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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

When the Russians violated our airspaces,we send our aircrafts to intercept theirs,we escort them til they leave,and everything stops here. And their jets would be downed if they are considered as dangerous.
We don't want an escalation over some stupid things.
Maby thats why they do not take us seriously...
U obviously skipped physics lessons in school. Jet flying at high altitude with 900-1000 km/h speed can easily fly over 10 km after being shot.
I agree and this is why during Soviet occupation of Afghanistan... PAF was careful in targeting the violating jets to ensure that the debris will still fall within Pakistani area.
whatever the reason... I wish it could have been avoided.

Same here.

I am not accustomed with military aerospace protocol. American F-15s have been escorting out Russian long range bombers for decades.

Difference is that those bombers never entered America airspace (though America did several violations yearly in the 50s till the Soviets developed more fighter bases, radars and SAMs...and then after this continued with U-2s and blackbirds (esp after gary powers) till detente kicked in). At most some USSR bombers and a/c entered American ADZ's.

However the Turks are claiming this particular plane entered Turkish airspace and stuck around ignoring warnings to leave.

It reminds me of the atlantique incident actually.

I care more for Turkey and I also welcome( qualified) Russian role in Middle east as a counter balance as well and specially in the fight against ISIS.. I see this event as a big blow to any possible alliance or understanding.

Lets wait and see what the Russian reaction is. Turkey is part of NATO so I doubt anything too major is going to happen.

I pray that next time Russian bombers dont come with Russian top line fighter escort. the winners will be ISIS and their wahabi supporters in case of any escalation of violence

Russia should stick to well within Syrian airspace to be extra-careful to avoid such incidents...or come to some agreement about airspace buffers with Turkey. The former is more likely to happen....and no I don't think Russia is going to escalate this to something really drastic....their economy and logistics are not going to be able to support it.

However if Russia comes out with a major unrelenting stance that the jet was within Syrian airspace and they dont let that slide....they could definitely escalate this. We will have to wait and see.
So, would you allow them to travel in your airspace for an hour although they are not responding to the radio contact and in full armament ?
You don't even realize you guys are in shit trouble man, better find a place to hide. This time you become scapegoat for USA once again. A Muslim NATO country is not right from the first beginning.
True,it happened to us also and we just send our old Migs to escort them.We were actually joking that the Russians are doing it just to exhaust the few life hours the 21's still have in them.
Addition to the my reply to Frenchpilot's post. We changed our rule of engagement in Syrian border in 2012 when Syria downed our jet. And General Staff's announcement was "aircraft with unknown nationality"... we downed a mig and mi-17 in the same border before. Russian's should have been more clever.

, they are unhappy with Russians bombing ISIL

Russia was bombing Turkmen Mountain when we downed their jet, not ISIS. And we told them not to.....
I believe losing a jet against Turkish is bad for Russians.
But if ISIS managed to capture the ejected pilots then things will turn very tragic..... ISIS will not show any mercy........ And as a result, Russians will also respond in more power full way.......
So, would you allow them to travel in your airspace for an hour although they are not responding to the radio contact and in full armament ?
you are talking to another fellow NATO countryman. I believe you share the same protocols?
why the disagreement and confusion?
Nothing dramatic will happen, unlike Turks which are hotheaded Russians are calculated and rational, in war you have casualties, this minor incident is, well it is minor, business as usual for Russians.
No i don't think so they might consider it act of war if the plane shot down withing Syrian border, In case if the Russian just wanted to know the Turkish mood they will do nothing otherwise coming days will be roller coaster for the new.
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