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Turkeys Acquisition of The F-35 JSF

I don't think the figure is that high.. I thought turkey was interested in about 15-20 but 100? :blink:
Stealth is just an option real feature is the vertical take off , you can hide the plane in a farm field , and then launch a suprise attack

If you take out enemies airfields you don't even need to dog fight plane to plane and that is probably why US created these fighter planes

They have big advantage over traditionally runaway dependent fighters
Stealth is just an option real feature is the vertical take off , you can hide the plane in a farm field , and then launch a suprise attack

If you take out enemies airfields you don't even need to dog fight plane to plane and that is probably why US created these fighter planes

They have big advantage over traditionally runaway dependent fighters
Vertical take-off is just for carriers. USAF and the other air forces will keep the traditional ways for take-offs.
lol i think the tfx isnt going to happen really making a aircraft jet is really hard and instead we should join kfx project i think and really i wasnt serious about buying the 60 eurofighters i was exagerating but nobody understood anyway i think we need to sell or do soming to f-4s they are old now were the 3rd biggest airforce in nato but we need more modern aircraft instead of numbers we have good f-16s but f-4s now are too old and rubbish

Personnaly i also think we cant built an Fighter jet on our own so most likely we will get foreing assistance from Lockheed sinds they are interrested in joining the program, They did the Same with Taiwanese IDF. And joining the KF-X seems to be highly unlikely since the Koreans dont want equal shares with Turkey.

Nobody will buy Old F4s these days not even the Terminator version. The F4s in Turkish inventory are going to be replace by F35s and the Oldest of our F16 Fleet is going to be Replaced by the TF-X.
I don't think the figure is that high.. I thought turkey was interested in about 15-20 but 100? :blink:

well if they buy 100 fighters ( F-35 ) they could warranty their air force for 25-35 years .... this is wise choice if USA don't downgrade those fighters because Israel ....
Stealth is just an option real feature is the vertical take off , you can hide the plane in a farm field , and then launch a suprise attack

If you take out enemies airfields you don't even need to dog fight plane to plane and that is probably why US created these fighter planes

They have big advantage over traditionally runaway dependent fighters

you got the concept wrong.this is an aircraft with optional STOVL capability,not an attack helicopter. while an empty STOVL aircraft can lift off vertically,a fully armed STOVL aircraft would still need a runway to take off,although it doesn't need a steam catapult to do so(a jumping ramp is enough.like in british aircraft carrier)

runway bombing tactics existed since WW2,especially in the pacific.That's why any major airbases in any given country are well defended and protected(with reinforced concrete,bunkers,etc).and they have a specialized engineer detachment just in case the enemy have damaged the runway)

The reason why the US made F-35 is as replacement for both F-16(for the airforce) and AV-8(Navy/Marines). This is to streamline the logistic.
I was just checking Northrop Grumman's web page!

"Video Captures Ballistic Missile Defense Capabilities of Northrop Grumman's Distributed Aperture System for F-35"

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) released a video showing the successful detection and tracking of a two-stage rocket launch at a distance exceeding 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) with the company's AN/AAQ-37 Distributed Aperture System (DAS). The demonstration took place this summer during a routine flight test of DAS conducted aboard the company's BAC 1-11 test bed aircraft.

"In recent testing, DAS has proven to have applications and capabilities beyond its initial requirements for the F-35, including ballistic missile detection and tracking, and counter-rocket, artillery and mortar (C-RAM) capabilities."

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Turkey ordered first 2 F-35
After a 1,5 year delay, Turkey officially gave decision to order 2 F-35 for the next generation fighter aircraft of Turkish Air Force. Turkey plans to replace F-4E 2020's and Block 30 F-16's with F-35A.

During the Turkish Undersecretariat for Defense Industries’ (SSM) executive committee meeting in Ankara, the decision taken by a committee managed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Last year in January, Turkey delayed the decision because of high costs of the program.

According to Turkish Air Force program, total 100 aircraft will enter into service beginining from 2018. The first two aircraft will be used for training and will be based in the USA for a one year period. After the training, the aircraft will begin to deploy in Malatya.

Turkey plans to take 10 aircraft per year. The total cost of the project was16 billion dollars according to SSM sources.

Turkey is a Level 3 partner for F-35 project for paying 195 million dollars.

Turkey ordered first 2 F-35

Sorry for the bad english in the article.
May 6 (Reuters) - Turkey has decided to order two F-35 fighter jets built by Lockheed Martin Corp, Turkey's undersecretary for state-run defence said in a statement on Tuesday.

It would be the first order of Turkey's pre-announced plan to purchase 100 F-35 jets for $16 billion. (Reporting by Tulay Karadeniz, writing by Dasha Afanasieva; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)

Turkey to order first two F-35 fighter jets - statement| Reuters
Good development mon ami, we are also on the fence about this aircraft because while it is a good replacement to say the CF-18 but is it worth the cost?
Turkey was looking to build one on its own...

The joint venture didn't pan out.:disagree:

On a more serious note i believe that's a different program which will run concomitent with the F35 aquisition.
F-4s are ok but F 16s should stay and upgraded.

Turkey was looking to build one on its own...

Its a long term project, it will take at least a decade or so, its not cancelled.
I guess there are far more outdated weapons in Army and Navy rather than The air force

Also when will TAI build f-35 locally?
Turkey to place initial order for two F-35s

Chaired by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a critical Defense Industry Executive Committee (DIEC) meeting today finally wrapped up Turkey’s long-awaited decision to place an order for 5th generation stealth F-35s.that will become the new front line fighter of the Turkish Air Force.

The decision was delayed last year with Turkish authorities citing “uncertainty of costs”. Turkey is expected to eventually order between 100 to 120 F-35s, some of which will replace Turkey’s ageing fleet of F-4 and F-16 aircraft.

Turkey hopes to use the F-35s in unison with its indigenous TF-X fighter planned for maiden flight in 2023, country’s centennial as a modern republic.

Continuing to expand Turkey’s spy satellite network was another significant decision from the meeting. Within the framework of this decision, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) will continue its design efforts for Gokturk-3, Turkey’s first indigenous SAR satellite, as well as other future satellites in the Gokturk series.

Turkey launched its first high-resolution reconnaissance satellite, Gokturk-2, to space from China’s Jiuquan launch facility in 2012. Construction of a second satellite by Italy’s Telespazio with even higher capabilities, Gokturk-1, is scheduled for launch in late 2014.

Being a radar-based observatory, Gokturk-3 will allow the Turkish Air Force to gather images day and night, without being affected by clouds and adverse weather for the first time.

DIEC has also awarded Selah Makine shipyards new contract negotiations for the construction of two logistics support ships, Ares shipyards to build an undisclosed number of SEAL insertion boats, and MTA to procure two propulsion systems for the Turkish Navy’s Ada-class (also known as Milgem) corvettes.

A press release by SSM, Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defense Industrues, following the DIEC meeting also revealed that Turkey is continuing to negotiate with China on its strategic T-LORAMIDS high-altitude missile defence system that has stirred a lot of heat with NATO and Turkey’s Western allies over security and compatibility issues..

China’s HQ-9 had previously beat US, European and Russian contenders in the multi-billion dollar T-LORAMIDS program. For the negotiations to be finalized and finally awarded, China must meet Turkish military requirements by the end of June.

Defence analysts expect China to win the lucrative tender with HQ-9s price point, improved capabilities and China’s willingness to share technology with Turkey.

Short URL: Turkey to place initial order for two F-35s | TR Defence
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