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Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

Turkey is only doing what it's supposed to do. According to the 1948 UN convention on refugees refugees should seek shelter in the FIRST SAFE COUNTRY they come to. Not trek across a continent looking for a country more to their liking.

Indeed.I didn't see Turkey taking Yougoslav refugees during the 90's wars.They all went to Europe.
Turkey is only doing what it's supposed to do. According to the 1948 UN convention on refugees refugees should seek shelter in the FIRST SAFE COUNTRY they come to. Not trek across a continent looking for a country more to their liking.

Only issue there is, WE should keep our noses out of it in the first place. Now that WE actively destabilized the region, and involved ourselves, and literally caused some of the mess, the burden of responsibility is also upon us. Countries like Turkey have a right to ask whether this is just, and those refugees from Syria especially have the right to ask why we do so little despite our vast resources and intrusive foreign policy.

No. The people who created it were the Gulf states, Russia, Iran and Turkey.

That's nothing short of being plain false. We in Britain and the US are to a very large degree, responsible for a part of the mess, maybe not all of it, but a significant part of it.

And what do we do in response? Right wing fearmongering about immigration stopping us from taking in, even those from Syria without the hysterical media response.
Indeed.I didn't see Turkey taking Yougoslav refugees during the 90's wars.They all went to Europe.
We took millions of Yugoslav Muslims who were chased out by your Balkan friends. There are especially millions of Bosnians, Albanians and Bulgarians in Turkey. Also a lot who have ancestors from Romania. Some are from the Balkan wars, 80'ies deportations, or from Yugoslav war. There is a reason balkan's is a no mans land and Turkey has 80 million people. Most of the 80 million people's ancestors are refugees. Your ignorance is cutting like always.
Only issue there is, WE should keep our noses out of it in the first place. Now that WE actively destabilized the region, and involved ourselves, and literally caused some of the mess, the burden of responsibility is also upon us. Countries like Turkey have a right to ask whether this is just, and those refugees from Syria especially have the right to ask why we do so little despite our vast resources and intrusive foreign policy.

That's nothing short of being plain false. We in Britain and the US are to a very large degree, responsible for a part of the mess, maybe not all of it, but a significant part of it.

And what do we do in response? Right wing fearmongering about immigration stopping us from taking in, even those from Syria without the hysterical media response.
What intrusive foreign policy? There are no British weapons in Syria. period. Not even with the "moderate" rebels.
The truly vulnerable people are still in the camps anyway. The ones making their way to Europe are the fit and healthy young men. Even if they have no wives or children, how can they justify leaving their mothers or sisters behind?
Indeed.I didn't see Turkey taking Yougoslav refugees during the 90's wars.They all went to Europe.
Turkey took Albanian and Bosnian refugees, Serbs obviously preferred Europe otherwise they would probably have been taken too.
Also dont forget that Turkey assisted various balkan countries against Serbia, one of them being Croatia, a majority Catholic country.
Not to mention Kurds during Saddams massacres, Turkey always took refugees regardles of ethnicity or religion without bitching about it unlike some...
We took millions of Yugoslav Muslims who were chased out by your Balkan friends. There are especially millions of Bosnians, Albanians and Bulgarians in Turkey. Also a lot who have ancestors from Romania. Some are from the Balkan wars, 80'ies deportations, or from Yugoslav war. There is a reason balkan's is a no mans land and Turkey has 80 million people. Most of the 80 million people's ancestors are refugees. Your ignorance is cutting like always.

Oh,so you only took muslim refugees,no christians.How very racist of you.

Btw,Romania,not even commie Romania, never massacred/deported its muslims (Tatars,Turks) and I dare you to show us otherwise !

Turkey took Albanian and Bosnian refugees, Serbs obviously preferred Europe otherwise they would probably have been taken too.
Also dont forget that Turkey assisted various balkan countries against Serbia, one of them being Croatia, a majority Catholic country.
Not to mention Kurds during Saddams massacres, Turkey always took refugees regardles of ethnicity or religion without bitching about it unlike some...

Yet,as i've said,you only took muslim refugees,no christians.

Why moan if Europe does the same ?

Anyway,if Turkey would be a responsible country and secure its borders,there would be no deaths in the Mediteranian in a trekk towards Greece.Somebody might say that Turkey deliberately wants to flood Europe with migrants.
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What intrusive foreign policy? There are no British weapons in Syria. period. Not even with the "moderate" rebels.
The truly vulnerable people are still in the camps anyway. The ones making their way to Europe are the fit and healthy young men. Even if they have no wives or children, how can they justify leaving their mothers or sisters behind?
  • Intelligence support from our Cyprus base to the FSA.
  • Aid to elements in Syria since 2011.
  • Air strikes in Syria, which by the way, parliament voted against.
  • Diplomatic support to rebels and those whom we have difficulty even identifying, through the UN and attempts through the ICC.
  • That's all Syria, Iraq is also part of this refugee crisis, and ISIS would not exist without the Iraq war, without our support for the Iraqi government, without us waging war there and overthrowing the Ba'athists that now make up the ranks of ISIS.
  • Again we mention our role in bombing.
  • We've also unintentionally been exporting/sending non-lethal items to Syria, since before the war and during, some which haven't gone to entirely ethical uses.

