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‘Turkey will never rule Arab World’ – Egypt’s FM

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i like turkey & istanbul.................
indonesia & turkey have good relation....but i dont like erdogan

the future of turkey is safe & secure...........

yes russian & west will attack turkey but muslim army will fight them and conquer the istanbul for second time......
The Future Of Turkey In Imahm mahdi era is very great......

the arab race and all arab kingdom will erased from mother earth......

i know you will not believe me..........its your choice



All West and Russia will unite to attack Turkey?
West&Russia coalition may attack Marsians, if they will want to - so why Turkey ???
All West and Russia will unite to attack Turkey?
West&Russia coalition may attack Marsians, if they will want to - so why Turkey ???

probably because of istanbul he is saying''muslim army will fight them and conquer the istanbul for second time......''

i understant this:what: but i may be wrong
probably because of istanbul he is saying''muslim army will fight them and conquer the istanbul for second time......''

i understant this:what: but i may be wrong
It's kind of mystical revelation or prophecy?
But Turkey - a loyal ally of the West for 2-3 centuries. And certainly Russia would not cooperate with the West. Russia rather cooperate with Turkey than the U.S. and Britain.
No,no...he is saying.Russia will ally with Turkey to destroy west ,after that Russia will betray Turkey,Turkey goes bye bye and than some mystical muslim army comes and destroy Russia.Makes sense now ? :))
propably persians(samanids) captured a small turkic tribe in tahat times and hey look at turks were our slave:woot:but they didnt mention uyghurs, karluks,kara khanid,ghaznevis in that times:woot:

Small? They ruled a really big portion of Turks. And Ghaznavids were slaves in the Samanid-Persian empire.
It's kind of mystical revelation or prophecy?
But Turkey - a loyal ally of the West for 2-3 centuries. And certainly Russia would not cooperate with the West. Russia rather cooperate with Turkey than the U.S. and Britain.

Dude didnt you say, two weeks ago, Russia would drop A-Bomb to Istanbul if Turkey closes bosporus straight to russian warships?
Why so Turkey friendly now? :lol:

No,no...he is saying.Russia will ally with Turkey to destroy west ,after that Russia will betray Turkey,Turkey goes bye bye and than some mystical muslim army comes and destroy Russia.Makes sense now ? :))

No :what:
People who were historically crushed such as Persians and Kurds L O V E wikipedia. They show Salahadin as Kurdish, the show Azerbaijani Turkic food as Persian, they say Kurds are Medes, haha. People who whiped their *** after they were done on the tiolet are teaching us history now.. haha. The situation we became in. :D

Funny that a guy who's (grand)parents escaped their backward villages in Turkey to Holland is trying to teach me history. Salahedin was indeed Kurdish, as most historians agree with, as well as Persian influence on Middle Eastern cuisine, like the Azerbaijani, Turkish, Arab and Indian cuisine. Kebab is an Persian invention, as well as Biryani, Tandoori, Ice cream, cookies, etc. Kurds have Median descendant, as they speak the same branch of language as the Medians (Northwestern Iranian) did.

Turks have always been seen as destroyers, rather than builders. Hated in almost every corner of the world. Your contribution to the world is non-existent, and you civilization was build on cultures of others. You guys only roam out of your tents in Central-Asia because of your long history of slavery and poorness.
Guys stop with this Turko-Persian thing now, its really boring how you guys argue everytime the same things.
It's kind of mystical revelation or prophecy?
But Turkey - a loyal ally of the West for 2-3 centuries. And certainly Russia would not cooperate with the West. Russia rather cooperate with Turkey than the U.S. and Britain.
i dont know buddy he is may be a kind of a medium aswell this is not good in islamd there is a verse in quran in this topic
ALLAH says "None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah , and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected."
Surat An-Naml 65

how is istanbul conqured second times ..istanbul is already our:what:
All West and Russia will unite to attack Turkey?
West&Russia coalition may attack Marsians, if they will want to - so why Turkey ???

Shhh, don't disturb the seer....
after Rum & Roman.......(Russia Ortodox Christian & Vatican Roman Chatolic Europe/North America) Join Force........they will launch full attack to conquer & capture the istanbul/turkey..in future...........they will have turkey for 4 or 5 years..

Turkey is muslim country...........christian world dont like muslim ummah.....

istanbul is part of christian world in the past..........they will take back the konstantinople...

