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Turkey violating Geneva Conventions using ambulances for weapons transport

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Azeri in Iran are being discriminated and suppresed. They want free south-Azerbaijan.

Kurds in Turkey are being discriminated and suppressed. They want Free Kurdistan.
the sia regime will fal down and ther wil not sia triangle country.Iraq, iran and syria! When they ambargo iran ther wil no country for suply. Maybe iraq but they are the dogs of america.

Since when is iran supporting baas regime? Why didnt they help saddam, kaddafi and the whole gang? Think about it, its al about secterian shia believe.

Its a matter of time this grenade wil explode in the hand of iran.
No matter what is the topic, all threads end like this! funny, isn't it? :)

Long live Iran & Turkey. Please be calm, we are guests at PDF.

kardeşim her zaman ırkçılıgı başlatan onlar buna ragmen biz hala onlara adam akıllı cevap veriyoruz .. saygılar
What does PKK terrorist Kurds to do with Iran?

If Iran supports terrorism against Turkey, it will be the end of you. When Iran wages war against Turkey, 30 million Azeri will make a swift end of Persian racist regime. 50% of Iran is non-persian.

please all of us lets cup the trolling now after even iranian foreign minister says this . 'Great turkish people'.

England? I live in Iran mate, not every nationality has to escape to different countries like you Turks :rofl:

Ok since you won't answer the PKK question, let me move on with my questionnaire.

Why do you think that most Turks who escaped to Europe can't get any decent jobs? And all end up working as cleaners or in doner kebab shops? (This question is not a simple yes or no, some description will be appreciated.)

in my life , i have never met across i turkish person as a cleaner , i know you are saying this as a big trolling , turkish people are compared to population in europe have one of the most businesses and all invest and go back to the motherland , while iranians never go back , thats a sign isnt it? . Plus even if we had cleaners which i havent seen once , we have a word , 'alnimin teriyle kazaniyorum' which means i earn it with the sweat on my forehead and not illegal and bad things.
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cevap vermayin gurtular gedar. uzatmayin, soni yokh ki bunun. Olar da vatanin sevir sizlar da. na demak bular! saygi bizdan kardeşim.
This thread was a clear troll thread at the start it was obvious the direction.
kardeşim her zaman ırkçılıgı başlatan onlar buna ragmen biz hala onlara adam akıllı cevap veriyoruz .. saygılar
niye yapiyorlar bunu?
niye yapiyorlar bunu?

kasiniyorlar acem palevralarina inaniyorlar....

tabi kendileri acemliler...:azn:
what happened to the turkish thread ??

please all of us lets cup the trolling now after even iranian foreign minister says this . 'Great turkish people'.

in my life , i have never met across i turkish person as a cleaner , i know you are saying this as a big trolling , turkish people are compared to population in europe have one of the most businesses and all invest and go back to the motherland , while iranians never go back , thats a sign isnt it? . Plus even if we had cleaners which i havent seen once , we have a word , 'alnimin teriyle kazaniyorum' which means i earn it with the sweat on my forehead and not illegal and bad things.

I live in holland we have people they are making buildings clean. Nothing to shame, they are working for ther income. But they dont turn theri back against there country like a most of iranisan do ahahahahah...

They become atheist when they coming here. Most of them are gay and are seeking for political asylum.

This make big different between that cleaner turks and gay people.

there is nothing to shame....

iran people turning in....

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This is nothing more than troll feast... Thanks to ''some members''. Thread closed.
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