Take your pick.
Yet,as i've said,you only took muslim refugees,no christians.

Why moan if Europe does the same ?
What are you expecting, us to beg to Serbs to come to Turkey?

Lets talk about a more recent crisis, do you know that the Christians and Yezidis from Syria also flee to Turkey? What do you think where all those religious minorities flee to from the war in Syria and Iraq?

And about moaning, how many times do we need to talk about this issue, you know my opinion about mass immigration so lets leave that a side, my problem is the attitude of some of you that goes as far as wishing for the death of people.
And then on top of that you come to critisize us regarding refugee problem, have some shame will you?
There are two different issues and people are getting to hot headed to discern between the two:

1 - taking in immigrants who are in dire need
2 - taking in uncontrolled immigration, most of it economical

I'm all for the first option and wouldn't mind my country taking in, voluntary, a couple of thousands and supporting Turkey in sharing the bill, event though this isn't our mess. Ofcourse, after making sure that those people we take really need it to survive
However, option two is the one that's happening now..this crisis is political, and at it's core you won't find immigrants, but completely divergent political views on how the EU should act

Edit: let's not start pointing fingers about who's to blame, there's a lot of that to share around the ME.
What are you expecting, us to beg to Serbs to come to Turkey?

Lets talk about a more recent crisis, do you know that the Christians and Yezidis from Syria also flee to Turkey? What do you think where all those religious minorities flee to from the war in Syria and Iraq?

And about moaning, how many times do we need to talk about this issue, you know my opinion about mass immigration so lets leave that a side, my problem is the attitude of some of you that goes as far as wishing for the death of people.
And then on top of that you come to critisize us regarding refugee problem, have some shame will you?

The ideea was that Europe wasn't moaning when it had to absorb European refugees like Turkey does now.It just did it.On top of that it's clear that Turkey is ferrying the current ones to Europe,it could easily secure its borders and stop the flow.
Oh,so you only took muslim refugees,no christians.How very racist of you.

Btw,Romania,not even commie Romania, never massacred/deported its muslims (Tatars,Turks) and I dare you to show us otherwise !

Yet,as i've said,you only took muslim refugees,no christians.

Why moan if Europe does the same ?

Anyway,if Turkey would be a responsible country and secure its borders,there would be no deaths in the Mediteranian in a trekk towards Greece.Somebody might say that Turkey deliberately wants to flood Europe with migrants.
Turkey has taken in Armenian refugees from Syria, yezidis too so religion is not an issue. You don't see Turkish leaders saying we should only take in xyz religion. Everyone is invited to come.

Turkey does not want all of these refugees to flood to europe, we would rather have them stay in Turkey, learn turkish and go back to Syria after the war is over, this would give us more influence in Syria in the future. If they go to europe they are a waste for us. We already have 2 million

We let them go to europe because taking care of this many refugees will cost too much money in the long term, if europe doesn't want them then they should help countries like Turkey and Jordan to cope with the crisis or else they will try to collect free money in Germany.

The ideea was that Europe wasn't moaning when it had to absorb European refugees like Turkey does now.It just did it.On top of that it's clear that Turkey is ferrying the current ones to Europe,it could easily secure its borders and stop the flow.
Why should Turkey stop the flow? Your leaders need to give us a deal.

There are two different issues and people are getting to hot headed to discern between the two:

1 - taking in immigrants who are in dire need
2 - taking in uncontrolled immigration, most of it economical

I'm all for the first option and wouldn't mind my country taking in, voluntary, a couple of thousands and supporting Turkey in sharing the bill, event though this isn't our mess. Ofcourse, after making sure that those people we take really need it to survive
However, option two is the one that's happening now..this crisis is political, and at it's core you won't find immigrants, but completely divergent political views on how the EU should act

Edit: let's not start pointing fingers about who's to blame, there's a lot of that to share around the ME.
I think countries like Romania shouldn't have to take any burden, they didn't put flame on the fire.
The ideea was that Europe wasn't moaning when it had to absorb European refugees like Turkey does now.It just did it.On top of that it's clear that Turkey is ferrying the current ones to Europe,it could easily secure its borders and stop the flow.
Why arent the Europeans countries securing their borders if its that easy?
We let them go to europe because taking care of this many refugees will cost too much money in the long term, if europe doesn't want them then they should help countries like Turkey and Jordan to cope with the crisis or else they will try to collect free money in Germany.

I agree with this,Turkey should receive financial aid to cope with them.

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