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Turkey To Join Pakistan, China, Russia Superpower

Super Power is nothing when its come to real power. Take an example of the time when "Russian disintegration into smaller states" , where Russia possess every weapon it had, but a very bad economy. Europe is not in very good shape nowadays financially and America is well in debt as well.

In this instance the one epic-center emerging economics is china, it enhances because of CPEC project where there is a huge projection of economic activity. Countries will realign slowly and automatically towards changing current regional situations. And of-course current "economic setup network" will not like it initially and will show resistance. But will play their roll in the project to get benefits out of it at last.

So many armchair economists here. Talking about trade and economics without an iota of understanding of how trade and economics work. Trade doesn't work on the basis of roads and rail. They are just enablers. Trade works on the comparative advantages of nations. Pick up a map and see that Russia and China share a long border. So the limitation to trade is not the route. They are already trading in whatever they can per their comparative advantage.
CPEC or SCO or any other grouping is not going to change the volume of trade between these countries by much. Unless of course the SCO has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which is highly unlikely. And if the FTA does happen, it will lead to dumping of Chinese goods in the member countries- a 1 way traffic..just like what has happened with the Pak China FTA.
There is hardly anything that these so called superpower member countries are already not trading with China. And no number of CPEC or belts and roads is going to change this reality.
Time for some Russian my friend.

Турция и Россия поладят, если смогут разобраться в курдском вопросе. Ты же знаешь, черт побери, Россия поддерживает Курдов в той или иной форме .

Наверное, но Россия не жената на курдах и продаст их быстро в зависимости от выгоды. И потом, разве их еще поддерживают?

Есть ещё также несколько проблем со странами центральной Азии, хотя там уже ничего нельзя исправить.. Что касается Дагестана, мы не хотим терроризма в России, и мы поддерживаем Россию в этом, но нам нужно больше ответной поддержи от России взамен.

Туркам тоже не нужны дагестанские сектанты на своей территории, и нам лишних террористов не надо. Ниндзя в черной паранже, говорящие на русском, это обыденное явление для Стамбула. Надеюсь на улучшение отношений между Россией и Турцией, жизнь покажет, как это будет и на каких условиях.

Есть только одна причина того, что у нас есть какие либо отношения с Китаем - это Эрдоган и его ненависть ко всему турецкому..

Эрдоган кроме себя, своего клана и арабов вообще кого-нибудь любит? А так и до него были хорошие экономические связи с Китаем, также будет и после него.Китай ищет союзников в этой части мира, поэтому пришел сюда со своими фирмами, и все это было до Эрдогана.


Armenia is in an every possible union with Russia, Russians pretty much control the country,
Georgia and Ukraine really want to join EU, EU doesn't really want them though, they already have enough states depending on their money.

Perhaps, but things change... and as far as economy goes, Armenia is a tiny country with no real economic benefits to it... and how are they going to react to Turkey suddenly being in a union that they are in or heading to enter..
Turkey has just fueled speculations about a possible superpower rectangle between Turkey, Pakistan, China and Russia. While indications that the Pakistan-China-Russia superpower triangle is becoming a reality keep piling up, other nations are expressing their interest in joining the new bloc, which could become a game-changer for Asia and the world as a whole.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons
Just days after his visit to Pakistan in mid-November, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan suggested that his country should pursue joining a bloc dominated by China and Russia. Erdogan said his country doesn’t need to be fixated on joining the European Union and should join forces with China, Russia and Pakistan instead. Although Turkey has had decades-long hopes of joining the EU, apparently there’s an alternative for Ankara if the EU keeps stalling talks about Turkey’s membership.

Turkey wants to be part of Pakistan-China-Russia triangle
If Turkey–which has just held talks with Pakistan about strengthening their economic and military ties–joins the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), it would be a clear indication that Pakistan, China and Russia are gaining a new-old friend on their team. If Turkey gives up its efforts to join the EU, we could see the rise of the Pakistan-China-Russia-Turkey rectangle, an even more powerful alternative to the Pak-China-Rus triangle.

