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Turkey Send Tanks to Syria Border, Threatens Attacks

Let's not mix politics with this. Everybody's preparing for war. Turkey will porbably re-locate all the sophisticated equipment normally stationed on Greek border. And probably electronic warfare has already begun syrian army might be having difficulties operating radars and com. equipment due to excessive jamming.

About one day or two will be spent to bombardment of near priority targets from air and artillery. Then ground units will start marching all the way to south. I predict war to last seven to ten days.

And this war is right and not some political game......???? Its your country do as you like...But remember the so called reasons you are going to fight for today will come back biting tomorrow when some countries will have no longer interest in you...

As i said you've been played but you dont know it yet....

Look if you cant understand differences between shooting down an airplane and killing so-called aid workers what can i say? Syria shot down my country's airplane. That plane represents my country. Assad will pay soon or later no doubt...

Yeah we have been playing a game and this game is not over yet ....
Look if you cant understand differences between shooting down an airplane and killing so-called aid workers what can i say? Syria shot down my country's airplane. That plane represents my country. Assad will pay soon or later no doubt...

Yeah we have been playing a game and this game is not over yet ....

And why that plane entered syrian airspace in the first place....????
Turkey has a right to protect its sovereignty, and should deploy counter measures and be on guard. You don't simply shoot down a unarmed f4 phantom without warnings, then restrict access for turkey to search for the missing pilots.
Turkey has a right to protect its sovereignty, and should deploy counter measures and be on guard. You don't simply shoot down a unarmed f4 phantom without warnings, then restrict access for turkey to search for the missing pilots.

When a country is in such state of war you can......
why Syrian choppers entered my country's airspace 5 times ? Maybe the same reasons ?

Should have shot them down......Why didn't you?

BTW i would like source on the claim above....Haven't read the news lately.
I disagree, Russia is still the second most powerful country in the world. They can decimate most of NATO except the US.
Yes! thats absolutely right , Russia is still the most powerful country after USA militarily......:smokin:
Look if you cant understand differences between shooting down an airplane and killing so-called aid workers what can i say? Syria shot down my country's airplane. That plane represents my country. Assad will pay soon or later no doubt...

Yeah we have been playing a game and this game is not over yet ....

so back then they was AKP but now your F-4 are from turkey ... maybe back then akp wasn't in power ....

maybe Assad would pay you with another punch in your face ....

the problem is that you haven't any experience in this game , and this game is high level and all other players are experts ...


well , In fact most smart people knew your aid ship was another trick from akp to fool some naive peoples to think you are against Israel .... thanks you for admitting this ...
Dude do you have mental problem or testing my patience?

Cant say about mental problem as every mental man will deny that he is mental :) but surely not testing your patience...

Anyway just wanted the source for the claim as I wasn't able to find the news..... If that was happened it might change my view and apologize as i was commenting on half knowledge.
maybe Assad would pay you with another punch in your face ....

Assad ?? lol...

Assad can hide behind Russia she doesn't have guts to face with Turkiye one to one... She must thanks to god we wont lose our one of the biggest market. As i said why would we give a harm our economy just because of chicken Assad?

If she has guts, why does she beg to Russia for defending herself from Turkiye ??:lol:

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