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Turkey To Israel: Cross Our Airspace To Bomb Iran & We Will Respond Like An Earthquak

I don't even need to prove Iran's innocence.:rofl:

Who are you to decide no one will assist iran ? read the statement of Turkey's PM that should be enough for you.

It might be a religious war for the worshipers of Lucifer but not for the Iranians

the article says nothing about assisting Iran. It talks about implied consequences for violating airspace. Where do you get Turkey assisting Iran out of that?

As far as the religious side of things. Iran is a theocracy and religion controls all aspects of it.

'Divine mission' driving Iran's new leader - Telegraph

Will the 12th Imam cause war with Iran? - Telegraph
the article says nothing about assisting Iran. It talks about implied consequences for violating airspace. Where do you get Turkey assisting Iran out of that?

As far as the religious side of things. Iran is a theocracy and religion controls all aspects of it.

'Divine mission' driving Iran's new leader - Telegraph

Will the 12th Imam cause war with Iran? - Telegraph

I'm sure you would have been able to comprehend the interview better if it was in hebrew
And a country having 'Hexagram' on its flag blaming others for bringing it down to religion.
The only excuse Israelis have for the state is religious
'promised by god'
isn't it in the name of religion they butcher the children of gaza everyday
I don't even need to prove Iran's innocence.
What 'innocence'? If some guy living somewhere else is hiring thugs to vandalize your house, he is just as guilty of the crime as the thugs. Likewise, Iran is and has been waging a low intensity proxy war against Israel all this time.

Who are you to decide no one will assist iran ? read the statement of Turkey's PM that should be enough for you.
Me decide? What make you think I have any power to compel anyone to do anything? YOU the one who has been making pronouncements regarding Iran's imaginary allies. Or as children call it -- invisible friends. But it is clear that since the last time Israel kicked serious Arabs buns, there has been no alliance against the Jews.
"Ulta choor kotwal ko dantay"
Translation : Thief scolding the policeman
Barret i think its mainly because US is already engaged in Iraq and Afghan and they had their hands full for now...They cant risk opening another war front for now..And also US economic condition is not at all suitable for a war ..
Actually...The US can indeed strike at Iranian nuclear facilities at this time with Iraq and Afghanistan. No one is talking an invasion of Iranian soil. Iran does not have the capability to 'seal off' and defend the Strait from oil tanker traffic. Iran does not have the capability to retaliate against the US Navy sitting far enough off Iranian coast. But we may not need to do anything but refuel Israeli fighters exiting Iran.
Actually...The US can indeed strike at Iranian nuclear facilities at this time with Iraq and Afghanistan. No one is talking an invasion of Iranian soil. Iran does not have the capability to 'seal off' and defend the Strait from oil tanker traffic. Iran does not have the capability to retaliate against the US Navy sitting far enough off Iranian coast. But we may not need to do anything but refuel Israeli fighters exiting Iran.
U.S. will never attack Iran esp there will never be a ground invasion of Iran. People can mark my words. It's simply not on their global agenda. The only thing that scares the US is Iran getting nukes. Hence the hue and cry.

US needs a hostile Iran to justify their extravagent military presence in Saudi Arabia and domination of the oil and energy rich middle eastern countries.

Even though Iran has been bigger threat to Israel. Iran is and was not a threat to America -rather the US regimes have been hostile to the Irani people. If the U.S. and Britain really wanted to topple the Shia regime in Iran, they could have done it in the 70's or the 80's during the Iran-Iraq war they could've easy helped Iraqi's annihiliate Iran. But no, they didn't do taht back then b/c it was not their objective. nor is it their objective now.

All the media's anti-Iran warmongering champaign is really a smoke screen to distract people from the real U.S. involvement and exploitation in the middle eastern affairs.
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Actually...The US can indeed strike at Iranian nuclear facilities at this time with Iraq and Afghanistan. No one is talking an invasion of Iranian soil. Iran does not have the capability to 'seal off' and defend the Strait from oil tanker traffic. Iran does not have the capability to retaliate against the US Navy sitting far enough off Iranian coast. But we may not need to do anything but refuel Israeli fighters exiting Iran.