In fact, Erdogan said he had already discussed the idea of his country joining the SCO, which is dominated by China, Russia and Central Asian nations, with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Erdogan’s comment that Turkey doesn’t need to join the EU “at all costs” is a breakthrough development in Turkey-EU relations, which have reached their lowest in the aftermath of the failed anti-government coup on July 15.

Is the SCO the new EU after the U.K.’s Brexit?
The EU is currently reeling from the loss of the United Kingdom, which voted in favor of leaving the European bloc this past summer. Turkey’s setting off on a course to joining the security bloc dominated by China and Russia is an indication that Ankara also doesn’t want to put up with Europe’s accusations that Turkey is losing its democratic freedoms.

“I hope that if there is a positive development there, I think if Turkey were to join the Shanghai Five, it will enable it to act with much greater ease,” Erdogan told reporters on his plane while traveling back from a visit to Pakistan and Uzbekistan.

The SCO, which was formed in 2001, is a regional security bloc that consists of China, Russia and four Central Asian nations: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Another indication that Turkey is seeing a prosperous future if it sides with Pakistan, China and Russia is the fact that Turkish investors have expressed an increased interest in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). If Turkey becomes part of the CPEC, it would be a game-changer for Ankara as well as Beijing and Islamabad, co-founders of the project.

Pakistan and Turkey reaffirming their friendship
Turkey and Pakistan have recently seen a huge boost in their bilateral relations. During his visit to Pakistan nearly two weeks ago, Erodgan said Ankara and Islamabad should strengthen their strategic partnership and drive bilateral trade up. Turkey and Pakistan have enjoyed close cultural, historical and military ties for decades, and Ankara’s support of Islamabad in its decades-long conflict with India serves as the foundation of their growing strategic partnership.

China, Pakistan’s closest ally in the region, is also enjoying close economic and military ties with Turkey. Ankara is also one of Pakistan’s key weapons sellers, while it also purchases arms from it.

Turkey, China and Russia favor Pakistan over India
From a diplomatic point of view, China, Russia, Pakistan and Turkey are already manifesting signs of forming some kind of a bloc, or superpower rectangle, if you may. While Ankara supports Pakistan’s position on holding a plebiscite under the United Nations to decide if the disputed Kashmir region should be part of Pakistan or India, Erdogan’s country went far beyond that.

At a Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) meeting in November, Turkey supported Pakistan’s membership in the group, which regulates international nuclear commerce, while rejecting India’s bid. China and Russia also sided with Ankara and rejected India’s bid to join the NSG.

Interestingly, neither India nor Pakistan has ever signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). But Turkey, China and Russia apparently see that it’s safe to accept Pakistan while rejecting India’s bid to join the group that regulates trade in atomic material. If that’s not an indication of friendship and commitment to have each other’s back, then what is it?

Pakistan to buy super-fast vessels from Turkey and China
To further strengthen ties with both China and Turkey, Pakistan already has plans to purchase super-fast vessels from Beijing and Ankara to form a special squadron to be positioned at the Gwadar port in Balochistan, according to the Hindustan Times.

“A squadron may have four to six warships,” an unnamed Pakistan Navy official said during the IDEAS 2016 defense exhibition in Pakistan, according to the media outlet.

The official added that the super-fast ships would be purchased “soon” because Pakistan sees an urgent need to have a powerful fleet positioned at Gwadar to secure the deep sea port. The official also revealed that two warships have already been deployed at the seaport.

China has already agreed with the Pakistan Navy to send its naval vessels to safeguard Gwadar and trade under the CPEC.

Pakistan-China-Russia-Turkey rectangle: Is it happening?
Interestingly, Erdogan has previously expressed interest in joining forces with China and Russia in the SCO. But the Turkish president has always stopped short of formally requesting to join the bloc because it would disrupt Ankara’s long-standing EU membership bid.

