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Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

F-35 vs S-400; If Turkey had to choose one, which one should it choose?

  • F-35

  • S-400

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This is what happens when you don't plan things properly. I am angry at America right now, however there is no denying that this was a monumental **** up.

Ideally we should have purchased the S-400 through a three way deal with Kazakhstan and Russia. Although it would seem difficult to hide from the US it could have certainly been done. We then could have transferred it from Kazakhstan to Turkey after finishing the testing and training stage. I know some of you will say that this sounds ridiculous, however it is certainly doable.

We allowed America to use our bases in order to send arms to YPG... And now they repay us by cancelling our order of 100 F-35s. Meanwhile our neighbor to the south, Israel, will add 100 more advanced jets to their already respectable fleet.

Maybe if we had balls this never would have happened. We allowed America to use our own bases to help out YPG and now they are cancelling our order. What the hell have we won? We are clearly led by the most incompetent people possible - however a better explanation is that they are traitors with no love for the Turkish nation.

Congratulations to all Erdoğan voters. Thanks for letting America build a YPG army on our border! Together with our YPG 'friends' we can defeat Israel and all other enemies. Pppfff who needs F-35S when you have YPG(!)
Turkey can always withdraw from NATO and turn to Russia/China.
Turkey can always withdraw from NATO and turn to Russia/China.
why? you guys didnt accept Turkey for free. We paid the price, 1000 martyr, more than 3000 wounded in Korea.

I dont see any benefit to leave Nato. Turkey's position should be next to west, just like last 1000 years.
This is what happens when you don't plan things properly. I am angry at America right now, however there is no denying that this was a monumental **** up.

Ideally we should have purchased the S-400 through a three way deal with Kazakhstan and Russia. Although it would seem difficult to hide from the US it could have certainly been done. We then could have transferred it from Kazakhstan to Turkey after finishing the testing and training stage. I know some of you will say that this sounds ridiculous, however it is certainly doable.

We allowed America to use our bases in order to send arms to YPG... And now they repay us by cancelling our order of 100 F-35s. Meanwhile our neighbor to the south, Israel, will add 100 more advanced jets to their already respectable fleet.

Maybe if we had balls this never would have happened. We allowed America to use our own bases to help out YPG and now they are cancelling our order. What the hell have we won? We are clearly led by the most incompetent people possible - however a better explanation is that they are traitors with no love for the Turkish nation.

Congratulations to all Erdoğan voters. Thanks for letting America build a YPG army on our border! Together with our YPG 'friends' we can defeat Israel and all other enemies. Pppfff who needs F-35S when you have YPG(!)
With CHP that would also happen they are remote controlled gang... And unfortunately MHP is not in a position to win in the next 3 decades or ever
MHP is just AKP's little brother right now.. such a shame
A little bit of forcing an own agenda would be right for now since they hold some places more ...

We need a little bit more silent politics and more brain in politics some things sound good for internal politics but international it causes harm.. Also to think for the future and act to protect it would be recommended helping YPG in ayn al arab what a great idea of a superb brain...

Also I think Warners wich hold speeches decades ago are right.. Everything is going to be a war in me and we are targeted with others there is no escape

We should work harder to make our own fighter and rockets /Missiles also to copy cat engines there is no shame in reverse engineering this all should have been started 10 years ago

Edit: we need missiles with more than 1000km and 1500 kg warhead
Some actions are needed they should get them back to turkey

And a new tender for aircrafts

Close the turkish Syrian Iraqi border for planes and vehicles
U.S showing the world that its not a reliable ally once again. The conflict between Jewish lobbies and pentagon results in harmful politics. Furthermore the U.S is a big sinking ship. It loses grip everywhere.

A cancellation of the F-35 aircraft will certainly not endanger Turkey's national security. S-400 missile system offers much better protection than the F-35. U.S knows that the F-35 will be exposed by S-400 radar system. In addition, there are enough alternatives to think about until we have our own TFX ready.

Turkey must stop the manufacturing proces of F-35's critical parts immediately..
Second ottoman slap will be the cancellation of boeing planes.
Interesting is the timing of USA... Directly after the elections are they pissed off? :woot:
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