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Turkey`s allround Leader

Erdogan is a very charismatic leader...no doubt!

His Quranic recitation is also very good, Mashallah.

He outclasses his secular opponents in terms of knowledge of languages, sophistication culture, and understanding of traditions.

Poor seculars can barely speak Turkish while Erdogan has knowledge of Arabic language, and knows how to recite classical Qur'anic Arabic (very hard task).

Erdogan, as a person, is a much, much more sophisticated person than lots of people---especially so called seculars who I bet don't have any expertise in foreign languages and cultures.
Erdogan, as a person, is a much, much more sophisticated person than lots of people---especially so called seculars who I bet don't have any expertise in foreign languages and cultures.
on what basis can you say that? because it's the exact opposite in Pakistan, where you're from. the mullahs are complete and utter dumb asses where only secular and liberal people have knowledge of the world.
how can it be the other way round in turkey when according to mullah wannabes pakistan and turkey are the same people same nation so everything in our countries should be same? xD
on what basis can you say that? because it's the exact opposite in Pakistan, where you're from. the mullahs are complete and utter dumb asses where only secular and liberal people have knowledge of the world.
how can it be the other way round in turkey when according to mullah wannabes pakistan and turkey are the same people same nation so everything in our countries should be same? xD

No, in Pakistan "liberal" and "secular" people don't have knowledge of the world. Majority of best leaders, innovators, military generals, and entrepreneurs of Pakistan have been Muslims. Practicing Muslims somewhat.

And you are just another basic internet parrot with no real life experience. "Mullah dumb blah blah"...what do you mean my that? There are showmen retards who make money on the name of Islam..and then there are absolutely genius Islamic scholars from Pakistan whose intellect is far, far superior to yours (whether you like em or not). Take Javed Ahmed Ghamdi for example.

Lastly, I praised Erdogan's cultural sophistication and Erdogan is not an Islamic scholar (Mullah) in Turkey..he is their leader.

Erdogan, who can read Arabic fluently and has very great recitation of classical Arabic, is more culturally sophisticated than those who can't even read a word of Arabic (all else the same). How hard it is to grab??
I have that bad feeling that @LegionnairE does not like AKP (Erdogan).
You're goddamn right.

I doubt he speaks arabic fluently, he knows enough to read the quran with a proper accent. He's your typical Imam Hatip graduate.

and I don't think learning to speak arabic in 21st century is a worthwile experience whereas learning English or German would give you access to countless scientific sources.

and he fails at even the elementary English :lol:
No, in Pakistan "liberal" and "secular" people don't have knowledge of the world. Majority of best leaders, innovators, military generals, and entrepreneurs of Pakistan have been Muslims. Practicing Muslims somewhat.

And you are just another basic internet parrot with no real life experience. "Mullah dumb blah blah"...what do you mean my that? There are showmen retards who make money on the name of Islam..and then there are absolutely genius Islamic scholars from Pakistan whose intellect is far, far superior to yours (whether you like em or not). Take Javed Ahmed Ghamdi for example.

Lastly, I praised Erdogan's cultural sophistication and Erdogan is not an Islamic scholar (Mullah) in Turkey..he is their leader.

Erdogan, who can read Arabic fluently and has very great recitation of classical Arabic, is more culturally sophisticated than those who can't even read a word of Arabic (all else the same). How hard it is to grab??
again, on what basis do you say that? mullahs are not the people who run the government, or universities, or make tanks and bombs for us, it's the educated people who more often than not are peaceful liberal minded folk.
also you have the basic definition of liberal and secular wrong. if i say someone is liberal it does not mean they are atheists or non muslims. anyone can be muslim as well as secular. and again, you're saying whatever you want without knowing anything. you've never read a book written by me or heard me speak or heck even know me, how can you say that my intellect is nil compared to Ghamidi. actually I'd agree it is, because I listen to him, and I'm surprised you're praising him considering he's also a secular and progressive person, but the point is you're making extremely broad assumptions based off your hatred for people who do not hold the same views/beliefs as you.
also, what does cultural sophistication mean? I've never seen Erdogan in a fez or wearing Turkish dress, where's his own culture? Just because he knows Arabic it makes him superior to those who can't?
If that's true then I'm more 'culturally sophisticated' than Erdogan and by correlation you since I know Urdu, English, French and a little bit of both Japanese and Arabic.
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