In November 2015, Erdogan seemingly gave up his plans to join the SCO after his country’s air force downed a Russian warplane over Syria, which resulted in tensions between the two nations. But a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and during their latest meeting in August, Erdogan and Putin expressed mutual interest in restoring their once-close ties.

While Russia and Turkey are still catching up and amending their relations, China and Pakistan are enjoying very close and prosperous ties with Ankara. But if the four nations decide to formally show the world their intentions to stand by each other – and form the Pakistan-China-Russia-Turkey rectangle – it would be a diplomatic, military and economic game-changer for the whole world.

Source: http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/11/turkey-join-pakistan-china-russia-superpower/

After Britain exit from EU, Turkey feel the same and it is good if Turkey join SCO
So many armchair economists here. Talking about trade and economics without an iota of understanding of how trade and economics work. Trade doesn't work on the basis of roads and rail. They are just enablers. Trade works on the comparative advantages of nations. Pick up a map and see that Russia and China share a long border. So the limitation to trade is not the route. They are already trading in whatever they can per their comparative advantage.
CPEC or SCO or any other grouping is not going to change the volume of trade between these countries by much. Unless of course the SCO has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which is highly unlikely. And if the FTA does happen, it will lead to dumping of Chinese goods in the member countries- a 1 way traffic..just like what has happened with the Pak China FTA.
There is hardly anything that these so called superpower member countries are already not trading with China. And no number of CPEC or belts and roads is going to change this reality.

Oh thank you SIR you pointed out something that was out of mind.
Наверное, но Россия не жената на курдах и продаст их быстро в зависимости от выгоды. И потом, разве их еще поддерживают?

Имеет ли это значение в конце концов? Россия всегда имела довольно близкие отношения с курдами, и США также. Таким образом, как ты можешь доверять России?
Все очень просто - нам лучше быть одним. Вступление в НАТО не очень хорошо для нас в настоящем, а вот что насчёт будущего? Что ты можешь сказать? Мы идём своим собственным путём чтоб достаточно окрепнуть.. Нам просто нужно молиться, чтоб не было больше переворотов в стране или что то типа того..
У меня нет никакого интереса в присоединении к ШОС.

Туркам тоже не нужны дагестанские сектанты на своей территории, и нам лишних террористов не надо. Ниндзя в черной паранже, говорящие на русском, это обыденное явление для Стамбула. Надеюсь на улучшение отношений между Россией и Турцией, жизнь покажет, как это будет и на каких условиях.

Ты живёшь с Стамбуле, ты знаешь больше, чем я. Мне на самом деле не интересен Дагестан, зато я уверенно поддерживаю всех Татар и другие Тюркские народы в мире. Я тоже хочу чтоб Россия и Турция стали хорошими друзьями. И, как я говорил, у нас достаточно близкая культура, и у нас больше симпатии друг к другу, чем ненависти.

Эрдоган кроме себя, своего клана и арабов вообще кого-нибудь любит? А так и до него были хорошие экономические связи с Китаем, также будет и после него.Китай ищет союзников в этой части мира, поэтому пришел сюда со своими фирмами, и все это было до Эрдогана.

Китайцы не друзья нам и мы никогда не будем друзьями. Ты просто должен увидеть какое враньё эти коммунистические ублюдки изрыгают про Турцию и других Тюрков всем мире! я удивлён, что ты не в курсе этого.. Их обращение с Уйгурами и другими народностями просто отвратительно.
А Эрдогана волнует только Анти-Тюрки.. Как Китай, арабы и Курды
Another great article by Polina Tikhonova. Looking forward to the next one! "America to join Turkey-Pakistan-China-Russian superpower pentangle"

If you can't digest the article / news then please don't troll hold your hate within you thanks !!
This article is the traditional response of Pakistan's HMV record.

They will join Russia to the nexus (without their consent) and then praise themselves from USA (again without their consent). This is some next level thing.

