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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

I believe losing a jet against Turkish is bad for Russians.
But if ISIS managed to capture the ejected pilots then things will turn very tragic..... ISIS will not show any mercy........ And as a result, Russians will also respond in more power full way.......
It's very unnecessary that Turks get themselves involved in such a mess, they won't dare to do it without USA's support. Russian bomb ISIL, and then Turkey shoot down Russian fighters. It's very obvious who is supporting the terrorist. Even a three years old child can tell it.
I don't see how saying Turkey supports ISIS which is a fact is against any rules. Don't think this forum supports terrorist nations

u piece of shit show ur real flags before calling them terrorist supporter..
Ironically,just a few months ago the Russians were ranting about what superb jamming devices a Su-24 has and how it jammed a US Aegis equipped destroyer leading to its marines quitting in panic.

And now reality sets in....F16 comes,F16 fires a missile.........Su-24 bites the dust.Next !
Not ISIS, Tukmens in Syria, they have no-connection with ISIS. They are fighting against ISIS.

You armed them.
Is that the right thing to do "In another" country?

Seriously, you armed another ragtag group while theres a war torn country fighting for its sovereignty.
So obvoiusly they'll bomb them too.
Unless ofcourse, They'd side up with the govt but nahhh, the masters dont want it that way.
all future Russian bombing sorties should have fighter escort from now on.
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