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Turkey reaffirms its strong support for Kashmir cause

Iran is already far ahead of turkey in influence and regional power. also they have a higher input of science etc. That have much higher potential than you lot. You are nothing except NATO's puppet.
Turkey was always and will always be better than Iran. that is the truth. lol
And what does Iran has?? or India?

top five producer of petroluem/natural gas
ability to shut down Strait of Hormuz (they will provoke a war - it is a different issue)
center of the Shia sect of Islam
land route to access Afghanistan/Central Asia

7th largest country
2nd largest population
biggest source of skilled labor for American IT multinationals
3rd largest economy by PPP

Turkey was always and will always be better than Iran. that is the truth. lol

For the past 50 years Turkey has been a better place to live than Iran
you can thank Ataturk and Turkish army generals for it
I am an American as far my nationality goes, but Iranian by blood. I have an Iranian passport. My father is Iranian and thus I am considered Iranian as well. All your post are bunch of retarded gibberish. On top of that, you're probably a takfiri terrorist as well.
Says a loser who is bad mouthing a country that gave his ancestors a decent life which would otherwise be not possible in mullah iran. Shameless ! Insignificant brat
Turkey was always and will always be better than Iran. that is the truth. lol

But I just told you why that is BS. You're far less significant than Iran as far the region goes and you're behind Iran in science output. You have nothing even worth mentioning.You don't even have any natural resources your only significance is being NATO's little plaything.
top five producer of petroluem/natural gas
ability to shut down Strait of Hormuz (they will provoke a war - it is a different issue)
center of the Shia sect of Islam
land route to access Afghanistan/Central Asia

7th largest country
2nd largest population
biggest source of skilled labor for American IT multinationals
3rd largest economy by PPP

For the past 50 years Turkey has been a better place to live than Iran
you can thank Ataturk and Turkish army generals for it
Yet, Turkey will live better than Iranians and Indians on average....LOL
I was talking about influence and significance. But you're right even saudis are far more influential in politics. These turks are only big on internet forums, in real life, they're just NATO's little puppet.

calling Turkey a puppet of NATO is a mistake
they are a NATO member

they have their own interests and need to be engaged accordingly
there is no point over reacting
Says a loser who is bad mouthing a country that gave his ancestors a decent life which would otherwise be not possible in mullah iran. Shameless ! Insignificant brat

Iran is far more prosperous than the likes of pakistan will ever be. I am in Iran right now and will be moving here in just a few years. Meanwhile you're a takfiri terrorists living in the kebab shop in the UK LOL.
Iran is far more prosperous than the likes of pakistan will ever be. I am in Iran right now and will be moving here in just a few years. Meanwhile you're a takfiri terrorists living in the kebab shop in the UK LOL.
Is that why your ancestors left for US then :lol:
@royalharris @Ottoman123 Guyz....4 the sake of PDF and Pakistan, as you both are our allies,,,,just think how will you feel when your some allies start abusing each other? We Pakistanis are just smiling when we look towards your debate, u both are nationalists and proud people of your country. We respect that. But you will shake hands eventually....We know it...We will act like a bridge b/w you folks...

So, hold your high horses folks, you have no dispute when compare to other disputes/clashes in world....It should be and will b solved soon....

So cheers and don't fight...:tup: :)
I was talking about influence and significance. But you're right even saudis are far more influential in politics. These turks are only big on internet forums, in real life, they're just NATO's little puppet.

saudi oil production capacity and surplus capacity is equivalent of economic nuclear weapon
calling Turkey a puppet of NATO is a mistake
they are a NATO member

they have their own interests and need to be engaged accordingly
there is no point over reacting

Not really, NATO will abandon them when the time comes. They're treated like dirt. Like a dog they're begging to be let in EU but they wont let them. NATO will just use them as cannon fodders and nothing more.

saudi oil production capacity and surplus capacity is equivalent of economic nuclear weapon

That nuclear weapon seems to be damaging them more than anyone at the current time!
Not really, NATO will abandon them when the time comes. They're treated like dirt. Like a dog they're begging to be let in EU but they wont let them. NATO will just use them as cannon fodders and nothing more.

why should EU let them in unless they comply with European norms and customs ??
But I just told you why that is BS. You're far less significant than Iran as far the region goes and you're behind Iran in science output. You have nothing even worth mentioning.You don't even have any natural resources your only significance is being NATO's little plaything.
No one considers you anything except a bunch of sand niggers of the Middle East lol.
Not really, NATO will abandon them when the time comes. They're treated like dirt. Like a dog they're begging to be let in EU but they wont let them. NATO will just use them as cannon fodders and nothing more.

That nuclear weapon seems to be damaging them more than anyone at the current time!

with all the surplus wealth they mismanaged their internal economy and human resource development
at least they have not gone around starting wars like Saddam did

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