Are you aware that Turkey and Russia are in a state of open hostilities.

That Turkey is about to become full fledged member of the EU. WITH freedom for turks to go and work in any EU state

Are you aware that Turkish feel European and part of Europe NOT Asia

Turkey is also commited to NATO especially due to threat from hostile unpredictable Russia.

Nothing wrong with trade agreements as for some anti nato bloc Thats just nonsense

You want anti West /Nato TRY NORTH KOREA or SYRIA

Are you aware that Turkey and Russia are in a state of open hostilities.

That Turkey is about to become full fledged member of the EU. WITH freedom for turks to go and work in any EU state

Are you aware that Turkish feel European and part of Europe NOT Asia

Turkey is also commited to NATO especially due to threat from hostile unpredictable Russia.

Nothing wrong with trade agreements as for some anti nato bloc Thats just nonsense

You want anti West /Nato TRY NORTH KOREA or SYRIA
Oh, North korea ,nato, what?lovely
Oh, North korea ,nato, what?lovely

why not North Korea ????

The North Koreans AND Syrians have the same feelings & animosity to the west as Pakistanis

THE TURKS are a western NATO country ,,,,,,,,,,EXPECTING them to join some new CPEC military alliance is a kin to india JOINING NATO
why not North Korea ????

The North Koreans AND Syrians have the same feelings & animosity to the west as Pakistanis

Kim study and grow up in Europe,today europe have little influence in NK, NK also don't hate WEST
Unlike a lot of west licking country,Nk keep its honour Just give shit to Nato,let them f,,k off
They have totally different feelings with syria.
Nk is a safer country than most of the world , there is no dangers of living.

The most hilarious part is a lot of people belive they live in the paradise built by the media propaganda although the turmoil society mixtured with bomb blasts\riots\rapes and so on
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That's great, but stop abusing the word superpower.

Yeah word superpower is reserved for the most delusional pathetic self proclaimed savior of the world US. Its really abuse for peaceful countries of SCO. I agree. No one wants to have blood of millions of humans on their hands to be declared superpower.
Super Power is nothing when its come to real power. Take an example of the time when "Russian disintegration into smaller states" , where Russia possess every weapon it had, but a very bad economy. Europe is not in very good shape nowadays financially and America is well in debt as well.

In this instance the one epic-center emerging economics is china, it enhances because of CPEC project where there is a huge projection of economic activity. Countries will realign slowly and automatically towards changing current regional situations. And of-course current "economic setup network" will not like it initially and will show resistance. But will play their roll in the project to get benefits out of it at last.
Right now there is only one functional security block present in the world and that is NATO. Everything else is just babbling and verbal jugglery. It would be better if we stop mixing trade blocks/alliances with security block like NATO. Even African Union is not fully functional security alliance except in some cooperation with regards to common security threats.
Lol. Turkey is not leaving NATO. Never will it shake itself from the security of NATO. And its NATO which saved Turkey from a potential blowback from Russia after it downed an Su24 jet.
i think you hadn't followed turkey after downing of su-24..
the team who shoot down were Feto members.. it was all planned, thats why Incrik air base was closed for sometime to take feto members out..
if you remember that during the height of hostilities after su-24, germany and one other nato member withdrew their patriot missiles from turkish borders..

there is a serious drift between turkey and nato after july 15 failed coup.

Secondly Russia and Turkey are still at loggerheads over Syria. In the meantime its only expected to escalate. Putin wont give up on Syria easily. He thinks like a spy agent. And I believe he wont leave Turkey without any payback in someform.
it was putin who saved erdagon and civilian govt on the night of coup..
so putin has something to do with turkey.

what if black sea is free of any nato control...

Thirdly no way Russia teaming up with any military group involving Pakistan.

may be..
but who knows american defence industries shift in india and india's support to isis, bla and ttp in afghanistan might bring tomorrow.
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