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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

I say again that Turkey shoot down russian jet but Iranian and Chinese azz BURNING . WHY?????
you should ask the same questions to your pakistan brothers why they shout so much to support you?
Why doesn't Turkey have the balls to come out and say, "We support ISIS and no one has the right to bomb them?" instead of always being sneaky about it?

They should learn a thing or two from Iran. When we support Hezbollah, we are direct and honest about it, and we don't care if the west calls them a terrorist group.
Turkey is very direct that they support FSA, and they showed the level of their support yesterday...
dont come here to Troll.. you better feel shamed for making sectarian war..
This thread with the all bullsh*t it includes is a good example why i have been keeping away for a while. Get a pc and internet connection here we go you are a pro-level expert on any single sh*t you dont have an idea about. I'm really tired of dealing with advanced idiocy. I'm out of this.

P.S: Russians, chinese, iranians, syrians and their ball lickers are free to send more figters into Turkish airspace to test things out.
Turks are a big player in the region with a formidable military.

Turkish advance jets piloted by NATO-standard pilots would shoot any Russian asset near their borders, if given orders.

Russians can't directly attack Turkey because it'd be a suicide (attacking the biggest European power in NATO)..

I guess Russians will 'punish' Turkey by attacking Turkey's allies in Syria.
suicide? sould like a god from your mentality. let me tell you, china and russia could easily handle those nato clowns, if you don't believe, you can try.
its called balls! You should zoom in on you to see what im mean..
sometims, i feel sorry for you... )

I never thought I would say this. But @Beast is right. Believe me, the Chinese are way more powerful than your armed forces. But, they do not go into a shooting match. They use their brains, unlike the Turks here who seem to be using their balls. You do not show your balls to your opponent and then give a reason to cut it off. You just did that.
suicide? sould like a god from your mentality. let me tell you, china and russia could easily handle those nato clowns, if you don't believe, you can try.

China would be partitioned like a pomegranate.
Russia need to understand this. You can't came from 1000 mile away and acting like a mafia of the region. This is our region. You need to work with us. If you don't like us you can go to hell.
1) I'm not a Russian "fan boy"
2) I made no reference to Erdogan
3) I made no reference to or call for Turkey to be nuked- that would be absurd

I am talking about logic and established norms. No proffesional military would shoot down a foreign plane and risk such an international incident for "payback" as you put it. If this is the case then some very hard questions need to be asked of the Turkish military.

Then explain the ROE to me! I am openly saying I don't get Turkish ROE and have been asking for over 100 pages for someone to provide me with the answer. Who exactly has the authority to shoot down a foriegn aircraft along the Turkish-Syrian border?

If you search instead of asking, you will see

"Every military element approaching Turkey from the Syrian border and representing a security risk and danger will be assessed as a military threat and will be treated as a military target"
If you search instead of asking, you will see

"Every military element approaching Turkey from the Syrian border and representing a security risk and danger will be assessed as a military threat and will be treated as a military target"

Shooting down a plane/using lethal force is the very LAST option and should only be used when there is a clear and present danger posed by the opposing aircraft to your national security.

You don't shoot down every aircraft that happens to stumble into your airspace and that too for a mere 17 seconds. The flight path it took (as shown by the Turkish military themselves) makes it clear that the Russian plane at no time was heading for the interior of Turkey and thus presented an almost negligable threat. Shooting from 60km away with zero warning (no, 5 minuets of radio warnings are not sufficent nor are they the only warnings prescribed by NATO) at a plane entering your airspace for seconds is entirely improper and, frankly, stupid.

Until now no Russian plane has bombed Turkish territory, there is simply no precedent of Russian aircraft posing a threat to Turkey as such the penalty for entering Turkish airspace in such a irrelevant manner should not be execution.

If Turkey wants to be treated like a mature country it should act like one and the fact that they have the ability to call on NATO for help means it is my problem or any citizen of a NATO country. You can act like clowns but don't do so when hiding behind the NATO sheild.
Turkey downed this plane and literally rushed to NATO instead of explaining this incident with Russia,as if they downed one of their jet.
We almost created an alliance with Russia to battle ISIS and someone had to topple our projects...

Who is holding you down ? Go fight ISIS on your own ? And no, Russia is not bombing ISIS but FSA.
This thread with the all bullsh*t it includes is a good example why i have been keeping away for a while. Get a pc and internet connection here we go you are a pro-level expert on any single sh*t you dont have an idea about. I'm really tired of dealing with advanced idiocy. I'm out of this.

P.S: Russians, chinese, iranians, syrians and their ball lickers are free to send more figters into Turkish airspace to test things out.

Dont be arrogant. Russia only need half day to wipe out all turkish airbases and air defence systems. Thats fact.
Know where your place is.
Dont act like a male teenager with too much testosteron. This is the real world in bigger dimension not in your street.
Yes, it lead to the TuAF being grounded. Any Turkish plane flying close to the border of Syria will now be shot down if Russian planes are in the air.
Turkey raised it's F-16 patrol aircrafts in Syrian border to 18 from 16.... Keep on dreaming Putin fanboy.

18 F-16 birden uçtu - Milliyet.com.tr

To readers of this thread. Most of the Indian posters are doing nothing but lying in this thread.
Who is holding you down ? Go fight ISIS on your own ? And no, Russia is not bombing ISIS but FSA.

That's what we are already doing,but we have to work with the Russians,and everyone who is serious about wiping them out should join them. C'mon,FSA or whatever is dead since long time ago,our leaders sadly want to show us there are still "moderate" fighters,but it's all BS.
And BTW,if we had ISIS guys on the other side of the border,we would have wiped them out instead of sending our tanks to the border,watching what they are doing and waiting something to happen. :disagree:
If only Turkey was that strict toward ISIS guys than Russian aircrafts. :lol:

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