Gambit, sorry to interrupt you. But I want to know one thing, why Israel or US need to attack Iraq? If nukes are the reason then it's an open secret that Israel have nukes and US have the stock pile.
Gambit, sorry to interrupt you. But I want to know one thing, why Israel or US need to attack Iraq? If nukes are the reason then it's an open secret that Israel have nukes and US have the stock pile.
It is not just about nuclear weapons but about the character of a country's leadership and intentions. In a region where the world needs stability, Iraq under Saddam Hussein was an unstable element and there was no regional counterweight to Iraq. Pay no mind to the claim that we remove Saddam Hussein 'for oil'. Instead look at the global oil prices and see the absurdity of it when it was $100+ per barrel. Now it hovers around $80 and OPEC is saying that is a happy medium. Those who make this claim simply does not realize that the US import most of our oil from non-ME sources such as Mexico, Venezuela and Canada.
It would be better that the discussion is kept to the thread opening statement and not diverted to religion or what US is doing. Otherwise the meaning of opening the thread is lost. Keep the discussion to Israel, Turkey & Iran & their relations.

Thank you sir , This is a perfect notification for some Blind warmongers among us:agree:
U.S. will never attack Iran esp there will never be a ground invasion of Iran. People can mark my words. It's simply not on their global agenda. The only thing that scares the US is Iran getting nukes. Hence the hue and cry.

US needs a hostile Iran to justify their extravagent military presence in Saudi Arabia and domination of the oil and energy rich middle eastern countries.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US pulls out of Saudi Arabia
The United States has said that virtually all its troops, except some training personnel, are to be pulled out of Saudi Arabia.

The decision was confirmed by US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld during a joint news conference with Saudi Defence Minister Prince Sultan.
Extravagant, you say?

Saudi Arabia
Unless the Saudi Govt is smart now not to allow them.
Saudi Telvision usually sensor Israel as a whole what shocks me is that they allow them to bomb Iraq back in 1985
But then again I think the saudis was threatened by the US to allow them.
Who says that Saddam was not a puppet for the west.
Through Hezbollah, Iran is at war against Israel. One can argue that Hezbollah is needed because Iran is not capable of attacking Israel directly. Ballistic nuclear missiles will give Iran that capability.

Well i am not too sure that Iran will be willing to attack Israel with a preemptive strike...afterall Israel has way better surveillance and will be ready.
Iran has a lot to lose, they are not desperate and have a reasonable chance to become quite developed.

They just need the nukes to talk tough...a bargaining chip if you ask me really.
Afterall whenever foreign pressure has been applied, Iran has backed down...the likes of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad talk big game no doubt, but so far i have not seen any force behind the claims...Iranians are smart enough not to compromise their security.
Open attack on Israel will never be in their favour, even if they attack with Nukes.
With US so close, i do not think Iran will even be able to launch a nuclear strike.

Which brings me to an analytical question, if hypothetically today Iran launches conventional missiles at them...will Israel not go the nuclear way?

Turkey is a strong nation and cannot be taken lightly by Israel since they have had a reasonable relationship.
Turkey has a very good chance of mediating amongst all parties but recently i think they are trying to bring Israel down from a very aggressive posture it has adopted against Palestinians.
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US needs a hostile Iran to justify their extravagent military presence in Saudi Arabia and domination of the oil and energy rich middle eastern countries.
You mean like this...

BBC News - Iraq oil development rights contracts awarded
A joint venture between the UK's Shell and Malaysia's Petronas oil companies has won the right to develop Iraq's giant Majnoon oil field.

A total of 44 companies are bidding for 10 fields in the second such auction since the invasion in 2003.

Shell and Petronas beat a rival bid from France's Total and China's CNPC.

Although Majnoon is a huge oil field, with reserves of 13 billion barrels of oil, it currently produces just 46,000 barrels per day.

Shell and Petronas have pledged to increase that output to 1.8 million barrels per day.

Their venture will receive a fee of $1.39 a barrel. In June this year, a winning bid to develop an Iraq oil field received $2 a barrel.

Foreign expertise

Also on Friday, a consortium led by China's CNPC was awarded the contract for Iraq's Halfaya oil field. The consortium also includes Malaysia's Petronas and France's Total.

It requested fees of $1.40 a barrel of oil extracted from the field, and projected output would reach 535,000 barrels per day.

Halfaya, in southern Iraq near the border with Iran, is a much smaller field with reserves of 4.1 billion barrels of oil.

