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Turkey wants 'stolen' artifacts back from British Museum

What I find strange is no Turks were living there when it was built. So how has it anything to do with their culture? The British museum should keep its artifacts...as no one apreciated any of it until westerners did.

What happened to Native American culture by the way?
So was India by Maurya Dynasty. What is your logic.

Indian logic = a strong man conquers an area and very soon after his death the area becomes warring states again = country

Going by that logic most of Europe and Asia belong to Mongolia because they conquered it and it lasted for abut 1-2 generations.

Real logic dictates that you need to have unity for majority of your history. China always had a ruling emperor, and when it didn't it had 2-3 states that claimed to be emperor.
India never really had that, most of Indian history was kings fighting each other, but they never laid claim to be the emperor of India, with the exception of a few kings.
Indian logic = a strong man conquers an area and very soon after his death the area becomes warring states again = country

Going by that logic most of Europe and Asia belong to Mongolia because they conquered it and it lasted for abut 1-2 generations.

Real logic dictates that you need to have unity for majority of your history. China always had a ruling emperor, and when it didn't it had 2-3 states that claimed to be emperor.
India never really had that, most of Indian history was kings fighting each other, but they never laid claim to be the emperor of India, with the exception of a few kings.

Chinese and Pakistanis too claim their history by same logic. :cheesy:
Chinese and Pakistanis too claim their history by same logic. :cheesy:

You need to lay off the pills, because you are becoming delusional.

And it doesn't matter who claims what logic, fact remains that India was never a country pre 47
I am sorry if that hurts your feeling but be a man and accept it.
You need to lay off the pills, because you are becoming delusional.

And it doesn't matter who claims what logic, fact remains that India was never a country pre 47
I am sorry if that hurts your feeling but be a man and accept it.

Don't be silly.

Everyone knows fried chicken was invented by the Parsis.

You need to lay off the pills, because you are becoming delusional.

And it doesn't matter who claims what logic, fact remains that India was never a country pre 47
I am sorry if that hurts your feeling but be a man and accept it.

Oh tell me why an Indian language which 95% Pakistan have no relation made the national language of Pakistan. :cheesy:

Notion of cultural India always existed and Maurya united that cultural India, dude its Pakistanis who have identity crisis love to celebrate humiliation of their own people by foreigners , not Indians. :enjoy:
Man, Pakistan is the most fake country on earth, in fact it's so fake that it doesn't even exist

That still does not change the fact that India was never a country until 47
Now run along troll and maybe read a book or two about history. :)

I don't know much about Pakistani or Asian history in general. Unfortunately when I was younger I wasted my time by reading about European history, the "enlightenment", ancient Greeks and other biased western crap (instead of Turkish /Muslim), which I don't care about at all now :D

Anyway, has the region today called Pakistan in ancient times ever been part of the Persian empire(s)? How big is Persian cultural influence in Pakistan?
Oh tell me why an Indian language which 95% Pakistan have no relation made the national language of Pakistan. :cheesy:

Notion of cultural India always existed and Maurya united that cultural India, dude its Pakistanis who have identity crisis love to celebrate humiliation of their own people by foreigners , not Indians. :enjoy:

I have a better question, tell me why there is no black in a rainbow.
Just as relevant to your question in this discussion.

and lol
Silly Indians and their low IQs
they don't even know the difference between a country and culture. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately I don't know much about Pakistani and Asian history in general. Has the region today called Pakistan in ancient times ever been part of the Persian empire? How big was/is Persian cultural influence in Pakistan?

Yes, parts of Pakistan have at times been part of Persia
And Persian influence is huge but the reason is a bit strange.
You see the Mughals, who were descended from Ghengis Khan in central Asia conquered India and made Persian the language of the courts. So many Muslims, especially higher level ones spoke Persian. The Mughals were a big fan of Persian culture, but were weary of Shia Islam and Persian empire on their border.
I have a better question, tell me why there is no black in a rainbow.
Just as relevant to your question in this discussion.

and lol
Silly Indians and their low IQs
they don't even know the difference between a country and culture. :rolleyes:

Yes, parts of Pakistan have at times been part of Persia
And Persian influence is huge but the reason is a bit strange.
You see the Mughals, who were descended from Ghengis Khan in central Asia conquered India and made Persian the language of the courts. So many Muslims, especially higher level ones spoke Persian. The Mughals were a big fan of Persian culture, but were weary of Shia Islam and Persian empire on their border.

Nothing is more silly than Pakistani version of history,
"India disappeared by the time of Aurangzeb and there was only Pakistan." :hitwall::rofl:
Nothing is more silly than Pakistani version of history,
"India disappeared by the time of Aurangzeb and there was only Pakistan." :hitwall::rofl:

Again with the 5 year old child posts.
Are all you Indians only educated until grade 2?

Once again, I will ask you
Show me where in history has India ever been a country.
Now I know you don't know the difference between a country and culture so I will elaborate. A country has a multi generational ruler/government and it should cover most of Modern day India.
Culture on the other hand are not bound by borders, culture is a shared ideology/language/religion that a region has. European culture is based on Christianity, East Asian culture is based on Buddhism/Confuciusism, etc.

So please, no more childish posts, just answer my question.
Cultural India, means Bharat varsha.

Anyway, how will a Pakistan grasp this concept,your national language is from India, national heroes are Central Asians and while your own ancestors are villian. :cheesy:

so basically you agree with me that India was never a country.
the rest is just mental masturbation for you to ease your feeling from realizing this fact. :coffee:
What I find strange is no Turks were living there when it was built. So how has it anything to do with their culture? The British museum should keep its artifacts...as no one apreciated any of it until westerners did.

When the poor British start asking money, we will bring this issue in front of them. Things have changed.
so basically you agree with me that India was never a country.
the rest is just mental masturbation for you to ease your feeling from realizing this fact. :coffee:

If your knowlege of Indian history is weak together topped with funny Pakistani textbook, then what can I do :lol:
Yup only until you guys have no money to feed your unemployed(12% currently) and hungry. Days are counted and whom will you invade this time. Even a country like Taiwan will Singapore the hell out of your ***.
I'm American genius....and Tiawan aint doing crap to us.

^^ Some 70 years later and the colonial Master mentality is yet to be erased. I guess that the same can be said of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ireland, the USA etc. The Brits after all did "create" their nation.
America? Biiig difference in what happened here and what happened in India....I am decended from the colonisers...not the colonised.
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