeks etc. Abu'l Ghazi Bahadır Khan which is one of the main sources for Turkic history tells during his travels he stopped and stayed among Turkmens, but he also considers them enemy, calls them stupid and openly says he butchered thousands of them, well similar things happened in the west too result of not being united.

lol he never done that ! the only power who truly conquered us was russians and only power in central asia which could defeat the russian was we ! that khan of khive was allied it's self with russians and Armenians and with the help of uzbek and kazakhs they defeat us in the very long war

He may have not conquered but according to his own words he raided and made atrocities :)

About Geray, I found it in another family tree, they're also from Yomut, but a different part from you(not from Cafer Bey), I doubt they're coming from Erlik :D Giray was a title which is also sued by Crimean leaders, may be something related to it or may be related to Kerait tribe, also according to that list , in 1819, leader of Karancık was Hakim Ali Bey.
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