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Turkey wants 'stolen' artifacts back from British Museum

They got their ***** kicked...and their land taken. Boohoo. But you don't see me begging the Brits for Native trinkets...do you?

100 years later, Mexicans and Blacks Will say: boohoo... White ... Was kicked, their land taken. Man dakka dukka.
I'm American genius....and Tiawan aint doing crap to us.

America? Biiig difference in what happened here and what happened in India....I am decended from the colonisers...not the colonised.

Hmmm, you seem to forget the time when His Highness King George and his merry men kicked your great grandpas' azzes and good ole Georgie Washington whistled merry dixie leading your peasant forebears into battle with the good ole king's merry men thus "liberating" your peasant forebears. Now get that chip off your shoulders and read about the American war of independence before you come puking your "coloniser" crap in here Yank
On topic. Many ancient Egyptian artifacts were stolen, some found their way to other museums throughout the world. In one such case five frescoes were returned to Egypt by Louvre museum (France) after Egypt threatened to serve ties with the museum.

I can't post links due to post limit but you can Google this for further details. IMHO ancient artifacts belong to the place of their inception.
Hmmm, you seem to forget the time when His Highness King George and his merry men kicked your great grandpas' azzes and good ole Georgie Washington whistled merry dixie leading your peasant forebears into battle with the good ole king's merry men thus "liberating" your peasant forebears. Now get that chip off your shoulders and read about the American war of independence before you come puking your "coloniser" crap in here Yank

It's irelevant, if he isnt native American he is correct. colonization is not war for independence
Hmmm, you seem to forget the time when His Highness King George and his merry men kicked your great grandpas' azzes and good ole Georgie Washington whistled merry dixie leading your peasant forebears into battle with the good ole king's merry men thus "liberating" your peasant forebears. Now get that chip off your shoulders and read about the American war of independence before you come puking your "coloniser" crap in here Yank
They were British...it was in essence a civil war...your lack of knowledge is astounding.
If your knowlege of Indian history is weak together topped with funny Pakistani textbook, then what can I do :lol:

again with the adhom nonsense

You people simply can't do it so you act like 5 years old throwing temper tantrums.
And I tire of children easily so I am done with this.
Non of you kids were able to produce evidence for an Indian country and instead went for personal attacks
How very Indian of you :coffee:

We win it then..cuz you have been thrashed when it comes to muscle power :D

why do you feel the need to troll?
It was an inoffensive comment meant to derive humor.
again with the adhom nonsense

You people simply can't do it so you act like 5 years old throwing temper tantrums.
And I tire of children easily so I am done with this.
Non of you kids were able to produce evidence for an Indian country and instead went for personal attacks
How very Indian of you :coffee:

why do you feel the need to troll?
It was an inoffensive comment meant to derive humor.

Are you annoyed, Rusted. :lol:
Oh tell me why an Indian language which 95% Pakistan have no relation made the national language of Pakistan. :cheesy:

Notion of cultural India always existed and Maurya united that cultural India, dude its Pakistanis who have identity crisis love to celebrate humiliation of their own people by foreigners , not Indians. :enjoy:

The culture of India existed, just like the culture of western Europe existed. Was there a country called the western Europe. The culture of East Asia is shared by Korea, Japan and China but these 3 never were a country. Neither was India a country. It was made up of independent states rule by a hereditary prince.

I'm American genius....and Tiawan aint doing crap to us.

America? Biiig difference in what happened here and what happened in India....I am decended from the colonisers...not the colonised.

How the hell is this Karan21 guy involving Taiwan into all these. This guy is pathetic.
Are you annoyed, Rusted. :lol:

You just have to annoy him, don't you. I guess we all agree that India and Hindu culture did existed for many thousand years and had great influence upon its neighbor near and far. But the nation of India was united by the British and existed as an independent entity for the first time in 1947.
The culture of India existed, just like the culture of western Europe existed. Was there a country called the western Europe. The culture of East Asia is shared by Korea, Japan and China but these 3 never were a country. Neither was India a country. It was made up of independent states rule by a hereditary prince.

How the hell is this Karan21 guy involving Taiwan into all these. This guy is pathetic.

Did you see the map I posted before, have a look before taking crap. LOL, Hans needed foreigners to unite Han people. :cheesy: Infact ROC and PRC showed unification of China is still incomplete.
@faithfulguy Here is your China.
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But you don't see me begging the Brits for Native trinkets...do you?

That just shows your disdain towards Native Americans. If you ask Native Americans, they would prefer to have their ancestral artifacts returned to the native soil. As an American patriot, one would have thought you would support this cause of fellow Americans.
Did you see the map I posted before, have a look before taking crap. LOL, Hans needed foreigners to unite Han people. :cheesy: Infact ROC and PRC showed unification of China is still incomplete.

But they do claim each other and the government is just another example of dynastic succession. In India, its the king of one state grow strong and conquered another empire. Such as Maratha empire conquered land controlled by Mughal empire. Are you saying that back then, the king of Maratha regard Mughals as a people of the same nation state. Hell no. Back then, Maratha empire regard itself as a nation state that take land from another nation state, the Mughal. And to Maratha empire, the Brits are just another nation state out there, like the Mughals. Now, do you see how the British united India?
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