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Turkey Send Tanks to Syria Border, Threatens Attacks

Russia can not even handle the mighty Chechen and Afghan Mujahideens. Their communism and USSR threat destroyed also. If they want lose the relations withTurkey because of Assad that slaughtering his own people.. then go ahead.

Assad thinks that Syria belongs to him and his family. What kind of retard thinking is this?
Russian bear turned into a teddy after dissolution of Soviets and it can't stand against NATO in a rightfull war only thing it can do is make propaganda with their media and everyone knows that in media propaganda West by far outweights Russia...

But that teddy still carry many teeth of bear . moreover why you think that in the time of economic crisis in Europe NATO will stand beside Turkey militarily ? If it was a just turkey vs Syria then it would not be a problem for Turkey but the wounded Bear is standing beside Asad regime.
With out the NATO green signal Turkey cannot fight the Syrian.the Putin has order couple of division of its troops ready to send to Syria . i have lost the news source but it also mention about the spatnaz troops. :undecided: :

No mate, Turkey did not wait for any "NATO Green Signal" or any permission in 1974 for Peace Operation in Cyprus. Assad Regime should not test our limits.
Now Syria will be forced to divert some resources to the Turkey front which would be used to fight the rebels. I would say Turkey should not attack Syria. PSYOP is the best approach for Turkey - maximum win at a minimum effort. Turkey should mobilize the troops on the Syria border in a massive way but hold off on attacking Syria. Rebels are having a fight at the outskirts of Damascus and Assad is in a very vulnerable situation.

For umpteenth time - Stupid stupid Assad for shooting down the Turkish plane.

i doubt they would... turkey said if any military vehicles or troops etc go near the border and present any danger at all they will attack them basically.... if syria sent troops or tanks to the border, even in a stand off... its game on..
Russia is the masters in the world at selling their AK-47 to terrorist worldwide and making money , and then selling to government so they kill each other , selling their guns to african poorest continent

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