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Turkic - Anatolian Music

o gözler kimi her taraf qara
bu yollar seni aparır hara
yena bu seher güneş nur yera eyler
bir teze nağıl başlar dünya
oyan ey güneş oyan
al elvan boya yoxsa bu deniz uçar
bir zülmet geca deniz qaçar
gel ey seher... gel ey seher...
es deli külek bu günü apar
o öten ömrü yeniden qaytar

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kuche means Alley or lane (the Radius of 10-50m from your front door) i think you call it geçit.:happy:
ps: or sokak

Exactly right.
Do you know the tittle?
I found a modern version for you;)

Actually this song is one of our folklore songs in Azerbaijan.
I found this lyric in the internet, and modified its translation a little bit:

Küçələrə su səpmişəm,
Yar gələndə toz olmasın.
Elə gəlsin, elə getsin,
Aramızda söz olmasın.

I have thrown water into the alley,
My beloved is coming, so I don't want any dust to be there, (and bother her).
Let her come, let her go,
But let there not be words between us.

BTW, do you guys know Reshid Behbudov? He was one of our greatest singers.(Classic Genre)
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