Russia is the winner...in third world war 3..with muslim army they will destroy the Roman (USA/NATO)....after that the alliance will broken........russia will launch attack to arabian peninsula......they will conquer khyber........near medina

Zu Mukhammar said I heard the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم say, " You will make a Hudna (Truce Agreement) with the Rum, and together you and them will invade an enemy (located) behind you. You will be victorious, take much booty, and you will leave. Then, you will camp on a hilly pasture. When one of the Rum will approach (the Muslim army), raise a cross and says "The Cross has won", one of the Muslims will get angry and take off the Cross. Then, the Rum will trick (bluff or deceive) you, and gather (prepare) for the Malhama (War). They will gather an army against you and come against you with eighty banners, each banner followed by 10,000 (or 12,000) men." (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah)

Abu Huraira narrates that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until the الروم Romans land in Al-A'maq (valleys in Antioch, southern Turkey) or in Dabiq (a plain near Aleppo, Syria). An army consisting of the best of the people of the Earth (an international Muslim army) at that time will come out of Medina (in Saudi Arabia) to face them.

When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans will say: ' Do not stand between us and those (Christian Converts to Islam) who were taken away from amongst us. Let us fight with them ' ; and the Muslims will say: 'No! by Allah, we will not stand aside and let you fight our brothers.'

They will then fight. A third (of the Muslim army) will be defeated (& run away), and Allah will never forgive them. A third (of the Muslim army) will be killed and they will be regarded as the best martyrs in the eyes of Allah. A third (of the Muslim army) will conquer and they do not get affected by Fitna (tribulations). They will conquer Constantinople.

muslim army in future are 1,3 Billion Non Arab Muslim from outside arabian peninsula.......asia,africa,ocenia,south america,east europe...from all continent...in earth.....all muslim people and muslim country will united......all shia & sunni faction will erased

after Roman or NATO destroyed..........Russia will attack turkey........

Of course all you not believe me............
Bravo Russia You Are The Winner Of Third World War-3..........
USA & NATO Will Destroyed.....
This Is Your Great Destiny............

only god know about end time.......but the creator give us sign about end time event...

The Last War of mathamah kubra Are Muslim World with Al-Mahdi and Prophet Isa Vs Russia Alliance with west & zionist...
Your problem is here exactly, I mean most of Turks in this forum. Iran has never been a pure Persian country, not even in Achaemenid Empire times, we have numerous ethnic groups and if any of them ruled Iran for years, we can't say for example: Look! Turks, Kurds or Maznis have conquered Iran! If a Mexican-American becomes president of U.S, no one says Mexico has conquered America. I have had this discussion with many Turks on this forum and I'm tired of it actually, they don't want to accept it. Each one of those who ruled Iran were part of this country. Safavids for example weren't after interests of Turks only.
Official language of the country was Persian and so many other cultural elements. They were after interests of Iran (or Persia as it was called that times), and that's makes them all Iranian for me. I'm not in to all these ethnic stuff and I don't care what was their race, color or language. The fact that they were born within borders of the empire and were only after interests of the land of Iran' is enough for me, I don't want anything more and don't care about the rest. Whether they were Azerbaijani Turks, Kurds, Baloochs, Lurs, Mazanis or other ethnic groups.

We certainly can't say that about Mongols, they were foreigners who could conquer our land and kill many people.

Btw here you are, Ottoman-Iranian wars.

We won 4 wars, you won 4 wars and the rest ended in stalemate.



This kind of arguing only makes it worse, please stop it.

An excellent post!

Thanks for sharing.
What a complete tool. He does not even represent his own people considering he was brought into power through a coup of a popular freely elected government (that did want increased ties with Turkey) so how is he speaking for Arab peoples in general?

When did Turkey even say they want to rule over Arab countries? Erdogan has done nothing but try to foster good relations and expand on both military and economic ties by promoting long term/sustainable economic initiatives that both Egypt and Turkey could take part in instead of Egypt having to rely on handouts from the US or GCC monarchies.

Well their loss.

I hope Turkey invests more in Pakistan and increases it's outreach to our country. We're more than happy to welcome a Muslim nation that wants brotherly relations and is looking to create long term economic and defence partnerships.
According to the historian Bernard Lewis, Iran is the only country in the Middle East which knows patriotism among its people.

Listen from 05:30

Arabs, Turks and Persians (Part 5) on Vimeo

Ottomans were even insulted when they were called Turks. :lol:

Thats not true,

the reason ambassadors would get angry has nothing to do with being insulted rather it was a state policy it was forbidden to call anyone anything else than Ottoman otherwise the Empire would collapse all those different races under 1 flag would call for their own nation, so it was more about resisting against separatism.. that's it.
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