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Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

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I will come back for a technical discussion.

No we don't need to send it to another country to have it fixed. It's just your fantasy.

After unveiling your "super duper stealthy pizza delivery drone", you have some nerve to criticize other countries indigenous UAVs.


Off topic but this drone landed without making a wreck. Check the videos.

By the way the Iranian drone is not a100% Iranian.
That pizza box is made in US radar. You did not know it.
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This forums quality drops day by day.... Here we got a new Iranian member with his limited knowledge trying to bash on Turkish products.

Yeah mate sure, our UAV is Zionist to the core..
@SOHEIL your member here is humiliating himself with his limited knowledge. Give him a hand please or i'am going to unleash Atatwolf on him. :D

Is this suppose to be a reply to my comment? my "limited" knowledge is still worth more than bunch of Turkish fan boy propaganda trash.
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As far as I am aware, Iranian drone are actually tested.
Try sending "Turkish indigenous drones" into Israel and see if they get as far as Iranian one :)
even the 10 year old drone Iran gives to Israel are more tested than this fake propaganda trash Turkey makes for Turkish fan boys
Whilst we're at it, go check the Iranian drones which spied on US carrier for 20 minutes without being detected.

Turkey needs to first make a proper drone without ripping off 50% of it's components from Israel or other NATO nations.
Yeah, you enter Israel with your RC planes, sry i mean super super stealthy drones wich are shooted down instandly, really a great archievement...
Sry but this mullah propaganda works only on you guys, the rest of the world is just laughing.
Is this suppose to be a reply to my comment? my "limited" knowledge is still worth more than bunch of Turkish fan boy propaganda trash.

No it was not a reply on your comment.

Do you think some random internet guys saying "our drones sub-parts are from foreign countries" cut it and proves your knowledge. :laughcry:

Who are you anyway
Speaking of trash,
Are you lost mate?

No not at all, I made a simple comment and your friend had to bring Iran into it.
Only a brain dead moron would think this so called Turkish drone is made 100% by Turks.

Turkey is not yet able to make a indigenous MALE Uav.

No it was not a reply on your comment.

Do you think some random internet guys saying "our drones sub-parts are from foreign countries" cut it and proves your knowledge. :laughcry:

Who are you anyway

So you think this drone is 100% "indigenous"?

come on man, have some decency.

Yeah, you enter Israel with your RC planes, sry i mean super super stealthy drones wich are shooted down instandly, really a great archievement...
Sry but this mullah propaganda works only on you guys, the rest of the world is just laughing.

Yes they were shot down "instandly" :tongue:
Their UAV which spied on US carriers for 20 minutes were also shot down and were mulla propagda.
BTW, the RQ-170 which Iran has right now is about 20 years ahead of what you have now :)
Thank to the Americans.
Why do you ask me ? And what is from your point of view 100% "indigenous"

It's not about me, if you have some accusations prove them with facts, please.

All I said in the beginning is that this UAV is not fully Turkish made and thus Turkey would not be able to repair it if it needs be and then like a little child you brought Iran into it and talked about "Pizza" drone.

Is the UAV's engine Turkish?
Baykuş;4640043 said:
The only major component that's yet to be domestically designed is the engine, for which there are projects going on by the way.
Ok, hit me with your next doubt.

I don't understand what the Persian name anka has to do with technicality but these are the point you need to address.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon – not to mention its Persian name.
Another brain dead Turk.
If you were actually worth it, I could had explained your points.
I don't understand what the Persian name anka has to do with technicality but these are the point you need to address.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon – not to mention its Persian name.

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