Iraq needs the expertise of foreign companies in order to reach its goal of reviving its oil industry, which has been battered by years of war and sanctions.

The country has a daily output of about 2.4 million barrels, but aims to triple that over the next few years.
During the sanction years, UN Security Council members France and China had under-the-table black market oil deals with Saddam Hussein. Same with Syria, Russia and Germany. The Oil-For-Food scandal tainted the office of the UN SecGen itself. Now we see China, France and Malaysia, a predominantly MUSLIM country in Iraq drilling for Iraqi oil.

But bizzaro enough...It is US who is accused of invading Iraq 'for oil'.
It would be better that you refresh your geography. Israel & Syria have a direct border, do hope you know the Golan Heights and the War of 67 & 73 in which ground forces of Israel & Syria faced & fought each other. So if a country has a direct border with another, why it has to fly over another country and attack it. Israel directly bombed Syria without using any other country's airspace.

I was thinking about Operation Orchard 2007
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Operation Orchard

Before and after photo of target released by the U.S. government.
Date September 6, 2007
Location Deir ez-Zor region, Syria
35°42′28″N 39°50′01″E / 35.70778°N 39.83361°E / 35.70778; 39.83361
Result Destruction of Syrian site

Israel North Korea
F-15I Ra'am fighters
F-16 fighters
1 ELINT aircraft
Total: As many as 8 aircraft Unknown numbers of radar and Anti-aircraftsystems of the Syrian Air Defence Forces
Casualties and losses

10 North Korean workers allegedly killed.[1] Destruction of the site.
Operation Orchard[2][3] was an Israeli airstrike on a target in the Deir ez-Zor region[4] of Syria carried out just after midnight (local time) on September 6, 2007. The White House and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) later declared that American intelligence indicated the site was a nuclear facility with a military purpose, though Syria denies this.[5] Preliminary International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) tests came up with no indication to back the claims of the United States or Israel,[6] but a final evaluation justified a continuation of the investigation.[7] Claims were made about "significant" traces of uranium found at the site,[8] but these findings have been disputed by Syria.[9] U.N. inspectors found "significant" traces of uranium at the site,[10] while the IAEA

Operation Orchard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If Irans anti air systems in no better then Syrias they got big problems.
It is not just about nuclear weapons but about the character of a country's leadership and intentions. In a region where the world needs stability, Iraq under Saddam Hussein was an unstable element and there was no regional counterweight to Iraq. Pay no mind to the claim that we remove Saddam Hussein 'for oil'. Instead look at the global oil prices and see the absurdity of it when it was $100+ per barrel. Now it hovers around $80 and OPEC is saying that is a happy medium. Those who make this claim simply does not realize that the US import most of our oil from non-ME sources such as Mexico, Venezuela and Canada.

Who is the US to decide the "character of the leadership and intentions". All countries build weapons to use them, that is their intention. You are the only ones to have ever deployed a nuclear weapon in war, so if anyone has a questionable character and intention, it should be you. Is this clear admission of the fact that the US will wage war on any country that goes against its interests, even if there are no justifiable reasons for such, and even if the leadership of that country won nearly a 70% majority in the last general elections?

And so, you invaded Iraq to get rid of Saddam Hussain? I thought it was because Iraq was building Weapons of Mass Destruction. Once again I ask you, what gives you the right to go into another country and change its leadership simply because it is not to your liking. And cut the crap about the "unstable" and "power imbalance", because if we're talking imbalance of power, it starts with Israel. Iraq was not the source of instability in the region, it has always been the actions of your very dear ally. Iran getting nuclear weapons capability will help bring some balance of power in that region, the one you so dearly "care" about.

I'm sorry gambit, you have chosen to go down a losing road here. Your understanding of the Middle East seems no better than that of George W. Your very own current President, and many other intellectuals in the US and around the world, are finding it very difficult to justify the Iraq war, it was meaningless and useless, and it is no more stable now than it was when you invaded. They are also finding it increasingly difficult to turn a blind eye to Israel's disproportionate violence and internationally recognized illegal activities against the Palestinians. Mr. Erdogan will get a lot of respect for this, not only from Muslims, but anybody who cares to look at the Israeli-Palestinian issue through a relatively neutral lens.
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