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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Erdogan is simple stupid...when there were chances of a rapprochement between Russia and the West to take on ISIS, this antics by Erdogan has spoiled everything.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Update - Turkish official: downing of jet was not an action against any specific country but a step to defend <a href="News about #Turkey on Twitter">#Turkey</a>&#39;s sovereign territory</p>&mdash; Sky News Newsdesk (@SkyNewsBreak) <a href=" ">November 24, 2015</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="News about #Russian on Twitter">#Russian</a> FM <a href="News about #Lavrov on Twitter">#Lavrov</a> cancels trip to <a href="News about #Ankara on Twitter">#Ankara</a>, <a href="News about #Turkey on Twitter">#Turkey</a> following downing of Russian jet over <a href="News about #Syria on Twitter">#Syria</a>.</p>&mdash; The War Blog (@TheWarBlog2015) <a href=" ">November 24, 2015</a></blockquote>
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the plane fall in Syria lands , Turkey can't prove that it was in Turkey aerospace ....

Russia just need to use UNSC and impose serve sanction on Turkey ... and Turkey economy will fail ...

no need to rush things when they have time and other tools for punishing Erdogan ....
if they failed in UNSC ( for example , USA or England veto any resolution against Turkey ) , then Russian can shot down a Turkey fighter and say :" it was in Syria aerospace " ...
Russia can give guided anti tank missiles and MANPADs to the Kurds, this may even make the prospect of a Kurdistan inside Turkey a real possibility.

But, if some day Kurds turn barrel of those missles againist primitive Iran tanks and armored vechiles..??....
Kurds in Turkey could sound their voice freely through democratic means in Turkey...But Kurds in Iran like a hiden boiling volcano under earth..even Turks in Iran as same as Kurds..at present Iran could control its big politic and ethnic problems through dictatorship...But history say us dictatorship is not a warranty solution..Even it will make problem bigger in long term...Just like an earthquake or volcano it is a matter of time..

and more...Russia has no luxury of lossing a powerful country like Turkey..We are no.1 customer of Russian gas and can close bosphorus to Russian military ships....Of course, we have no luxury of lossing a big country like Russia as well.. :)
indeed, i like uncle Puto...
Idiots are those who thinks that Turkey can't defend it self. Seems like dumb Fs forgot how much Pakistan humiliated F..kin Soviet Union in Afghanistan & Pakistan is still in one piece today.

We're with you Turkish brothers & sisters.

Fu*k Russia & USA
Erdogan is simple stupid...when there were chances of a rapprochement between Russia and the West to take on ISIS, this antics by Erdogan has spoiled everything.
Do you know his daughter build a hospital to treat ISIL injuries? He is not stupid, he is extremist.
Hope spetsnaz rescues the surviving pilot.....or at least takes vengeance on the mofos if he's killed.
Lay off Putin's d!ck ya bengali
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