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Qin Empire seems to cover only small part of China, something about 25% of total area of modern China. So, how they united China

This dynasty created the nation state of China by force. Land area is not the issue here. You seem to get hang up by the land itself but its the political entity that define nation state. We are not talking about culture or people here, but nation state. I admit that India is an ancient civilization. But that doesn't make it a nation. An example of a nation outside of Western Europe would be ancient Egypt. Even the Greeks that invaded Egypt adopt itself to the Egyptian political system. Only when Augustus absorbed Egypt did Egypt loss it's nation state status.

Nope the vedic civilization did,all the others came and fused and prospered alongside this basic foundation.Artificial entities don't prosper,they break up like the african states curved out by brits.India is a civilization state.Its lengths are determined by the extent of indic civilization,not imperial whim.

As a civilization, not nation state. Don't be confused by the two.
Qin Empire seems to cover only small part of China, something about 25% of total area of modern China. So, how they united China

Also, when US was created, it only had 13 colonies and it grew to 50 states.

Nope the vedic civilization did,all the others came and fused and prospered alongside this basic foundation.Artificial entities don't prosper,they break up like the african states curved out by brits.India is a civilization state.Its lengths are determined by the extent of indic civilization,not imperial whim.
Also, there is no such thing as civilization state, don't invent new terms.
This man has no idea about aryabarta[abode of the aryans,meaning vedic lands],uttarapatha[northern india],dakshinapatha[southern india] and such terms.The vedic and later kings who could unite all would be called ekrat or chakravarti.And he would perform ashwamedha yajna.These are much older concepts of unity of indic lands under one authority than a novice in indian history has any idea about.
And how is qin different from chandragupta who united all india.Though mahapadma nanda is actually considered the first ekrat or emperor.
It's a community. Not a nation. Thanks for proving my point.

There were only empires in the past not nations. Hans were unable to hold together the Han and needed foreigners to form a empire. Even China was numberous smaller states in her entire history mere a small area in Eastern China only koreans or sometime vietnamese as neighbours.
This dynasty created the nation state of China by force. Land area is not the issue here. You seem to get hang up by the land itself but its the political entity that define nation state. We are not talking about culture or people here, but nation state. I admit that India is an ancient civilization. But that doesn't make it a nation. An example of a nation outside of Western Europe would be ancient Egypt. Even the Greeks that invaded Egypt adopt itself to the Egyptian political system. Only when Augustus absorbed Egypt did Egypt loss it's nation state status.

As a civilization, not nation state. Don't be confused by the two.

Which shows you have wierd logic to claim 75% area of your country including Tibet or Xinjiang and historically these territories were never part of China 0% cultural relation.

Infact Tibet is more culturally similar to Indians than China, their religion, writing system are Indian in nature and many cultural values are similar to Indians.
Also, when US was created, it only had 13 colonies and it grew to 50 states.

Also, there is no such thing as civilization state, don't invent new terms.

So, you are pointing that you are colonialist of remaining 75% of China which is a non-Han land.
So, you are pointing that you are colonialist of remaining 75% of China which is a non-Han land.

Are the states in America colonial states or American states?

This man has no idea about aryabarta[abode of the aryans,meaning vedic lands],uttarapatha[northern india],dakshinapatha[southern india] and such terms.The vedic and later kings who could unite all would be called ekrat or chakravarti.And he would perform ashwamedha yajna.These are much older concepts of unity of indic lands under one authority than a novice in indian history has any idea about.
And how is qin different from chandragupta who united all india.Though mahapadma nanda is actually considered the first ekrat or emperor.

They were emperors of ancient times in Indian subcontinent. But the first empress of "India" was queen Victoria.
There were only empires in the past not nations. Hans were unable to hold together the Han and needed foreigners to form a empire. Even China was numberous smaller states in her entire history mere a small area in Eastern China only koreans or sometime vietnamese as neighbours.

Ancient Egypt was a nation state, though it was also an empire. Educate yourself with world history outside of Indian subcontinent. You guys were indoctrinated with false history about Indian statehood.
Are the states in America colonial states or American states?

All Americans call themselves migrants and used proper word of colonizing America. So, did you mean same for 75% of China.

They were emperors of ancient times in Indian subcontinent. But the first empress of "India" was queen Victoria.

Because only Kings ruled India, their queens were out of politics.

Ancient Egypt was a nation state, though it was also an empire. Educate yourself with world history outside of Indian subcontinent. You guys were indoctrinated with false history about Indian statehood.

Sorry there was nothing like nation in ancient or medieval time, there were only Empires. Your knowledge of history is so weak.
Are the states in America colonial states or American states?

They were emperors of ancient times in Indian subcontinent. But the first empress of "India" was queen Victoria.

If u mean the word 'india' sure,since that word comes from persian hind.But if ur talking about the land,then its chandragupta maurya,actually mahapadma nanda the first 'ekrat' or chakravarti samrat.Samudragupta used this concept of unity of indic lands as the moral foundation for his conquest which he called dharmavijay[just conquest] and performed ashwamedha yajna after conquering his empire.
This concept of indic lands [aryavarta,uttarapatha,dakshinapatha]under one authority by a ekrat or chakavartin.And legitimitizing a emperor's right to rule is somewhat similar[not totally] to what chinese emperors used themselves.The mandate of heaven.
That just shows your disdain towards Native Americans. If you ask Native Americans, they would prefer to have their ancestral artifacts returned to the native soil. As an American patriot, one would have thought you would support this cause of fellow Americans.
Having them in a museum raises awareness of these cultures...
All Americans call themselves migrants and used proper word of colonizing America. So, did you mean same for 75% of China.

Because only Kings ruled India, their queens were out of politics.

Sorry there was nothing like nation in ancient or medieval time, there were only Empires. Your knowledge of history is so weak.

Actually ancient Egypt was a nation state, the first in the world (now there is some scholarly argument that smaller nation states may have flourished before Egypt).
All Americans call themselves migrants and used proper word of colonizing America. So, did you mean same for 75% of China.

Because only Kings ruled India, their queens were out of politics.

Sorry there was nothing like nation in ancient or medieval time, there were only Empires. Your knowledge of history is so weak.

You must have no knowledge if ancient Egyptian history. Read it up before come talk to me?

Actually ancient Egypt was a nation state, the first in the world (now there is some scholarly argument that smaller nation states may have flourished before Egypt).

This guy is trying to mangle history to fit into his views.

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