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Turkey says Iran not honest in nuclear talks

I seen women in Turkey that were almost naked...they are by no means an Islamic state.
they are also a part of the modern day crusader (NATO)...

Bro I have no problem that the are secular but my problem is that on the whole I like Turkish people. It;s just very sad they are part of a Muslim hating group. maybe they can change it from within. Rather than Nato change them
Bro I have no problem that the are secular but my problem is that on the whole I like Turkish people. It;s just very sad they are part of a Muslim hating group. maybe they can change it from within. Rather than Nato change them

I hate the turkish leaders...how can one hate all of turkey lol?
I hate the turkish leaders...how can one hate all of turkey lol?

in fact we do not need to hate anyone. Turkish leaders are their own business what is important to us is their policy that we disagree with them.
personally I think Mr. Erdugan's words and decisions most of time comes from his anger rather than his analysis
Turkey is a secular country, not an Islamist republic.
I don't think the Turkish people would ever allow it to become an Islamic republic.
in fact we do not need to hate anyone. Turkish leaders are their own business what is important to us is their policy that we disagree with them.
personally I think Mr. Erdugan's words and decisions most of time comes from his anger rather than his analysis

A leader should be smart and use his logic instead of his anger.

Turkey is a secular country, not an Islamist republic.
I don't think the Turkish people would ever allow it to become an Islamic republic.

I have to say I agree.
Turkey needs to choose between Islam and the EU.
A leader should be smart and use his logic instead of his anger.

I have to say I agree.
Turkey needs to choose between Islam and the EU.

Well EU is the center of hypocrisy..If you mean Turkey should abandon EU membership and improve relations with Islamic world, i wouldnt agree more..But if you mean Turkey should become Islamic Republic, then i would have to disagree on that one
Well EU is the center of hypocrisy..If you mean Turkey should abandon EU membership and improve relations with Islamic world, i wouldnt agree more..But if you mean Turkey should become Islamic Republic, then i would have to disagree on that one

I prefer secular but without Nato lol

Turkey is a secular country, not an Islamist republic.
I don't think the Turkish people would ever allow it to become an Islamic republic.

Had America not kept backing dictators in Iran maybe Iran might have just gone secular??. You see you Zionists don't realise sometimes the consequences of your actions long term. You don't realise that Israel by it's actions today in its battle with Iran it is setting up the seeds for its own destruction
Well EU is the center of hypocrisy..If you mean Turkey should abandon EU membership and improve relations with Islamic world, i wouldnt agree more..But if you mean Turkey should become Islamic Republic, then i would have to disagree on that one

I am not even a muslim, I mean the europeans will never let you become a member you had muslim leaders etc...
I prefer secular but without Nato lol

Had America not kept backing dictators in Iran maybe Iran might have just gone secular??. You see you Zionists don't realise sometimes the consequences of your actions long term. You don't realise that Israel by it's actions today in its battle with Iran it is setting up the seeds for its own destruction

People like you are annoying me. You are living in England, a coalition country, member of the NATO and EU. But you are hating from NATO and EU and talking about zionist crap.

Well EU is the center of hypocrisy..If you mean Turkey should abandon EU membership and improve relations with Islamic world, i wouldnt agree more..But if you mean Turkey should become Islamic Republic, then i would have to disagree on that one
I couldn't agree more. Turkey must go in its own way, and must improve Turkic Council's position.

Together we must be!
People like you are annoying me. You are living in England, a coalition country, member of the NATO and EU. But you are hating from NATO and EU and talking about zionist crap.

And I find mentally challenged people like you annoying.
the country he supports(Pakistan) is not a nato member state though is it?
I come across people in the UK all the time who called for their country to leave Nato.

please don't talk **** if you don't know what to say...
And I find mentally challenged people like you annoying.
the country he supports(Pakistan) is not a nato member state though is it?
I come across people in the UK all the time who called for their country to leave Nato.

please don't talk **** if you don't know what to say...
If you return your state and say that you are not a muslim, probably they will hang you. It is not my concern anyway.

You will understand when you grow up.
People like you are annoying me. You are living in England, a coalition country, member of the NATO and EU. But you are hating from NATO and EU and talking about zionist crap.

I regard your remark as racist and your reason for irritation is flawed. So there are lots of white English people who agree with me maybe 20 generations and they disagree with their govt policies you feel the same about them??

Remember again war on Iraq there were millions against invasion or with UK involvement.

Europe's leaders may be divided on the Iraq crisis, but the majority of people across the continent are united in their opposition to war, polls suggest.
From Portugal to Russia, opinion surveys suggest that without a further UN resolution, most Europeans are overwhelmingly against war - and even a second resolution would not convince many of them


Maybe if the majority in Turkey support Nato's action that is why Turkey is not allowed to join EEC because your views are not in line with Europeans??

If you return your state and say that you are not a muslim, probably they will hang you. It is not my concern anyway.

You will understand when you grow up.

No it is you that has limited educational attainment to discuss here rationally
If you return your state and say that you are not a muslim, probably they will hang you. It is not my concern anyway.

You will understand when you grow up.

in ten years time when are 15 come back here and we will talk. for now go watch cartoon kiddo.
A leader should be smart and use his logic instead of his anger.

I have to say I agree.
Turkey needs to choose between Islam and the EU.

eu failed organization because of ecenomic crisis beside do you represent iran islam we know wery well iran islam whatever government fallow improper foreign policy we should fallow policy of isolationism let him muslims are killed by your ally russia and esad
eu failed organization because of ecenomic crisis

Immaterial they are failed they didn't allow you to join. Ever thought why?

we should fallow policy of isolationism let him muslims are killed by your ally russia and esad

Ok so all Muslims should bow to Tel Aviv who instructs AIPAC who instruct America who because they are largest in Nato have largest say in Nato. Right??
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