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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

Kashmir is not a integral part of india never was never will be , and it is not your or your countries moral obligation to raise concern over Pakistan and its internal issues such as Balochistan or any other simply lets get that straight and keep it that way.

Impact of a political statement depends on who delivers that statement. It is up to India to decide whether Freedom of Balochistan is our moral obligation or not. As far as J&K is concerned it is our territory.
Kashmir is not a integral part of india never was never will be , and it is not your or your countries moral obligation to raise concern over Pakistan and its internal issues such as Balochistan or any other simply lets get that straight and keep it that way.

Well East Pakistan was your integral part and your internal issue too..that did not prevent it from breaking away.

As long as Pakistan will try to break Kashmir from India. India will further disintegrate Pakistan..may that be in Bangladesh or Balochistan.
Ding dong and Ares are both on some real good shit lolz keep dreaming and trolling that's your life
like we beat the shit out of each other, and as a result both countries gain nothing except being sent back a decade in our economy, causing the International community to laugh at India and Pakistan while we fight each other

Well I don't think Pakistan has the resources or is in any position to attack India..... or can afford a war.....

If it does and say hypothetically it's an all out conventional war.... we all know what will be the result of that.

Not that I am saying Pak forces will just wilt away. The must be a good fighting unit.

I don't want to sound pompous but it's safe to say Pak will not be able to beat the shit out of India.

Yes, war will be tough. But, sometimes tough measures are needed.

If left to us KeyBoard warriors .....we might start now.... :sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
so you want us to handle this the hard way?

I have one question? (Assumption: I'm unaware about what has been happening in Kashmir sine the 80's. I just woke up from a 35 yr slumber :woot:)

Why and what makes *YOU* think that Kashmir should be part of Pak ? (Let's keep aside the independent Kashmir state aside for a while)
I have one question? (Assumption: I'm unaware about what has been happening in Kashmir sine the 80's. I just woke up from a 35 yr slumber :woot:)

Why and what makes *YOU* think that Kashmir should be part of Pak ? (Let's keep aside the independent Kashmir state aside for a while)
the same that makes you think that Kashmir should be part of India

Well I don't think Pakistan has the resources or is in any position to attack India..... or can afford a war.....

If it does and say hypothetically it's an all out conventional war.... we all know what will be the result of that.

Not that I am saying Pak forces will just wilt away. The must be a good fighting unit.

I don't want to sound pompous but it's safe to say Pak will not be able to beat the shit out of India.

Yes, war will be tough. But, sometimes tough measures are needed.

If left to us KeyBoard warriors .....we might start now.... :sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
Pakistan is perfectly capable of beating the shit out of India, and vice verse, but someone getting a clear victory? i dont think so, cuz as soon as our economies crash through the roof, the international community will stop all this
Its not a stupid comparison at all , all those words you listed above are all for show to the world where in reality the people of Kashmir have no rights and are treated worse then animals . " A illegal occupation is what it is called " this is the reason india won't come to the table nor let UN bring the issue and solve it because they know they will loose simply . Do some home work and understand what your country is doing and has been doing then come back here to write .....

So how do you think all the people who work in this building got there:


As I said before, Kashmiris have as many rights and priviledges as the rest of Indians, AND THEN SOME MORE. The comparison to Israel-Palestine is as off the mark as can be. I know that for some people, everything they dislike is like Israel-Palestine.

Pakistan is perfectly capable of beating the shit out of India, and vice verse, but someone getting a clear victory? i dont think so, cuz as soon as our economies crash through the roof, the international community will stop all this
You are overestimating the international community's love for India or Pak. As long as it doesn't affect their interests, they won't care. Just like India or Pak did not try to prevent the Iran-Iraq war.
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well great majority kurds of turkey dont want to independency or join ıraq and syria kurdistan just marksist and leftist kurds wants it (pkk example) in addition turkey have good relation with ıraq kurdistan because they sell to us cheap oil and we have good trade capacity with them . the relations ae increasing day by day as economic ,cultural etc so your claims are baseless in hear finally we are open each offer to for better solution;)

We dont care...

If you meddle in our internal affair....

we have every rightort to reciprocrate and support independent kurdistan...

YOU dont mediate and we will also keep aloof from your internal troubles
If they are so weak,why not take over the whole of Pakistan,since you obviously must be very strong?

This is a stupid conjecture.

Even if we assume for a moment that Pakistan could be annexed ( Possible if Nukes are removed or a credible BMD system is designed ), why would India do that considering that muslim population in India would increase from 13.4% to 25%; which would destroy social cohesion and unassailable Hindu majority of India.Also India being a democratic country would mean that Muslims in India would gain power, since their number would increased.

You must remember that India had a chance to reintegrate Bangladesh into India, and India could easily do that even today given that Bangladeshi armed forces are weaker than Armed police of most of Indian states. Neither India did that in 1971 nor is it even remotely considered for same reason. On the contrary,Government wants to expel Bangladeshis who have illegally entered into India.

In a democracy, acquisition of territory could only occur if, either the population of acquired territory is small, or acquired territory has similar social and cultural framework. The day of empires exist only in dreams of megalomaniacs.
This is a stupid conjecture.

Even if we assume for a moment that Pakistan could be annexed ( Possible if Nukes are removed or a credible BMD system is designed ), why would India do that considering that muslim population in India would increase from 13.4% to 25%; which would destroy social cohesion and unassailable Hindu majority of India.Also India being a democratic country would mean that Muslims in India would gain power, since their number would increased.

You must remember that India had a chance to reintegrate Bangladesh into India, and India could easily do that even today given that Bangladeshi armed forces are weaker than Armed police of most of Indian states. Neither India did that in 1971 nor is it even remotely considered for same reason. On the contrary,Government wants to expel Bangladeshis who have illegally entered into India.

In a democracy, acquisition of territory could only occur if, either the population of acquired territory is small, or acquired territory has similar social and cultural framework. The day of empires exist only in dreams of megalomaniacs.
First look at which post i replied then write your story.
First look at which post i replied then write your story.


What is wrong with that post?

Even Pakistanis admit that 1965 war was their last chance of taking J&K by force. I am pretty sure that even if all muslim countries support Pakistan militarily, it would be impossible to defeat Indian Armed forces and snatch away an Indian state.India could fight a Soviet type battle due to inexhaustible manpower resources. Barring US, no country could defeat India decisively enough to gain territory.
From no where can it be said the same about Balochistan , plus we are talking about Kashmir and not Balochistan and not but least Balochistan is a part of Pakistan the same can't be said about Kashmir which your country has under illegal occupation which Is not recognized by the UN nor the world may I say more .
UN,,,i think we r well passed UN on Kashmir issue,,they have no say...forgot shimla.
n btw what makes u think that if u poke us,we wont retaliate.
so yes,,,for us Kashmir is same as balochistan(or NWA) is for Pakistan.
just provinces/states with insurgency issues.
yes, we beat the daylights out of you in the West


You lost a whole Tank army to a infantry battalion in desert of Rajasthan. And India captured 3600 sq Km of West Pakistan territory compared to 120 sq Km territory captured by Pakistan. Your Airforce was so thoroughly decimated that it could not provide Air support to your Armored corps and chose to sit out of action after couple of days.

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