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Turkey ready to play role in Kashmir settlement

OH My, you and yor wet dreams, we have been developing our Military without nothing? im sure it was the angels who sent us these tanks and jets

Just check the economic growth rate of your country before 1965 and after 1965 till date, you guys could never attain the kind of momentum you had before the 1965 war. From that point onwards Pakistan took a backseat in terms of economic growth & development vis-a-vis India, before that you guys were doing better than us. :)
Just check the economic growth rate of your country before 1965 and after 1965 till date, you guys could never attain the kind of momentum you had before the 1965 war. From that point onwards Pakistan took a backseat in terms of economic growth & development vis-a-vis India, before that you guys were doing better than us. :)
because before 1965 you got into a war with India, and shortly after 1965 we had another war, and lost an important economic part of us owing to "Democracy", then we were pushed into a war which is continuing till now
because before 1965 you got into a war with India, and shortly after 1965 we had another war, and lost an important economic part of us owing to "Democracy", then we were pushed into a war which is continuing till now

You were not "Pushed into any war", one way or other you guys "ASKED FOR" all the wars you fought or still fighting.....think about it thoroughly. :)
Hehehe... How about settling Kurdistan first..? Then probably move on to Syria and Iraq..? Erdogan is slowly turning into Zia ( on foreign policy ).

As much as offer is considered : Thanks but NO Thanks... We are fully capable of solving our internal issues.
You were not "Pushed into any war", one way or other you guys "ASKED FOR" all the wars you fought or still fighting.....think about it thoroughly. :)
were we not pushed into the war on terror by USA?
We welcome the political and hopefully military support ;) of our brotherly nation turkey in case we find ourselves in another war with india over kashmir which is inevitable given the way indian state wants to humiliate pakistan on this issue.
No. You were pushed into the Jihadist war by Zia in 1980's. Its that same war that is continuing even today
you know what, im tired of replying to say many quotes, im also doing my assignment in which no one on PDF is helping me, why dont you all just kill me?
We should in return offer them playing a role in settling Kurdistan and Northern Cyprus issue.
We welcome the political and hopefully military support ;) of our brotherly nation turkey in case we find ourselves in another war with india over kashmir which is inevitable given the way indian state wants to humiliate pakistan on this issue.

Like China helped you in 71 and 99?
For issue like Bosnia, Palestine, Kashmir etc ... UN was actually created. Kashmir issue is not a bi-literal debate by the way....
For issue like Bosnia, Palestine, Kashmir etc ... UN was actually created. Kashmir issue is not a bi-literal debate by the way....
It was designated via 1971 Simla agreement between India and Pakistan as a bilateral issue
It was designated via 1971 Simla agreement between India and Pakistan as a bilateral issue

Can you please write the paragraph of shimla agreement where Pakistan agreed upon - It is a biliteral issue and solve only by two countries ?
were we not pushed into the war on terror by USA?

If you keep poisonous snakes as your pet, and if they go around biting people, then it is expected that someone someday will come and knock at your door.
If you keep poisonous snakes as your pet, and if they go around biting people, then it is expected that someone someday will come and knock at your door.
dude, speak clearly

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