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Turkey`s allround Leader

I already predicted his victory and an insulting defeat to the seculars and it did happen so I guess I know a bit of politics in Turkey
Same thing has been happening since 2001 no need to be a genius to figure that out.

oh I predict that sun will rise tomorrow.
Same thing has been happening since 2001 no need to be a genius to figure that out.

oh I predict that sun will rise tomorrow.
Same thing has been happening since 2001 no need to be a genius to figure that out.

oh I predict that sun will rise tomorrow.
So you know that his success and popularity is as sure as the sun ( i hope you don't take a u-turn like all secu-liars) then why are you arguing with me.
So you know that his success and popularity is as sure as the sun ( i hope you don't take a u-turn like all secu-liars) then why are you arguing with me.
Yeah... what did you expect? opposition parties had the majority in the parliament for 5 months and they spent that time fucking around refusing to talk to each other like a bunch of childeren.

It was obvious AKP was going to win... It doesn't make them any good.
Yeah... what did you expect? opposition parties had the majority in the parliament for 5 months and they spent that time fucking around refusing to talk to each other like a bunch of childeren.

It was obvious AKP was going to win... It doesn't make them any good.
The only difference is that i predicted his before 2001
Only reason Erdogan has so much support is because the media isn't free anymore, and AKP gets all the attention. Even if the other political parties were doing good things there is not enough coverage.

The other problem is the existing political parties don't have charismatic leaders, which is why Erdogan is still the center of focus. Only way to break his control is to free the media and change the current useless leaders. CHP doesn't improve at all, and as you may have noticed MHP more or less retain their current votes, but those ppl vote because of Devlet Bahceli, the current leader of MHP...

Also you can't ask for peoples votes if you don't have a plan, and don't have a selling point. AKP unfortunately has really established it self strongly, only chance to break this was in June, but as you say Erdogan dragged things out so long that we went for a reelection, which AKP managed to rally more supporters, while everything went from bad to worse.

Times have changed, but the past leaders also did their best during the circumstances before 2000. They struggled and persevered and managed under difficult circumstances.
I already predicted his victory and an insulting defeat to the seculars and it did happen so I guess I know a bit of politics in Turkey

I don't what is your IQ level is but if you had some above 110 and also some interest in the local politics, 6 month are more than sufficient for you know who are the main players, what each party stands for and how popular is that among masses. i really don't see that will be problem rather today with internet, I can get quite a good picture or any country in six months and if I'm living 24x7 for 180 days, I have to be a dumb not to be knowledgeable about the local customs and politics or maybe I spent that time in prison without any TV or interaction. I really doubt that if you any activity between your ears dude.

Yeah you're so smart man. Usually only people with low self esteem feel the need to talk about their so high and true IQs because they believe it gives them some sort of credibility.

Not only that but you also feel like you need to belittle others because you're out of arguments.

Go and read some books about Turkish history and come back. Talking to a few people in Konya (especially Konya) does not improve your qualification.

And btw look at secular India at your doorstep, they are beating your country in every and any category.
You should have stayed with the Indians, maybe then your country wouldnt be in such a bad shape as it is now.
three tea cheers to the imam of all muslims, muammar gaddafi.

may his enemies drown in mud.
Erdogan, as a person, is a much, much more sophisticated person than lots of people---especially so called seculars who I bet don't have any expertise in foreign languages and cultures.
Puh-leaze, I know tons more about cultures and languages than Erdogan ever will... it's called Wikipedia and Google Translate. :yu:
I'd rather have someone who at least understands the importance of scinence even if he isn't a nuclear physicist like Angela Merkel

Like I said in my previous post I am not in a position to make advised comment on Turkish politics. My observation on what a leader should have is a general proposition rather than specific referance to Erdogan. He is your leader and as such I respect him. I am not in a position to approve him or not as I am not Turkish. So please keep me out of the anti or pro Erdogan camp.

However in my view a good leader does NOT by definition need high education. A leader above all else leads people. That is his/her expertise is managing people. That is is the most important asset that there is. As long as a leader can manage human assets he/she can easily have the best experts to give/her advice.

Some of the greatest men in history had NO formal education but they went on to shake the world. I give you some examples. Lord Alan Sugar left school at age 16 and today's runs global companies.

When Sugar was young, his family lived in a council flat. Because of his profuse, curly hair, he was nicknamed "Mop head", a name that he still goes by in the present day.[15] He attended Northwold Primary School and then Brooke House Secondary School in Upper Clapton, Hackney, and made extra money by working at a greengrocers.[15] After leaving school at 16,[16] he worked briefly for the civil service as a statistician at the Ministry of Education. He started selling car aerials and electrical goods out of a van which he had bought with his savings of £50.[17]

Alan Sugar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Like I said in my previous post I am not in a position to make advised comment on Turkish politics. My observation on what a leader should have is a general proposition rather than specific referance to Erdogan. He is your leader and as such I respect him. I am not in a position to approve him or not as I am not Turkish. So please keep me out of the anti or pro Erdogan camp.

However in my view a good leader does NOT by definition need high education. A leader above all else leads people. That is his/her expertise is managing people. That is is the most important asset that there is. As long as a leader can manage human assets he/she can easily have the best experts to give/her advice.

Some of the greatest men in history had NO formal education but they went on to shake the world. I give you some examples. Lord Alan Sugar left school at age 16 and today's runs global companies.

When Sugar was young, his family lived in a council flat. Because of his profuse, curly hair, he was nicknamed "Mop head", a name that he still goes by in the present day.[15] He attended Northwold Primary School and then Brooke House Secondary School in Upper Clapton, Hackney, and made extra money by working at a greengrocers.[15] After leaving school at 16,[16] he worked briefly for the civil service as a statistician at the Ministry of Education. He started selling car aerials and electrical goods out of a van which he had bought with his savings of £50.[17]

Alan Sugar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in Turkey's case uneducated ignorant people make shitty statesmen

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