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Turkey To Join Pakistan, China, Russia Superpower

At the end we all are Muslims. without any colour, race, origin or country. Why these all nonsense have been started in this thread. please come to topic...

No, speak for yourself. In the and we are all humans, then we are Turks.
I do not think so that Turkey is joining the Pakistan China Russia superpower block. Turkey only have an economic and political interest in our region. Turkey is a member of powerful NATO and would never join us. The reality is you cannot sail two boat at one time...
However, we see Turkey as our brother and friendly country and so do She.
I don't care for EU/NATO bro, I am saying, we have no other alternatives . SCO members are anti-Turkey, and we should have no part of it. EU will not be around forever, Brexit is just a start, soon I see many other members follow in their footstep.
I trust Americans more than Chinese or Iran.

you trust america more than chian but you forgetting america is only good with you until they need you once their requirement is finished then you are no one for them. we ha huge experience of this
I doubt Russia will abandon India.

Connect the dots please?

Heres the national [Pakistani tram.

No offence THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE the Turkish or the Iranians



View attachment 357668


That's from 2008. Better update the squad to EURO 2016 lineup :D

lol, Pakistan a super power?

An extremely absurd, unashamedly mocking question by a Zionist Jew? Unlike the illegal Jewish state, Pakistan is!

Ask your venomous 'retired to the grave' David Ben Gurion. I'm sure you'll find numerous citings of Pakistan's power since the days of its inception in 1947. I'm not saying this, it was an accepted fact at that time by your murderous leaders and now it is even more so a fact. The reality is that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is unstoppable, as it was, it is, and will be exactly that, despite all out efforts by the USA, EU/NATO, illegal Zionist state and Zionist Hindus to prevent it from emerging all illustrious and ever strong - something envious individuals like yourself find hard to 'digest' due to your hatred of Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah in general! And deep down you know the days are numbered for the illegal Zionist state to exist no more, inshaALLAH.
No, speak for yourself. In the and we are all humans, then we are Turks.
No, I'm a Sunni and Turkish at the same time. Both identities are equally important for me. I'm also a secular democrat. I respect my Alevi compatriots. So, where is the problem? Identities are not static. Some feel more Turkish, others feel more Muslim than Turkish. As long as we respect each others choices there will be no problems.
No, I'm a Sunni and Turkish at the same time. Both identities are equally important for me. I'm also a secular democrat. I respect my Alevi compatriots. So, where is the problem? Identities are not static. Some feel more Turkish, others feel more Muslim than Turkish. As long as we respect each others choices there will be no problems.

Well...I respect yours like anyone else. But I wonder you said to feel Sunni firsr before than Muslim? I mean isn't that too much sectarianism?
Well...I respect yours like anyone else. But I wonder you said to feel Sunni firsr before than Muslim? I mean isn't that too much sectarianism?
İ wrote, both identities are equally important to me. And I guess I'm not that sactarian otherwise I wouldn't support the official recognition of Cem Houses as a religious place.

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